Can any christian tell me why god is sucha dick? and if not give me an athiest

Is god an ass or is he a nice diety?

  • god as a dick(if this asshole exhists)

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • god as a nice diety?

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sexual orientation can be changed with sheer will power, but most people can't do that, nor would they have reasons to do so. Heterosexuality isn't biological either, it's all created by the mind. What is biological is the sexual power itself.
No it isn't. Haven't you been listening? Where is your evidence? You can talk all you want, but give me evidence.
no reasons to do so? Many homosexuals would LOVE to be hetero, but they can't.
Thomas said:
I just can't figure out god's reason for being such a spitful dick.... so why is god such an asshole to let this happen, and (even though he didn't)if he did get it from being gay why would god be such a hateful prick?

I can answer this. The entity being reffered to as 'God' simply doesn't exist. The 'assholes' in this scenario are the rapist and the folks whom told you your uncle's suffering was a justified punishment. Seems like there are alot of 'assholes' in the world (the latter category being the most abundant). Bitching about them is fine I suppose and doing something about them is far more rewarding.
Crunchy cat, everyone in the world has perfectly good reasons to be the way they are. No human is evil, they're only lost and forsaken.

TheAlphaWolf said:
No it isn't. Haven't you been listening? Where is your evidence? You can talk all you want, but give me evidence.

I'm not interrested in giving evidence. I say what I know, then I go to hell.

no reasons to do so? Many homosexuals would LOVE to be hetero, but they can't.

Do you want to know you can change orientation? Just fantasize sexually about the sex you want to be attracted to. It may take 2 weeks or so.
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Ok. Do you want to know how they can become heterosexual, or at least, bisexual? They just fantasize about women sexually.
Right. Do you speak from personal experience?
Tell you what, if you're homo/hetero sexual, try to become the other one. It's no big deal, you can go back to being whatever you were before right?
You're right, for me, it's no big deal, but everyone's not like me. To control the natural forces in our body, one has to know them. That's how Moses divided the Red sea.
c7ityi_ said:
Crunchy cat, everyone in the world has perfectly good reasons to be the way they are. No human is evil, they're only lost and forsaken.

Everyone in the world behaves the way they are due to their genetics and behavioral reinforcement throughout their lives. No human is 'evil' nor is any human 'good'. Those are subjective ideas that don't exist outside the scope of human thought. People can and will be exploitive and depending on the nature and situation, of the exploitation, someone usually ends up not having a pleasant time. The uncle in this case was exploted as a child and as an adult.
(Q) said:
"Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong."
~~Ayn Rand

There was nothing wrong in what I said. I was talking about two different perspectives. From the human subjective personal perspective, evil exists, but from God's objective impersonal perspective there is no good or evil, only the divine. "Opposites", like good and evil, exist only in the mind (illusion), not in "reality".
Cris said:

So? If we have the capacity to commit sin then that is part of his design. Why did he design us that way if that was not what he wanted? With omnipotence he could still have included free will plus the tendency not to sin, instead of free will plus the tendency to sin. Why did he choose one way rather than the other?

Then if he was a competent designer we could never have sinned. If we performed outside of the design then something failed in the creation process. Either way it is God’s fault not ours.

And we did that because? Why would we use our free will to sin unless we were designed to do that?

You cannot escape this. If God so wanted it we could have had free will and a zero sinless attitude. If we sin it is because we were designed that way and that is what he wanted. It cannot be otherwise given an omnipotent god.

cris you either have the inability to understand or you are disregarding the clear explanation because you want to. Either way discussing it with you is at the moment a waste of time.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

cris you either have the inability to understand or you are disregarding the clear explanation because you want to. Either way discussing it with you is at the moment a waste of time.
I'll take that to mean I have confronted you with a fundamantal paradox that you refuse to accept and can't explain. Such is Christianity. My explanation of your errors and my questions are perfectly clear. You need to think beyond your religious programming and indoctrination.
“ Originally Posted by TW Scott

God created us in his image. ”

Scorpius- so we look like god?
and what is god male or female?

LMAO God is a fucking hermaphrodite, lol

scorpius said:
so we look like god?
and what is god male or female?

why wouldnt the ability to choose right from wrong be esential to mans life and survival?

Why animals are able to and they survive just fine.

now just hold on a sec,
dont say WE b/c WE didnt eat anything,

Actually yes Eve did than Adam

NO WE havent commited any sin,
IF god who is supposedly all knowing ,you know the from the begining of time till the end and everything in between..
he must have KNOWN what Adam and Eve will do and still he set things up to unwind the way they do..
why did he put that tree of knowledge in the garden in the first place?
why not create man with the knowledge and free will too,God is supposedly all mighty he can do anything or can he?
or did he just like to see his son crucified so you can be forgiven for this so called sin which God created in the first place...

the whole story is just too WACK for anyone with half a normal brain to take seriously

God greated nothing you are mixing omnipresent with prescient. Omnipresent means he is everywhere. Prescient means you know things before they happen. God is omnipresnet and has limited prescience, mainly large events.

fine lets kill all those who work on Saturdays,and stone all those girls that aint virgins when you marry them,
hey God says so after all

that is Mosiac law not gods law.

you ARE a puppet dude,
if god created all ,
and knows all,
its all predestined and you have no free will at all you are just like a computer program in gods play.he knows that you pray tomorow and at what time he knows if your prayers will be answered or not he is all knowing aint he?
yeah takes a bit of brain work and meditation,Im sure you'll get it eventualy

I have it and you obviously don't
Cris said:

I'll take that to mean I have confronted you with a fundamantal paradox that you refuse to accept and can't explain. Such is Christianity. My explanation of your errors and my questions are perfectly clear. You need to think beyond your religious programming and indoctrination.

Your too predictable cris.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Is it not possible that GOD, the creator of the universe, doesn't care about
the sins of humanity or, to be more general, humanity at all. We seem to think that we as humans are so important to GOD. If there is other life existing in the universe aside from us, why would we be special? Is it not
just as likely that GOD could care less about our insignificant little planet given
the utterly incomprehensible vastness of the cosmos? Should we not then
appreciate the opportunity given to us and take full responsibility for our own
actions as a sentient species instead of blaming our creator for what we
consider "sin". We should accept that "sin" is still in our nature as a species
who is still evolving from more primitive animal like tendancies. If you owned an ant farm would you care how the ants treated each other in one container
out of a million or would your conscerns lie on the whole. :m:
Oh Thomas,

I am sorry that you are going through this pain. I can completely understand your anger. I have wonderend too, and asked people, how could God allow "this"!? What can one possibly learn from "this". And by "this" I mean excruciating, unfair pain and humiliation.

I dont have any answer to this, I am sorry. But nevertheless, firstly you should stop calling names to god as it might offend other people....

Secondly a message for Moshes Thezion.....What thw heck do you mean by saying it is people's faukt that he turne dout to be "gay"!!! Wait a minute! Is being gay asin or something?? How could you say soemthing like that?

Anyway coming back to Thomas, I kind of agree with Kerry shirts here, we should atleast start from counting our blesssings. It still doesnt answer your question Thomas, but it will give some "at least some" relief of some kind.
TW Scott said:
Actually yes Eve did than Adam
so you are a sinner b/c these people disobeyed god,

and you dont see anything wrong with such injustice this story tells you?
why should anyone have to be thought of a sinner b/c of someone elses disobedience???

only reason they force this idiocy down your throat is to SELL you jesus=the cure for this so called sin they invented,b/cthere never was any Adam and Eve

God greated nothing you are mixing omnipresent with prescient. Omnipresent means he is everywhere. Prescient means you know things before they happen. God is omnipresnet and has limited prescience, mainly large events.
you still didnt get it ,
read on
First you can sin just by having the wrong thought. Can you claim to be innocent completely?

Second, I read it, biggest crock of bullshite next to you I have seen.

You do understand that even if God were fully omniscient that does not mean God is prescient.
TW Scott said:
You do understand that even if God were fully omniscient that does not mean God is prescient.
no, it's not possible, to know literally everything, means exactly that, "everything" past, present, future. it cannot mean anything else, therefore it must mean to be prescient.
your just not getting it.
omniscient: knowing everything as it happens

prescient: knowing everything before it happens