Can anyone prove the existence of God?

I actually equate sex with marriage, and think (from experience) that taken lightly, or used in the wrong way, can hurt people.

I hope you're referring to those involved in sex and not third person.
Is their free choice and third person has no place in their intimate life.

But, I've spent enough time as a child, and around children to know that they are indeed born into sin. That's why they cry so much. Then, as they grow in this world, they are hurt and enslaved like all of us. Its sad to watch.

You only ask them why they cry and they will answer honestly because they are innocent.(Any pup cry in certain circumstances and they have no soul already be condemned.)
I hope you not scared them with Hell or Satan.
Its not clear the connection you are trying to draw between a question on the proof of god's existence (especially in the sense that its analogous to the proof of the president's existence) and a (broad) wiki link on logic.

You're right. :thumbsup:

I hope you're referring to those involved in sex and not third person.
Is their free choice and third person has no place in their intimate life.

Children are 3rd persons.

You only ask them why they cry and they will answer honestly because they are innocent.(Any pup cry in certain circumstances and they have no soul already be condemned.)
I hope you not scared them with Hell or Satan.

Babes are uncomfortable and unfulfilled straight out of the womb. This is because of sin. Sin is not just an act, it is a genetic condition that causes suffering as well.

Without sin, we will not hunger, or thirst, or feel pain, or discomfort, or fear.
It is not hateful to recognize suffering and desire its end. It is loving in fact. And we are all inherently flawed (good and evil), religious or not. And ultimately, the only difference that matters between us, is that some can see and some are blind.

Not this is the difference between us.
Dferenta between us is:reasons, the causes that lead to these things and ways of correcting them.

You're right. :thumbsup:
well if you have a problem with it, you could explain your position .... you know, this being a discussion forum and all ...

I've already explained mine.

You simply imply its not logical and post a wiki link.

Not this is the difference between us.
Dferenta between us is:reasons, the causes that lead to these things and ways of correcting them.

Those who see, see that its obvious that we can not correct this on our own.
Children are 3rd persons.

Yes,there is a problem.
Moral, I will for the children's right.
Legally, I will for the free choice

Babes are uncomfortable and unfulfilled straight out of the womb. This is because of sin. Sin is not just an act, it is a genetic condition that causes suffering as well.Without sin, we will not hunger, or thirst, or feel pain, or discomfort, or fear.

No genetic link between parents' soul and new born soul.
Those who see, see that its obvious that we can not correct this on our own.

Only we can and you must effort to do that.
First you forgive yourself,then you can accept the world as it is.
And that should do it yourself, nobody can help.

It's a long thread.
Try reading some posts.

I don't have to. I know how all sides involved will answer the question; however, YOU are the one asking the questions that I have answered. Now that you have an answer, what's your next step?

Only we can and you must effort to do that.
First you forgive yourself,then you can accept the world as it is.
And that should do it yourself, nobody can help.

I will NEVER accept this world the way it is. Suffering is NOT ok with me and it never will be. NEVER.
I don't have to. I know how all sides involved will answer the question; however, YOU are the one asking the questions that I have answered. Now that you have an answer, what's your next step?

Thanks for your opinion I was just curious.
I will NEVER accept this world the way it is. Suffering is NOT ok with me and it never will be. NEVER.

This world is and hell and heaven.You choose.It is hard but it's your choice.
If it helps you,I feel your pain.
It is not hateful to recognize suffering and desire its end.

That's why we desire an end to religions as the cause nothing but suffering and spread hatred.

And we are all inherently flawed (good and evil), religious or not. And ultimately, the only difference that matters between us, is that some can see and some are blind.

And, some are insane. :)
Without sin, we will not hunger, or thirst, or feel pain, or discomfort, or fear.

Yeah right, tell that to the tens of thousands of children who starve to death every day while you sit and have conversations with your god.
Probably the reason why you've detached yourself from it and live in a fantasy world. That would explain a lot. ;)

I'm not detached, and I've actually sacrificed a lot to make it a better place, while you wallow in it.
Yeah right, tell that to the tens of thousands of children who starve to death every day while you sit and have conversations with your god.

We all suffer, and god has encouraged me to help a lot of people, including children, and I have. I'm now fixing up my house and taking classes to become a foster parent.

What are you doing besides trolling with your hate rhetoric?

This world is and hell and heaven.You choose.It is hard but it's your choice.
If it helps you,I feel your pain.

In this world there are lots of things you can not choose.

hehehehe, well, i can try, i wan't loose anything, hehehehehe

well, god todl us about another intelligent life form, and they are more advanced than us(who knows, actually, scientists beleive so), earth is not a unique planet(their are alooot of other living planets),
the formation of earth(wich it was first gases, cooled down, and and and, you know the rest)
it did say that earth IS not flat, AND not the center of univerce, and it's spheric, and turns around the sun, and turns around itself, so there's the day and night,
bigbang(wich also it is a theory, and most scientists beleive in it)
black holes, those stars that make strong sound waves that destroy everything around it, forgot it's name in english, sorry, :p never mind anyway,
polar shift( a scientific fact, and it happened before(effcorse it's very very slow, that takes time, aloot of time, and don't think about the 2012 thing, it's just a film, :p, just saying)

i don't know, and alot of other things, i'm not too relegious(as most of us) so, i don't know much, those are just a few things i readed somewhere, with some verses of the holy book prooving those in a very clear words)
and i'm totally convinced with the existance of god, because humans thousands of years ago, can't know all that)

(my intrest is more in space and the univerce, so that's why i'm mentioning the things about it)

well, anyway,at least i tryed,