Can anyone prove the existence of God?

Spreading biblical hatred does not make any place better. It divides people and causes conflict. The last 2000 years of Christian atrocities makes that clearly evident.

the message of jesus christ is love. if you don't believe me, then perhaps you should actually read the bible yourself. read the gospel of john.

yeah, hateful people ignore that gospel, and use particular parts of the bible to rationalize their hate...just like you do.
Its the nature of atheism to establish values that prohibit the existence of god from the onset.

How many atheist refutations here boil down to a steadfast refusal to accept second hand accounts?

You're begging the question.

another direct issue that you're begging

Atheists reject such an argument as weak

something atheists don't tend to score to well on in their ruminations on theism

"just stuff in some old book" as an atheist would put it.

You certainly live in a world deeply dyed by atheism, huh?

Hahaha, that's perfect. I told many times in many other discussions that I don't prefer to call myself as an Atheist. I am simply a non-believer. I don't mind if others call me as Atheist, but there is a bigger issue here for me.

I happened to decide for some time to detect and isolate propagandists among others and stop the discussion immediately. Since you are so readily call me with a name and repeat it more than twice in your nothing but a bullshit campaign, your obvious aim is not discussing this topic. This attitude actually can not discuss any topic. Because your sole aim is to brand people according to camps and approach the issue accordingly. That is to say, one must fit one of your camps, otherwise what is said or not said has no importance whatsoever.

Guess what, I have also developed another strategy. There is a perfect system in this forum and I happily use it for this type of attitude: I have carefully selected some people and widely improved my time in here by ignoring them. From now on, I will not see your mumbo jumbo or blatant attempts to divert topics, or insistence upon not answering asked questions and imposing proved nonsense again and again.

You are ignored lightgigantic, and this is the final communication between you and me.
the message of jesus christ is love. if you don't believe me, then perhaps you should actually read the bible yourself.

I and many others here have already provided ample quotes from the bible demonstrating the hate speech of your god. You must have skipped over those verses or you didn't read the bible yourself.

yeah, hateful people ignore that gospel, and use particular parts of the bible to rationalize their hate...just like you do.

And, loving people call others assholes. :rolleyes:
what are you doing to help people, children in particular?

I don't lie to them like you do. I teach them how to build telescopes, have done that for years. It gets them thinking rather than believing in things like the garbage of religions.
I and many others here have already provided ample quotes from the bible demonstrating the hate speech of your god. You must have skipped over those verses or you didn't read the bible yourself.

you're ignoring what i'm saying to serve your agenda. you read the gospels, and you will hear the message of christ loud and clear. you'd have to be an idiot to miss it. IT IS LOVE.

And, loving people call others assholes. :rolleyes:

sure they do.
I don't lie to them like you do. I teach them how to build telescopes, have done that for years. It gets them thinking rather than believing in things like the garbage of religions.

that's great. you teach starving and abused children how to build telescopes. terrific.

in the meantime, i'll be clothing, feeding, sheltering, and loving them.

call me practical. :rolleyes:
the experience, much like an experience of the direct perception of the president, involves the co-operation of a third party who enjoys a greater status than the seer ... which effectively makes the seer the co-operator

It only fails to be proven to exist to a person who neglects to co-operate with the said personality (like, for instance, insisting that the president make an appearance in one's dining room .... and deeming that a physical law prevents him from making an appearance, that he doesn't exist or that his existence can not be proven upon being stood up)

I guess that's a lot of words to say "Yes, that's what I meant".
Ok then.
you read the gospels, and you will hear the message of christ loud and clear. you'd have to be an idiot to miss it. IT IS LOVE.

I have read your nonsense gospels and the message is hate speech to anyone who doesn't share the beliefs.

sure they do.

Yeah, that's what I thought.
Sure, you will. And, by loving them, you'll call them assholes. :rolleyes:

if they're misbehaving, i'll point that out to them. but i don't think "asshole" is an appropriate term to use with a child.

you're not a child. are you?
I guess that's a lot of words to say "Yes, that's what I meant".
Ok then.
If you are also in agreement with ...

So what you're saying is (the president) can't be proven to exist.
One must experience (the president) personally and this experience can't be shared with others.

... then yes
Hahaha, that's perfect. I told many times in many other discussions that I don't prefer to call myself as an Atheist. I am simply a non-believer. I don't mind if others call me as Atheist, but there is a bigger issue here for me.
as if that changes anything ....

I happened to decide for some time to detect and isolate propagandists among others and stop the discussion immediately. Since you are so readily call me with a name and repeat it more than twice in your nothing but a bullshit campaign, your obvious aim is not discussing this topic.
You post extensively about how all claims for god's existence revolve around imagination and cry foul at the label of "atheist"?

This attitude actually can not discuss any topic. Because your sole aim is to brand people according to camps and approach the issue accordingly. That is to say, one must fit one of your camps, otherwise what is said or not said has no importance whatsoever.
If you are so sorely offended, replace "atheist" with "disbeliever", "resolved strong agnostic tending towards a reductionist world view" or whatever takes your fancy and the points still stand.

Guess what, I have also developed another strategy. There is a perfect system in this forum and I happily use it for this type of attitude: I have carefully selected some people and widely improved my time in here by ignoring them. From now on, I will not see your mumbo jumbo or blatant attempts to divert topics, or insistence upon not answering asked questions and imposing proved nonsense again and again.
unfortunately for you, you will still see it if someone quotes them

You are ignored lightgigantic, and this is the final communication between you and me.
certainly an easier option than rendering your arguments coherent ....

does science evidences, that are prooved by science do it?
their are many things in quran, i saw them once by quencedence, maybe you want to check them out?
i'll do a little search for you, maybe that can prooves the existence of god.

but to help us to proove you the existence of go,d you must tell us the things that you have in your mind, the thingst hat make you think that there's no god, the things that you think it's a bullshit, you know what i mean? express your self, or your mind, what blocks you from beleinving in god? that way we can come up with things that may convince you, so what do you think Emilor any other atheist that he's or she's not a proganada person and he or she's ready for respectfull and step by step discussion, not attacking and insulting and and and, that's how things are, and keep an open minded, like, a new page, you write in it the ideas, and the things that we discussed about, and then, check this paper, with your thoght, and start analyzing in a respectfull way, and a quite way, a clean discussion, what do you think?

so what do you think guys, and girls?
and let's leave the insults and the proganada and start discussing respectfully and open minded, and i think who's here to attack people, start searching another place to attack them.
If you are also in agreement with ...

So what you're saying is (the president) can't be proven to exist.
One must experience (the president) personally and this experience can't be shared with others.

... then yes

God is not the president. But I take it you are aware of that.. :shrug:

I take as an experiment, as a curiosity.
And such people exist in real life.
Is a test for me,
How am I doing under such conditions?

ah, i see, you're curious about, why do people beleive in god,
and it's not simple, it's complicated, as more sa you get smarter, it gets more complicated, and you get more convinced with, but not all people are like that,
so to cure your curiosity, you should tell us, what blocks you from beleiving in god, and what do you think and what does it run in your mind about this topic, so, you can know what other people who beleive in god think, and satisfy your curiosity, you should specify more your questions, you should like say, what blocks you from beleiving in god :p

just a question, why are using big letters? hehehehe

I take as an experiment, as a curiosity.
And such people exist in real life.
Is a test for me,
How am I doing under such conditions?

What is the hypothesis you are testing or observation you are trying to make?