Can anyone prove the existence of God?

I'm sorry, I tried.

I was listening to the book of john on audio tonight and there is scripture that addresses what I think you're saying. That is, that if any man says he loves god and hates his brother, he is a liar.

No, not what I think.
I realize that for you is hard to understand.
But for me, simply there is no God or Satan.
I never think in these terms.
I notice the evil and immorality in many places around the world and try to find them because.
In my searches come inevitably to immorality in the past.
In my opinion, the causes that lead to evil, immorality are more complicated than blame it on Satan.

No, not what I think.
I realize that for you is hard to understand.
But for me, simply there is no God or Satan.
I never think in these terms.
I notice the evil and immorality in many places around the world and try to find them because.
In my searches come inevitably to immorality in the past.
In my opinion, the causes that lead to evil, immorality are more complicated than blame it on Satan.

It is more complicated, and the sins of the father are bestowed upon the son, but freedom will never be found in morality.

Can you explain a little?

Human instinct is sinful, but there is a power through through the spirit to overcome.

It is immoral.(Can you explain what connection exists between a father and a son?)

We are born into sin and it resides in our flesh, as it is inherent and instinctual. It is genetic.

But beyond that, typically we are conditioned most by our parents, so the sins of the father are taught to the son, or at best, affect them greatly.

I understand well?Where morality is not freedom and where is freedom, not morality?

Morality opposes our instinct with rules. But freedom will be attained only when sin is abolished from the flesh, and communion restored, with god and with each other. Then our instincts will be pure, and at one with the universe and the greater good.
Human instinct is sinful, but there is a power through through the spirit to overcome.

Here is what Joseph peace upon him said to the house master as he got cleared of the accusations of doing evil with the master's wife:

"(52) By this may my lord know that I did not in his absence play him false, and that God guideth not the machinations of deceivers. (53) Yet I hold not myself clear, for the heart is prone to evil, save theirs on whom my Lord hath mercy; for gracious is my Lord, Merciful."
Holy Quran - Joseph 12:52-53

ذَلِكَ لِيَعْلَمَ أَنِّى لَمْ أَخُنْهُ بِٱلْغَيْبِ وَأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِى كَيْدَ ٱلْخَآئِنِينَ * وَمَآ أُبَرِّئُ نَفْسِىٓ ۚ إِنَّ ٱلنَّفْسَ لَأَمَّارَةٌۢ بِٱلسُّوٓءِ إِلَّا مَا رَحِمَ رَبِّىٓ ۚ إِنَّ رَبِّى غَفُورٌۭ رَّحِيمٌۭ

In my belief system it is that Satan tries always to divert us form the straight path but it is our task to become and get strong against his attemts. Satan wants us to be with him in hell yet God wants us in Heaven where perfect and eternal life exists.

Human instinct is sinful, but there is a power through through the spirit to overcome.
Yes, but nothing complicated, it goes without saying.

But beyond that, typically we are conditioned most by our parents, so the sins of the father are taught to the son, or at best, affect them greatly.
No, wrong
Soul, which receives a newborn from God has no degree with parents soul.New soul is innocent.
Morality opposes our instinct with rules. But freedom will be attained only when sin is abolished from the flesh, and communion restored, with god and with each other. Then our instincts will be pure, and at one with the universe and the greater good.
Let's establish some principles.
"What you don't like don't do to others" and the "possibility of free choice" .
Why do you think sex is immoral if you observe the above rules?


Yes, but nothing complicated, it goes without saying.

No, wrong
Soul, which receives a newborn from God has no degree with parents soul.New soul is innocent.

Let's establish some principles.
"What you don't like don't do to others" and the "possibility of free choice" .
Why do you think sex is immoral if you observe the above rules?

Why would I think that sex is immoral?? Lol.

Have you ever spent time with a small child?
I would like to analyze the likelihood of God,irrespective of religion.

That's going to be really hard because each religion defines the specific attributes of their respective 'God' / 'Gods'.

That's why I ask you,which are your arguments to prove God's existence.

Argument alone can't prove the existence of something external. Only an instance of something external or it's specific effects can demonstrate its existence.

Those who believe in evolution, are welcomed with their arguments.
The two theories are mutually exclusive?
They are the only theory that explains formation of the Universe and Humanity?

Evolution models how life adapts on Earth. It doesn't apply to the formation of the universe. Cosmology typically addresses that.
That's going to be really hard because each religion defines the specific attributes of their respective 'God' / 'Gods'.

Argument alone can't prove the existence of something external. Only an instance of something external or it's specific effects can demonstrate its existence.

Evolution models how life adapts on Earth. It doesn't apply to the formation of the universe. Cosmology typically addresses that.

It's a long thread.
Try reading some posts.

I would like to analyze the likelihood of God,irrespective of religion.
That's why I ask you,which are your arguments to prove God's existence.
Those who believe in evolution, are welcomed with their arguments.
The two theories are mutually exclusive?
They are the only theory that explains formation of the Universe and Humanity?

As far as we know. no he cannot and all of the evidence we have found on this great earth points to never will

some fairy tale believers will tell you do this do that open hearts open your mind he will speak to you but thast nothing more than a speculation with 0 facts to back it up. actually all of the facts they say prove it support the disprove of him ever exsisting. but if you have faith theres no point in arguing that. just like if i had faith that a flying bison will be my life long compainon.. sadly :bawl: im still waiting
This is not about me, is it?
If it wasn't, the discussion would be over in two seconds.
There are literally tomes of references to persons who have had god's existence proven to them.

Its about you inasmuch that you are questioning why these methods don't work (or how you anticipate they wouldn't) for you.

Isn't there anything the Christian community (for example) can do to persuade God to 'show himself' to the world?
If the path is already open for how one can see, what else would you expect them to do aside from telling those who want to see how to get on the path?

In this case there is no analogy between "president" and God.

er ... the reason being?
Existence or not,of the "president" does not lead to the conclusion the existence or not of God
I thought we were talking about means of proof as opposed to ramifications of existence. IOW my argument is "god is proven (directly) in much the same manner as the president is proven" .... as oppose to "god exists because the president exists"
I'm sorry.. What??
suppose we were talking about supporters of a presidential candidate.
Aside from making one aware when and where one can attend a rally to see and hear them speak , and also the conditions of entrance to the rally point (no sniper rifles allowed, etc), what other options do they have available?
er ... the reason being?

I thought we were talking about means of proof as opposed to ramifications of existence. IOW my argument is "god is proven (directly) in much the same manner as the president is proven" .... as oppose to "god exists because the president exists"

Please read and choose a method.

Contents [hide]
1 Nature
1.1 Logical form
1.2 Deductive and inductive reasoning
1.3 Consistency, validity, soundness, and completeness
1.4 Rival conceptions of logic
2 History
3 Topics in logic
3.1 Syllogistic logic
3.2 Sentential (propositional) logic
3.3 Predicate logic
3.4 Modal logic
3.5 Informal reasoning
3.6 Mathematical logic
3.7 Philosophical logic
3.8 Logic and computation
4 Controversies
4.1 Bivalence and the law of the excluded middle
4.2 "Is logic empirical?"
4.3 Implication: strict or material?
4.4 Tolerating the impossible
4.5 Rejection of logical truth
5 See also
6 Notes
7 References
8 External links and further reading
Human instinct is sinful...

We are born into sin and it resides in our flesh, as it is inherent and instinctual. It is genetic.

Morality opposes our instinct with rules. But freedom will be attained only when sin is abolished from the flesh, and communion restored, with god and with each other. Then our instincts will be pure, and at one with the universe and the greater good.

This is the kind of hateful garbage Christians spread when they try to tell us how to live and that we're inherently evil. Clearly, it is Christianity that is inherently evil, if such a concept had any relevance to reality.

Kristians Kausing Konflict.

Sorry, I assumed something that is at most believers. (There are more religions).

I actually equate sex with marriage, and think (from experience) that taken lightly, or used in the wrong way, can hurt people.

I grew one in love and alone.

No. I used birth control for 17 years and the only time I was pregnant, had an abortion. But, I've spent enough time as a child, and around children to know that they are indeed born into sin. That's why they cry so much. Then, as they grow in this world, they are hurt and enslaved like all of us. Its sad to watch.
This is the kind of hateful garbage Christians spread when they try to tell us how to live and that we're inherently evil. Clearly, it is Christianity that is inherently evil, if such a concept had any relevance to reality.

Kristians Kausing Konflict.

It is not hateful to recognize suffering and desire its end. It is loving in fact. And we are all inherently flawed (good and evil), religious or not. And ultimately, the only difference that matters between us, is that some can see and some are blind.

Please read and choose a method.

Contents [hide]
1 Nature
1.1 Logical form
1.2 Deductive and inductive reasoning
1.3 Consistency, validity, soundness, and completeness
1.4 Rival conceptions of logic
2 History
3 Topics in logic
3.1 Syllogistic logic
3.2 Sentential (propositional) logic
3.3 Predicate logic
3.4 Modal logic
3.5 Informal reasoning
3.6 Mathematical logic
3.7 Philosophical logic
3.8 Logic and computation
4 Controversies
4.1 Bivalence and the law of the excluded middle
4.2 "Is logic empirical?"
4.3 Implication: strict or material?
4.4 Tolerating the impossible
4.5 Rejection of logical truth
5 See also
6 Notes
7 References
8 External links and further reading

Its not clear the connection you are trying to draw between a question on the proof of god's existence (especially in the sense that its analogous to the proof of the president's existence) and a (broad) wiki link on logic.
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