Can God disappear if He wants to?

Yea, but I didn't think he meant it literally..
What worries me is that, now that I know he did mean it literally, he seems to be saying that believers exist in another parallel universe than non-believers :eek:

what if your a buddhist? :eek:
The fate of believers is affected by God who is in communication with the believers. God can affect the non-believers through the believers, and still not exist to the non-believers.
Why?, could you please respond to this post ?
Enmos said:
Well, how is anyone ever going to start to believe in Him to begin with if you are right ?
Start at the very beginning please..
God exists to the believer, but disappears if the believer becomes an atheist. What's so illogical?
The fate of believers is affected by God who is in communication with the believers. God can affect the non-believers through the believers, and still not exist to the non-believers.

So he can't affect the non-believers directly ? What does that mean for his supposed omnipotency ?
No. Believers and non-believers exist in the same universe. However, God being omnipotent can cease to exist for some people in our universe and exist for others in the same universe. The parallel universe analogy was only to point out that science may come to accept the idea of two things both existing, but not existing with relation to each other.
No. Believers and non-believers exist in the same universe. However, God being omnipotent can cease to exist for some people in our universe and exist for others in the same universe. The parallel universe analogy was only to point out that science may come to accept the idea of two things both existing, but not existing with relation to each other.

So it was a flawed analogy then :bugeye:
Why? can you please quote the post you are replying to ?
Also, can you please answer my question in post 7. This is the fourth time I asked.. :bugeye:
If God wills his non-existence to the non-believer, it says nothing about His omnipotency. If anything, it points out his omnipotency. I am not saying God has no choice in the matter. If God had no choice, than that would lessen his omnipotency.
This is like if a tree falls in the forest and nothing is around to hear it....does it make a sound?

God is about as "real" as the voices in your head. If you hear voices they are real. If you don’t hear voices, then they are not real...if you believe in god, god is real. If you do not believe in god, then god is not real. Its all about what you believe.

You can't ask someone else what god can and cannot do unless their perceptions and definition of god is the exact same as yours. The multitude of various answers possible are just as numerous as each persons perspective or belief of what "god" is, which is so numerous that no conclusion can be made.

So if you are looking for a set answer there are none....there is no wrong or right there is only personal representation of "god"

if you are looking for an opinion here ya go:

god can't disappear because he does not exist in the first place. I will not allow him to exist. I refuse to believe in a all powerful being so incompetent and cruel as to create the total bass ackwards ridiculous world we live in. There is nothing awesome about torture, slaughter, slavery, child molestation, rape, etc etc I can go on and on. I would not want to be a part of an existence where the supreme creator was this careless and tyrannical. So in order for me to have peace of mind......god cannot exist....for if he does and this is the way he operates.....were all fkd.
If God wills his non-existence to the non-believer, it says nothing about His omnipotency. If anything, it points out his omnipotency. I am not saying God has no choice in the matter. If God had no choice, than that would lessen his omnipotency.

Listen, if what you say is correct then the non-believer doesn't exist to God.
HOW then can he ever decide to exist again for that non-believer as he doesn't exist to Him ?
God wouldn't have the slightest idea what people don't exist to Him..
It begins with the non-believer believing. It is like picking up a phone to God, because God wants it that way.