Can anyone prove the existence of God?

From the perspective of psychology, telling someone "You don't want to know" is an example of invalidation. It's saying "I don't really care what you think or feel, Q."

It may be true that Q "doesn't want to know", and he has been told such things over and over again - yet nothing has changed.
Invalidating people generally does not help them toward an insight.

I would like to see that you come up with a novel, more compassionate, more productive method for talking to atheists.
They are people too, you know.

I think that its important for him to sincerely ask himself that question, "do I really want to know?" and examine the implications. Not to answer the question on here, but to himself. I think its the most important question anyone could ever ask themselves.
I think that its important for him to sincerely ask himself that question, "do I really want to know?" and examine the implications. Not to answer the question on here, but to himself. I think its the most important question anyone could ever ask themselves.

That makes us try only you do not know the difference between verb believing and knowing.
That it's someone other than god?
Possible reasons:
Practical joke.
Corruption (isn't Satan said to enjoy leading people astray?).

I think there would be some valid associations to be made in regards to the mention of angels, demons, satan, and spiritual manifestations in general.

And I find it very difficult to believe that boredom or practical jokes would have impacted my life and accomplished such a great work in me. The experiences have conveyed way to much meaning to have been derived from such trivialities.
I think that its important for him to sincerely ask himself that question, "do I really want to know?" and examine the implications. Not to answer the question on here, but to himself. I think its the most important question anyone could ever ask themselves.

Frankly, I am getting worn out trying to talk to you.

I so far did not get the impression you are able to empathize with someone whose mind, upon asking themselves "Do I really want to know?", comes up with a dozen new questions that would need to be answered first.
(I am sure to this, you would reply something like "Well, then you are apparently not sincere to begin with.")


Perhaps I should just put you on ignore.

That makes us try only you do not know the difference between verb believing and knowing.

I do. I have conveyed that I myself was not willing to take another's word for it and I would not suggest that anyone else do that either. That does not mean however that I would discount another's testimony.

There is a difference between sharing and convincing, witnessing and proving. Convincing and proving are not my responsibility, they are god's.
I think there would be some valid associations to be made in regards to the mention of angels, demons, satan, and spiritual manifestations in general.
Such as?

And I find it very difficult to believe that boredom or practical jokes would have impacted my life and accomplished such a great work in me.
You think?
Yet boredom in a human can result in the death of an ant, the quest for amusement (sport) can result in the death of many types of creature (hunting for example). How then can you decide what impact boredom or a practical joke by a superior being (and you still haven't explained how you discerned omnipotence/ omniscience from the merely extremely powerful/ knowledgeable) would have on you?
Frankly, I am getting worn out trying to talk to you.

I so far did not get the impression you are able to empathize with someone whose mind, upon asking themselves "Do I really want to know?", comes up with a dozen new questions that would need to be answered first.
(I am sure to this, you would reply something like "Well, then you are apparently not sincere to begin with.")


Perhaps I should just put you on ignore.

I would suggest that there should be more than a dozen questions.

And perhaps you should. That's your call not mine.
I do. I have conveyed that I myself was not willing to take another's word for it and I would not suggest that anyone else do that either. That does not mean however that I would discount another's testimony.

There is a difference between sharing and convincing, witnessing and proving. Convincing and proving are not my responsibility, they are god's.

Are people who honestly testify that they saw the Loch Ness Monster.
However I do not believe.
Such as?

The concepts of those entities come from the same religious texts as the concept of god. Angels and demons work for god remember?

You think?
Yet boredom in a human can result in the death of an ant, the quest for amusement (sport) can result in the death of many types of creature (hunting for example). How then can you decide what impact boredom or a practical joke by a superior being (and you still haven't explained how you discerned omnipotence/ omniscience from the merely extremely powerful/ knowledgeable) would have on you?

What I've experienced and what its accomplished in me also parallels those same religious texts.
The concepts of those entities come from the same religious texts as the concept of god. Angels and demons work for god remember?
For some of them anyway. I can't remember Elvis getting a mention in the bible.
Regardless how do you know it's god and not Satan? (Or Elvis).

What I've experienced and what its accomplished in me also parallels those same religious texts.
Wouldn't that be the best way to mislead someone? It works the same way for intelligence agents: when you want to "turn" someone you give them actual real intelligence, and then one day, when they're utterly convinced and it's too late for them back out... Whammo. You've got them where you want them. Classic technique.
That it's someone other than god?
Possible reasons:
Practical joke.
Corruption (isn't Satan said to enjoy leading people astray?).

My experience as a believer is MILES away from all these "factors". And please don't come up with all these Buddha, Lock Ness Monster, Odin, Spagetti monster and the other atheist dolls. God Almighty is the CREATOR of everything. He dares to say that fact thousands of times in Scripture and He does it in a remarkably beautiful language and in rock confident manner. Many of the people here need to open their hearts, get humble and read a lot.

It is evident that the entity that inspired the Bible and the Quran knew that: earth hangs upon nothing, that it is round, that universe expands, that there was a Big-Bang, that galaxies are "weaved", that man would land on moon in 1969, that there will be a so called "Big-crunch", that Humans have 46 chromosomes, that Hoopoe bird has 126 chromosomes, that Bees have 32 chromosomes, that Iron has 26 protons, that there are 28 Iron isotopes (plus 6 high-spin ones), that there are atoms and things that are smaller than atoms, that there is relativity in physics and much more... It is all there, you just don't want to see that.

I know God is TRUE. I just know it.
My experience as a believer is MILES away from all these "factors".
How so?

God Almighty is the CREATOR of everything.

It is evident that the entity that inspired the Bible and the Quran knew that: earth hangs upon nothing, that it is round, that universe expands, that there was a Big-Bang, that galaxies are "weaved", that man would land on moon in 1969, that there will be a so called "Big-crunch", that Humans have 46 chromosomes, that Hoopoe bird has 126 chromosomes, that Bees have 32 chromosomes, that Iron has 26 protons, that there are 28 Iron isotopes (plus 6 high-spin ones), that there are atoms and things that are smaller than atoms, that there is relativity in physics and much more... It is all there, you just don't want to see that.
Hmm, what about the contradictory statements in the Quran?

I know God is TRUE. I just know it.
No, you believe it. Not the same at all.
Hello, Captain. What's New in heaven?

Heaven's already perfect. How could there be anything new in there? If it ain't broke, don't fix it as they say.

How is the score of God vs. Satan?

There is no Satan, it was just a misspelling of Santa.

And please,please,please help me with the rotary piston because I am good and how many times meet an atheist, I trying to save his soul.


In all the years of recorded history, no one's come up with conclusive proof that I've ever intervened even once. Why would I get involved just for your sake?
From the perspective of psychology, telling someone "You don't want to know" is an example of invalidation. It's saying "I don't really care what you think or feel, Q."

It may be true that Q "doesn't want to know", and he has been told such things over and over again - yet nothing has changed.

Lori is lying again. I spent a great deal of time trying to get to the bottom of her evidence for gods existence and she provided nothing. I even asked her to tell her god to come and visit me considering she claims to speak with her god regularly, again nothing.
I think there would be some valid associations to be made in regards to the mention of angels, demons, satan, and spiritual manifestations in general.

If there is anything valid, no one has ever demonstrated it. You included.