Can any christian tell me why god is sucha dick? and if not give me an athiest

Is god an ass or is he a nice diety?

  • god as a dick(if this asshole exhists)

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • god as a nice diety?

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Adstar said:
Homosexual intercourse is sin.

Why? At that time, Moses also said that some food should not be eaten. It was because they were not good for the health. Things are different today.
Adstar said:
Homosexual intercourse is sin.
Where has your God said this?
Is this in the same book that one minute says you should retaliate "an eye for an eye" and another minute says you should just "turn the other cheek"?

And do you really believe this?
Thomas said:
I just can't figure out god's reason for being such a spitful dick. my reason for thinking this is that my uncle has aids, he also is gay. many Christians have said he has aids because he is gay, that it is a punishment from god, but he didn't get it from being gay, he got it from being raped as a child, and the reason he is gay is also from this. so why is god such an asshole to let this happen, and (even though he didn't)if he did get it from being gay why would god be such a hateful prick? Please if you can explain tell me!

Thomas-not my name it's a song i like :D
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Thomas. I am sorry for the tragedies your uncle has experienced, and I admire you for your compassion.

It's always easier to blame 'god' for our unfortunate experiences. In fact, I suppose that's why the religionists believe in it. Of course, it was not your uncle's fault that he was raped, and I'm sure the anguish he feels hurts him tremendously as well as your empathy empassions you. I would just like to say that 'god' cannot be blamed, because 'god' doesn't exist. There is no 'god' who could have prevented this tragedy. How convenient it would have been if a 'god' had been there to change the course of your uncle's history. In fact, how great it would have been if a 'god' had been there for the rest of humanity in our times of need. He was never there. 'God' only exists in the minds of the needy.

There's probably not a lot that can reconcile your uncle's condition, but for starters try and realize that it's not his fault for having AIDS or for being gay. No 'god' abandoned him in his time of need. I would say that one way to resolve the issues of his unfortunate condition would be to reach deep into his heart to forgive the rapist for what he has done. And, certainly, to also forgive himself, even though he was totally innocent of guilt. He does need to forgive himself of any guilt he may have for his condition.

I would also give you the same advice. Your compassion for your uncle is admirable, and certainly there is no wrong-doing in that. Perhaps, you can help him release the anguish from his heart, and help him to realize that forgiveness heals all wounds. Some people call this 'god.' It's not any 'god,' but it is the most powerful thing a person could do for himself. Forgiveness makes them whole.
Thomas said:
I just can't figure out god's reason for being such a spitful dick. my reason for thinking this is that my uncle has aids, he also is gay. many Christians have said he has aids because he is gay, that it is a punishment from god, but he didn't get it from being gay, he got it from being raped as a child, and the reason he is gay is also from this. so why is god such an asshole to let this happen, and (even though he didn't)if he did get it from being gay why would god be such a hateful prick? Please if you can explain tell me!
god aint no dick b/c he doesnt exist,sure you will get all this free will excuses,etc but when you come right down to it,
if god existed and created all,
and was all good he would have created men UNABLE to do evil ,wrong and still have free will,
and if he was all mighty he sure could do it!anything s possible with god they say!
but instead he made sin devil evil and all the natural disaters that is IF he exists...
he got it from being raped as a child, and the reason he is gay is also from this.
That's so stupid. You don't just turn gay, let alone from being raped.
And aids is not a gay disease anyway, heteros can and do get it. in fact, there are many more heteros with aids than there are gays with aids.
TheAlphaWolf said:
in fact, there are many more heteros with aids than there are gays with aids.
that just goes to show that you learn something new every day
and the above quote is something i didn't know.
God created the heavens and the earth to facilitate our existance....

Typical narrow-minded, egotistical, self-centered theist response, believing that the universe was created for our existence and personal enjoyment.

because he wants to see how stupid his children are for not seeing things in a broader picture
His children – stupid? Gosh what an atrocious designer for making things stupid.

..........thats why he allowed the internet to be invented so you can vent your spleen and show what a narrow minded thinker you are, instead of taking the high road, and quit childishly calling names, and placing blame, etc.,
Doesn’t explain why he designed evil and allows it to roam free and cause havoc, pain and suffering, unless of course he is as accused.

and instead get on with improving your own life, so you can bless others,
What and allow this evil bully of a god get away with his atrocious behavior?

and find out the truth........
Are you claiming you know the truth?

and use your brain yourself and increase your thinking capacities..........
Does that apply to you as well?

instead of whining about how wrong everything is in the universe..........
I think the thread is about how a god can be so wrong, and he seems to have a point.

if your going to blame God... then let us place blame in the order in which it actually lays...

the first is the rapist...
Or God for designing rapists.

the second is those who allowed him to turn gay because of it.
Nothing wrong with being gay – this shouldn’t be in the list of things to blame.

the third was the local police, and gov't who allowed the rapist to walk the streets.
Or God for allowing rapists in the first place.

the 5th is the state Gov't... and the 6th is the national Gov't...
Agreed and they are all run by theists since atheists can’t get elected.

and after you are done blaming the all the earth... then you can start with the heavens...
Nonsense you have it backwards. You start with the master architect – that can be the only real area to blame.

Of course once you realize that gods and master designers/creators don’t exist then everything then makes sense and we are entirely on our own to protect ourselves the best we can.

We all have free will and there is a price to pay for sin.
And God designed sin because?

And he designed us to sin because?

And with his omnipotence he couldn't have designed us without the tendency to sin as well as having full free will because?
If nothing bad ever happened, then nothing good would happen.

Because we would know no difference.

The man who raped your uncle is bad, the rapist should be put to death and that would be good.

What God does for me is give a higher power to ask what is right from wrong and how to act on these situations.

But hey, what do I know, I'm Jewish.
What God does for me is give a higher power to ask what is right from wrong and how to act on these situations.

When a god can so easily wipe the earth of thousands of people in a flash, how can anyone ask of him what is right or wrong?

But hey, what do I know, I'm Jewish.

Hey, no ones perfect.
(Q) said:
When a god can so easily wipe the earth of thousands of people in a flash, how can anyone ask of him what is right or wrong?
Yes, maybe God could "so easily wipe the earth of thousands of people in a flash" but why do you think God would or has done that?

I see you think of God as a male, any reason why?
Cris-I think the thread is about how a god can be so wrong, and he seems to have a point.

Yes thank you for seeing this thread as it is


He didn't.
If people are stupid, as you claim, and God designed and created humans then he is also responsible for their stupidity, right?

He made them free, and they are allowed to show how stupid we all are.......
OK, so he made them stupid, and free. As the designer he is still responsible for how his creations turn out. If they fail in any way then it shows he was a poor designer, right?
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