Sure it will, if there is a reason for anything. Discovering how things work always results in a cause and effect relationship being revealed. The "why" simply becomes apparent when the causes are known.
means are different to motives.
how do i live is different from why do i live, everyone can see that.
Pure fantasy speculation.
very convincing rebuttal.
is curiosity in humans pure fantasy speculation?
is the ever thirst to that which cannot be reached, cannot be understood[in other words beyond science], pure fantasy speculation?
or is it because you're the atheist, and i'm the theist, that you can reply with such hollow assertions and think you'll have it just accepted?
curiosity is a trait that generates needs.
humans have always been lacking and incomplete one way or another, including their mental capacity.
that's where spirituality comes in, that's where the pure fantasy speculation comes in.
But then science isn't a human.
If spirituality ever became real and hence measurable then spirituality would become part of science.
yeah, and cease being spirituality.
and if one age's spirituality became another age's science, there will always be new voids for spirituality to fill in.
there will always be a void for god to fill in.
whether you like it or not.
whether you
admit it or not.
Science in its basic sense simply means - knowledge. There is nothing anti-religious or anti-spiritual about science.
a- science means tangible{i.e directly through senses} knowledge, very limited.
hunch and (pure fantasy) speculation play a more major role in humans' daily lives. in othr simpler words, most people don't give a damn about(nor need) the knowledge collected through the scientific method, knowledge through instinct for example keeps races alive, knowledge through science does not.
b-spirituality in its basic concept means interacting with that which is not known.
that which is not known always exist.
humans will always long for it.
science doesn't have anything to do with it.
science is missing.
more like, humans relying only on science are..incomplete.
there isn't a question you can't answer with "god did it".
you wanna keep that question unanswered, no problem, just don't tell me you're having the same peace of mind as that who does.