Can God disappear if He wants to?

If all of you were dead, I would still exist. Why should God be any different?

Because according to your analogy God would be dead as well. He needs people to be alive.

Because omnipotence means all powerful, hence the power not to exist for those who don't believe in Him.

How so? If God doesn't exist to the non-believer than the non-believer doesn't exist to God.

No. If God doesn't exist to the non-believers, the non-believers do not exist to God. Gee, this was your own position just a few posts back.

Not existing to non-believers by choice does not make God less omnipotent. Try this yourself and see how omnipotent it makes you.

The fate of believers is affected by God who is in communication with the believers. God can affect the non-believers through the believers, and still not exist to the non-believers.

God exists to the believer, but disappears if the believer becomes an atheist. What's so illogical?

See, if you are correct God does not exist if no one believes in Him.
Given that once there were no people, God couldn't have existed in the first place.
The only possibility is that people made up God.
For the last time, I never said God doesn't exist if no one believes in Him. God still exists in Heaven. But, this world is not Heaven - duh.
I was giving you miracles as proof - not saying if there were no miracles then God is a delusion.
For the last time, I never said God doesn't exist if no one believes in Him. God still exists in Heaven. But, this world is not Heaven - duh.

You did say that, see quotes in post 101 :bugeye:
I guess SkinWalker isn't around? Ha Ha! My thread lives until that arrogant atheist wakes up.
If there is only one true religion and one God, and God uses miracles to inspire believers; why does God perform miracles for followers of all religons? You can find miracles in almost every religon.
I guess SkinWalker isn't around? Ha Ha! My thread lives until that arrogant atheist wakes up.

The only thing that is arrogant is you thinking there is a univeral god, because jesus said