Can God disappear if He wants to?

No, I am responding to you. This is the third time I've answered your question. It begins by a non-believer believing in God. It is like picking up a phone and calling God.
No, I am responding to you. This is the third time I've answered your question. It begins by a non-believer believing in God. It is like picking up a phone and calling God.

Aren't you confusing him with Houdini ?
Roll up. roll up. see god the great escapologist. Watch him disappear befor your eyes.
Nothing exists unless you believe it does.

Not confidence, not love, not happiness, not faith.
Nonsense. I don't have to believe I am happy to be happy.

The problem with Why?'s line of questioning is it means every absurd idea is equally valid and possible. Rules become meaningless, as is science, common sense, logic, etc... Basically turn off your brain and reasoning abilities and you can live in whatever virtual world you find attractive.
No, I am responding to you. This is the third time I've answered your question. It begins by a non-believer believing in God. It is like picking up a phone and calling God.

Maybe it helps when you quote the post you are replying to..

So the people really control God then, not the other way around ?
Can't an omnipotent being give you control over the being? You control whether God exists by whether you believe in Him. Didn't Jesus give Peter the keys to the kingdom of Heaven?
Can't an omnipotent being give you control over the being? You control whether God exists by whether you believe in Him. Didn't Jesus give Peter the keys to the kingdom of Heaven?

Again, how is that different from a delusion ?
God would exist even if no one believed in Him. But God wouldn't exist in this world.