Can any christian tell me why god is sucha dick? and if not give me an athiest

Is god an ass or is he a nice diety?

  • god as a dick(if this asshole exhists)

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • god as a nice diety?

    Votes: 2 16.7%

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Okay, enough of this bullshit.

God created us in his image. He left out two things the ability to choose between good or evil and life eternal. Why? becuase we were better off without these things. Now the problem came when we ate the fruitof the Tree of Knowledge, thus gaining the ability to choose between good or evil. Now we had commited the first sin. Now sin is the things we do tha goes against God's wishes. While he is omnipotent he also loves his children. If he were to make us behave we become puppets and are no longer his children.
SnakeLord said:
Why? My daughter behaves and she's still my child.

Yes and is she still your child when she misbehaves? the answer again is yes.

However if you turned your daughter into an automaton who could never do anything but what you allowed is she still your daughter?
Sarkus said:
Where has your God said this?
Is this in the same book that one minute says you should retaliate "an eye for an eye" and another minute says you should just "turn the other cheek"?

And do you really believe this?

Leviticus 20
13 'If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

This is the Word of God. The physical act of sexual intercourse between two males is an abomination and I believe this.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

And God designed sin because?[/QUOTE]

No God designed free will and that free will was used to obtain the knowledge of Good and evil/

And he designed us to sin because?

He did not design us to sin originally we where without sin.

And with his omnipotence he couldn't have designed us without the tendency to sin as well as having full free will because?

He did. but as i have said. We used our free will to discover sin.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yes, maybe God could "so easily wipe the earth of thousands of people in a flash" but why do you think God would or has done that?

If he did, he is a cruel and unjust god and is not worthy of worship. Or, gods don't exist and things happen in nature that can kill thousands of people in a flash, ie. tsunamis.

I see you think of God as a male, any reason why?

Theists have always refered to god in the masculine. What religion refers to god as a female? None that I'm aware.

I suspect that if women were treated equal to men throughout the ages, they would have had a say as to what should have been written in scriptures. If that were the case, gods might be refered to as eunuchs.
However if you turned your daughter into an automaton who could never do anything but what you allowed is she still your daughter?

If I was the one that 'created' her, then yes. Ok, it would make me a lousy father, but she would still be my daughter. Of course it could get worse.. she could then do something I disallowed her to do, but would I drown her for it? No. Would I give her an eternal suffering in a pit of fire? No.

What has happened here is an absolute failing on the part of the parent. It's like me leaving an open bottle of bleach in my child's playpen. I tell my child not to drink it, but alas.. my child does not have any knowledge of what's good or not, and so drinks it. The typical halfwitted religious fool will claim it free will - and yes, my child would have free will to drink or not drink the bleach - but without the understanding of the consequences, of what good or bad means, then the only one at fault is me.

What actually makes me sick to the core are freaks trying to justify the actions of this being. It put the universes only talking snake right by the tree, it put the tree there, it did not provide adam or eve with the required understanding to be able to make the proper decision, and then has the audacity to try and blame humans for it. It is disgusting.

Can't you think for yourself? Do you really think you should do everything they say without thinking? Use your living God given brain instead of relying on a dead book. The translations are not exactly the same as the original texts. Nothing is original.

This is the Word of God.

No, Christ is the word of God.

The physical act of sexual intercourse between two males is an abomination and I believe this.

Your head is as hard as a rock, ie. you're an idiot.

He did. but as i have said. We used our free will to discover sin.

Then why the fuck did he create us? He must have known that we were going to sin. It's was mistake.

(Q) said:
If he did, he is a cruel and unjust god and is not worthy of worship. Or, gods don't exist and things happen in nature that can kill thousands of people in a flash, ie. tsunamis.

Tsunami's are necessary things. God causes them. He doesn't favor humans, he looks at everything from a universal perspective. If you see the big picture tsunamis aren't evil. Evil does not exist. Evil is good.

What religion refers to god as a female?

Many religions have "female" gods.
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Tsunami's are necessary things. God causes them.

I won't bother inquiring as to why tsunamis are necessary or why god causes them since your response will once again show your lack of contact with reality.

Evil does not exist. Evil is good.

"Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong."
~~Ayn Rand

Many religions have "female" gods.

I stand corrected, and shocked.
Sure you can.
Lol, what mw said "Cite some evidence or shut the fuck up." -scientific evidence that homosexuality is biological.
The only evidence there is that people can choose not to be homosexual is those people who claim they were but aren't homosexual anymore. However, they consider them not homosexual anymore just because they don't have sex with the same sex anymore. They may still feel an attraction to the same sex, but they're still considered heterosexuals. And besides, there's a lot of pressure from society to change. Society turns them into just self-hating homosexuals desperate to be heterosexual, and they'll lie to themselves in order to not go to hell... which many think they'll do if they're gay.
The American Psychological Association's position is that human beings cannot choose to be either gay or straight, and that sexual orientation is not a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed. In fact, the Association goes even further, stating that

"Even though most homosexuals live successful, happy lives, some homosexual or bisexual people may seek to change their sexual orientation through therapy, sometimes pressured by the influence of family members or religious groups to try and do so. The reality is that homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not changeable." 1
The American Psychiatric Association has stated that

"Clinical experience suggests that any person who seeks conversion therapy may be doing so because of social bias that has resulted in internalized homophobia, and that gay men and lesbians who have accepted their sexual orientation positively are better adjusted than those who have not done so."
Other organisations such as The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Counseling Association, American Association of School Administrators, American Federation of Teachers, American Psychological Association, American School Health Association, Interfaith Alliance Foundation, National Association of School Psychologists, National Association of Social Workers, and National Education Association have developed and endorsed a statement in 1999 reading:

"The most important fact about 'reparative therapy,' also sometimes known as 'conversion' therapy, is that it is based on an understanding of homosexuality that has been rejected by all the major health and mental health professions. The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Counseling Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the National Association of School Psychologists, and the National Association of Social Workers, together representing more than 477,000 health and mental health professionals, have all taken the position that homosexuality is not a mental disorder and thus there is no need for a 'cure.' and mental health professional organizations do not support efforts to change young people's sexual orientation through 'reparative therapy' and have raised serious concerns about its potential to do harm."

wikipedia, ex-gay.
TW Scott,

God created us in his image.
So what does that mean? That we look like him, or that we have his behavior patterns? What?

He left out two things the ability to choose between good or evil and life eternal.
Ahh a critical error for Christianity then.

Now the problem came when we ate the fruitof the Tree of Knowledge, thus gaining the ability to choose between good or evil. Now we had commited the first sin.
Not so fast. Sin is only meaningful if we have the free will to choose to sin or not. That’s why Christians make such a big thing about the importance of free will. But as you have clearly stated we did not have the ability to choose between good and evil, i.e. we would not know it was bad to sin. We would only have known it was wrong AFTER the fruit was eaten. A catch-22, a trick created by God, right?

Now sin is the things we do tha goes against God's wishes.
Assuming we have the ability to choose between right and wrong, which we didn’t before eating the fruit.

While he is omnipotent he also loves his children. If he were to make us behave we become puppets and are no longer his children.
But as the designer why did he include a tendency to sin when he could have included the tendency to always do right instead. If we are his design then if we malfunction, i.e. do things he didn’t want, then that’s his fault not ours. It makes no sense to punish something because of a poor design.
Adstar said:
Leviticus 20
13 'If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

This is the Word of God. The physical act of sexual intercourse between two males is an abomination and I believe this.
M*W: Do you believe Moses wrote Leviticus? Moses, himself, was known to have homosexual affairs like with his own brother Aaron, but I think you should look deeper into this. A man "lying" with a man is a reference to the placement of two sky bodies being at the same perspective to the sun. These "sky bodies" were considered by the ancient humans to be mostly male gods. My interpretation (I tried to find a reference online) is that one of the planets may have lined-up with the sun or another planet, hence the reference of a 'man lying with a man like he lies with a woman.' It doesn't have anything to do with homophobic human sexuality like your church teaches.

Sexual orientation can be changed with sheer will power, but most people can't do that, nor would they have reasons to do so. Heterosexuality isn't biological either, it's all created by the mind. What is biological is the sexual power itself. Heterosexuality is more usual since people identify themselves with their body, which under present order of nature shows only one side, so they feel like the opposite sex is their complementary half. However, in reality, the mind is neutral, so it's possible to like whatever sex.
TheAlphaWolf: Lol, what mw said "Cite some evidence or shut the fuck up." -scientific evidence that homosexuality is biological.
M*W: I have no doubt that homosexuality is biological. My comment to Happeh was to Happeh and not regarding homosexuality in general, but I appreciate your cited article.
TheAlphaWolf: The only evidence there is that people can choose not to be homosexual is those people who claim they were but aren't homosexual anymore. However, they consider them not homosexual anymore just because they don't have sex with the same sex anymore. They may still feel an attraction to the same sex, but they're still considered heterosexuals. And besides, there's a lot of pressure from society to change. Society turns them into just self-hating homosexuals desperate to be heterosexual, and they'll lie to themselves in order to not go to hell... which many think they'll do if they're gay.
M*W: Yes, I know, and this is sad. I've known male and female gays who struggled with their orientation because their parents rejected them. That seems to be the deeper hurt.
TheAlphaWolf: Also... The American Psychological Association's position is that human beings cannot choose to be either gay or straight, and that sexual orientation is not a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed. In fact, the Association goes even further, stating that "Even though most homosexuals live successful, happy lives, some homosexual or bisexual people may seek to change their sexual orientation through therapy, sometimes pressured by the influence of family members or religious groups to try and do so. The reality is that homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not changeable." 1
M*W: I totally agree. Having taught medical students during my career, I noticed that many of the gay students chose to go into psychiatry. This was just my observation and not a confirmed study. There is a tremendous need to help young or even older people deal with gay issues.
TheAlphaWolf: The American Psychiatric Association has stated that "Clinical experience suggests that any person who seeks conversion therapy may be doing so because of social bias that has resulted in internalized homophobia, and that gay men and lesbians who have accepted their sexual orientation positively are better adjusted than those who have not done so."
M*W: True.
TheAlphaWolf: Other organisations such as The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Counseling Association, American Association of School Administrators, American Federation of Teachers, American Psychological Association, American School Health Association, Interfaith Alliance Foundation, National Association of School Psychologists, National Association of Social Workers, and National Education Association have developed and endorsed a statement in 1999 reading: "The most important fact about 'reparative therapy,' also sometimes known as 'conversion' therapy, is that it is based on an understanding of homosexuality that has been rejected by all the major health and mental health professions. The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Counseling Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the National Association of School Psychologists, and the National Association of Social Workers, together representing more than 477,000 health and mental health professionals, have all taken the position that homosexuality is not a mental disorder and thus there is no need for a 'cure.' and mental health professional organizations do not support efforts to change young people's sexual orientation through 'reparative therapy' and have raised serious concerns about its potential to do harm."

wikipedia, ex-gay.
M*W: Thank you for posting this. I especially agree with the section on prenatal hormones as I have 30 years' experience in this field. I hope all the religionists read it.

And God designed sin because?

No God designed free will and that free will was used to obtain the knowledge of Good and evil
So? If we have the capacity to commit sin then that is part of his design. Why did he design us that way if that was not what he wanted? With omnipotence he could still have included free will plus the tendency not to sin, instead of free will plus the tendency to sin. Why did he choose one way rather than the other?

“ And he designed us to sin because? ”

He did not design us to sin originally we where without sin.
Then if he was a competent designer we could never have sinned. If we performed outside of the design then something failed in the creation process. Either way it is God’s fault not ours.

“ And with his omnipotence he couldn't have designed us without the tendency to sin as well as having full free will because? ”

He did. but as i have said. We used our free will to discover sin.
And we did that because? Why would we use our free will to sin unless we were designed to do that?

You cannot escape this. If God so wanted it we could have had free will and a zero sinless attitude. If we sin it is because we were designed that way and that is what he wanted. It cannot be otherwise given an omnipotent god.
So this scorpion is walking along by a river, trying to find a way across. Eventually a fox walks along, so the scorpion asks: "can you take me across the river on your back?"

The fox looks at the scorpion and says: "If I let you on my back you will sting me and I will drown".

The scorpion looks at the fox and says: "If I sting you we will both drown".

The fox thinks about it for a minute and eventually says ok. The scorpion climbs on the foxes back and they start going out into the river. Halfway across the scorpion stings the fox. As the poison works it's way through the fox's blood stream he says: "now we're both going to drown, why did you do it?"

The scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it, it's my nature".

In summary: Man does not do that which is not in man's nature to do.

(Basically I have reworded Cris' last response).
Adstar said:
Leviticus 20
13 'If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

This is the Word of God. The physical act of sexual intercourse between two males is an abomination and I believe this.
kool did any of you believers did any motherfucking thing about those kid molesting priests of yours ,NO!
why the fuck not???
until you do what your god comands you to,youre a fucking HIPOCRAT.
scorpius said:
kool did any of you believers did any motherfucking thing about those kid molesting priests of yours ,NO! why the fuck not??? until you do what your god comands you to,youre a fucking HIPOCRAT.
M*W: I understand your anguish. Unfortunately, the victims probably didn't speak up until they were adults, probably thinking that no one would believe them. There's also the phenomena of repressed memories. Personally, I don't think the Catholic Church nor any other christian church has done enough to reconcile for their crimes of lust.

But, don't think it's just the Roman Catholic Church, although it tends to have the most pedophiles, anyone who gets into church leadership should be suspect. I'm not just talking homosexuality, here, pedophilia is not homosexuality nor vice versa. It truly has put the RCC in the evil perspective, and I am not surprised by this. I'm the only person I know who has been to The Vatican and felt its evil so much that the skin of my back crawled.
TW Scott said:
God created us in his image.
so we look like god?
and what is god male or female?
He left out two things the ability to choose between good or evil and life eternal. Why? becuase we were better off without these things.
why wouldnt the ability to choose right from wrong be esential to mans life and survival?

Now the problem came when we ate the fruitof the Tree of Knowledge, thus gaining the ability to choose between good or evil.
now just hold on a sec,
dont say WE b/c WE didnt eat anything,
Now we had commited the first sin.
NO WE havent commited any sin,
IF god who is supposedly all knowing ,you know the from the begining of time till the end and everything in between..
he must have KNOWN what Adam and Eve will do and still he set things up to unwind the way they do..
why did he put that tree of knowledge in the garden in the first place?
why not create man with the knowledge and free will too,God is supposedly all mighty he can do anything or can he?
or did he just like to see his son crucified so you can be forgiven for this so called sin which God created in the first place...

the whole story is just too WACK for anyone with half a normal brain to take seriously
Now sin is the things we do tha goes against God's wishes.
fine lets kill all those who work on Saturdays,and stone all those girls that aint virgins when you marry them,
hey God says so after all

While he is omnipotent he also loves his children. If he were to make us behave we become puppets and are no longer his children.
you ARE a puppet dude,
if god created all ,
and knows all,
its all predestined and you have no free will at all you are just like a computer program in gods play.he knows that you pray tomorow and at what time he knows if your prayers will be answered or not he is all knowing aint he?
yeah takes a bit of brain work and meditation,Im sure you'll get it eventualy