Can God disappear if He wants to?

Before then, there was nothing. How does one come to believe in God when you are not told about God? If you have no instinctual belief in God? If God does not exist for the non-believers, this isn't much of a quandry.
Because I believe in Jesus - and Jesus said he was the way. And Jesus performed miracles. Therefore, the other religions can't have miracles.
But other religions have written accounts of miracles as well, how do you explain that ?

are they all lying and jesus was right?

Or maybe because they dont believe in the god you do, the god they believe in exists to them and not you or your god?
Before then, there was nothing. How does one come to believe in God when you are not told about God? If you have no instinctual belief in God? If God does not exist for the non-believers, this isn't much of a quandry.

ok so like Enmos said.....if there is no one to believe or hear of god......then god does not exist. concept of god.

basicly what your saying is god exists because jesus, moses, etc etc said so. If we weren't told of god he would not exist even though we do? That is......./facepalm

see people this is what religion does to you see this...take a good look.....christ on a crutch man I cannot belive you have logic that is this flawed. I consider myself respectful of others beliefs but this thought process of your cannot be good, I don't see how it can at all be helpful to you.
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God does exist in Heaven, even if there is no one to believe in Him in this world. My logic is not flawed. Other religions and their supposed miracles are a pack of lies.
It is more important for me to know the truth. And yet, none of you can claim to know the whole truth, can you?
God does exist in Heaven, even if there is no one to believe in Him in this world. My logic is not flawed. Other religions and their supposed miracles are a pack of lies.

ok well if there is no one in this world to belive in god.....whats the point of god even existing.......why be omni[whatever] if your own existance is pointless. If no one believes in you, you might as well be tinkerbell or the easter bunny.

The same logic your using to prove the existance of god I can apply to the easter bunny.

The easter bunny exists because my parents said so, there is a book that also talks about the easter bunny. The easter bunny perfoms miracles like filling my basket full of candy and whatnot. :rolleyes:
It is more important for me to know the truth. And yet, none of you can claim to know the whole truth, can you?

no and thats just common sense. No man can claim ownership of the truth.....its quite possible the most nieve and arrogant thing to do is say you know for sure what is and what is not........just like you are doing right now.
It is more important for me to know the truth. And yet, none of you can claim to know the whole truth, can you?

The whole truth concerning? What I can tell you with absolute certainty is that your answer to my question is a lie. Not only did you lie to me, but you lied to yourself as well.