Can any christian tell me why god is sucha dick? and if not give me an athiest

Is god an ass or is he a nice diety?

  • god as a dick(if this asshole exhists)

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • god as a nice diety?

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Having total knowledge; knowing everything: an omniscient deity; the omniscient narrator. .

1. One having total knowledge.
2. Omniscient God. Used with the.

Omniscience is the capacity to know everything, or at least everything that can be known. In monotheism, this ability is typically attributed to God. It is typically contrasted with omnipotence. Omniscience is sometimes understood to also imply the capacity to know everything that will be.

TW Scott, you still dont seeem to understand, is it to hard to comprehend.
Omniscience is sometimes understood to also imply the capacity to know everything that will be.

It says sometimes, not most of the timel, all of the time, or even half of the time. there are examples in the bible that prove God is not completely prescient or even completely omniscient.

In Sodom and Gammorrah He did not know that only one righteous man would be found.

In Eden He did not know that Adam and Eve had eaten of the tree of knowledge until they wouldn't come before Him becuase they were naked.

He did not know that Moses would break the tablets with the Ten Commandments on them when the prophet saw the golden cow.

Sure he saw all the really big or important things, but not the small ones.
so lets get this right, your insisting that your god does not know everything, therefore is not all powerful.
and thus fallible, not perfect. then why do you worship it.

the bible is a badly written book. but having read it I have to agree that god does'nt know everything: when Moses smashed the first set of tables in a fit of anger, because the Israelites chose to worship the golden calf. and God said he'd make a new set of tables containing "the words that were on the first" (Exodus 34:1). However, as we see on the second page, the second Ten Commandments in no way resemble the first set.
so yes your god is not all knowing, pretty useless infact.