Can any christian tell me why god is sucha dick? and if not give me an athiest

Is god an ass or is he a nice diety?

  • god as a dick(if this asshole exhists)

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • god as a nice diety?

    Votes: 2 16.7%

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"God is a Dick"- Me
Registered Senior Member
I just can't figure out god's reason for being such a spitful dick. my reason for thinking this is that my uncle has aids, he also is gay. many Christians have said he has aids because he is gay, that it is a punishment from god, but he didn't get it from being gay, he got it from being raped as a child, and the reason he is gay is also from this. so why is god such an asshole to let this happen, and (even though he didn't)if he did get it from being gay why would god be such a hateful prick? Please if you can explain tell me!

Thomas-not my name it's a song i like :D
You have a physical body, all the free air you need to live, you get the most magnificent sunsets imaginable, and even a computer to play on to bitch about why God is such a dick?! You figure it out. The key is looking within yourself, and begin being thankful you are not a quadraplegic, that you have your site, your health, and your body to move with, go where you wish, a mind to think what you want, and set goals and accomplish with your free will. You probably get to eat rather easily too. You even may have some time to read, and enjoy learning with your mind. Think it through and quit your yellow bitching and whining.
God is not to blame.... the rapist is... and those around him as a child who allowed said occurance to turn him gay...

God gave us life and the will to live it... and thats all.

Its not Gods' fault that humans are perverted assholes... religion tells us to be good.

if you want to blame someone... blame the rapist, your uncle.. and all his gay buddies.

If you fall and scrape your knee is it God's fault??

if alot of wackos run around with the bible shouting things...
is it God's fault?

if you have a precious piece of pottery in your hands, and you drop it?
is it God's fault..? NO...

its your fault... its mans fault...

if you owned an ant farm... and one day a tunnel collapses and many ants died.....

should they scream and yell at you... the human for letting it happen?

are you an evil dick 'cause you allowed it to happen??


Hahahahahaha, funny but god is supposed to be omnipotent, why didn't he stop it from happening Huh? tell me

because he wants to see how stupid his children are for not seeing things in a broader picture..........thats why he allowed the internet to be invented so you can vent your spleen and show what a narrow minded thinker you are, instead of taking the high road, and quit childishly calling names, and placing blame, etc., and instead get on with improving your own life, so you can bless others, and find out the truth........and use your brain yourself and increase your thinking capacities.......... and be a blessing to others instead of a curse.......... and share love, because you HAVE that option, instead of whining about how wrong everything is in the universe..........because your own personal ego perception is so limited, and your apparent need to blurt out silliness is so unlimited............. man you have so many chances! Why are you blowing it?!
would you want to controll every action of your children?

their every step.... would you plan it out for them?

would you want them to have free will or be programmed machines?

Dont blame God becuase you are free to make mistakes...

Dont blame the creator 'cause you dont have pyschic powers.

dont be stupid.

MT-Its not Gods' fault that humans are perverted assholes... religion tells us to be good.

if you want to blame someone... blame the rapist, your uncle.. and all his gay buddies.

This is something my uncle had no control over, it wasn't his gay buddies, it was him being raped when he was 14, your just as big of a dick as god, there fore you can call your self god, all might MT prais his judgmentle ways

Kerry Shirts said:
You have a physical body, all the free air you need to live, you get the most magnificent sunsets imaginable, and even a computer to play on to bitch about why God is such a dick?! You figure it out. The key is looking within yourself, and begin being thankful you are not a quadraplegic, that you have your site, your health, and your body to move with, go where you wish, a mind to think what you want, and set goals and accomplish with your free will. You probably get to eat rather easily too. You even may have some time to read, and enjoy learning with your mind. Think it through and quit your yellow bitching and whining.

I'm not bitching about myself i am bitching for my uncle

Kerry shirts-thats why he allowed the internet to be invented so you can vent your spleen and show what a narrow minded thinker you are, instead of taking the high road

So if god allowed the internet to happen did he allow my uncle to be raped
if your going to blame God... then let us place blame in the order in which it actually lays...

the first is the rapist...
the second is those who allowed him to turn gay because of it.
the third was the local police, and gov't who allowed the rapist to walk the streets.
the 5th is the state Gov't... and the 6th is the national Gov't...

and after you are done blaming the all the earth... then you can start with the heavens...

Mosheh Thezion said:
if your going to blame God... then let us place blame in the order in which it actually lays...

the first is the rapist...
the second is those who allowed him to turn gay because of it.
the third was the local police, and gov't who allowed the rapist to walk the streets.
the 5th is the state Gov't... and the 6th is the national Gov't...

and after you are done blaming the all the earth... then you can start with the heavens...


No, god could have kept this man from walking the streets, that government doesn't see everything, but god does right?

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again... you are supposing that God gets involved in our daily lives...

people are always ready to blame God when bad things happen.
people are always ready to praise God when good things happen.

people are stupid....!

God created the heavens and the earth to facilitate our existance....

isnt that enough... ?

personnaly i will consider myself lucky if there is an afterlife.

I'm not bitching about myself i am bitching for my uncle

Then you are both needing to forgive and forget, and move on with your lives, count your blessings that you CONTINUE to have (the guy didn't take your uncle's eyes did he? He didn't cripple him with a baseball bat did he? He didn't poke out both his ears did he? He didn't literally cut off his nose and lips did he? He didn't whip him 75 times and scar his entire body for life did he? He didn't pour gasoline on him and light him as a human torch to burn 95% of his body in third degree burns did he?

The key when tragedy strikes, is NOT to keep it, and relive it and relive it, and let IT rule your life. The key is to forgive......NOT for the offender's sake, but for your and his own sake, and get on with the joys and blessings of your life.
I am sorry this tragedy occurred. But with every tragedy, comes a blessing in disguise once we let go of the tragedy and move on, and count it for our own experience, and learn from it, and HELP others through their tragedies. The man whos son was stolen from him and then MURDERED in cold blood, did NOT just quit life, and complain forever about it. He organized, he got NATIONALLY televized shows going for kidnapped children, and he has helped find THOUSANDS of children for others. Now THERE is a lesson in that for us who have tragedies.........
Mosheh Thezion said:
dont be stupid.
Why don't you stop being a blind moron? Any concept of a omnipotent god that can see all and knows is illogical, because, logically, if this "god" exists and is "all-loving", it would stop pain and suffering of humans by intervening. But, it doesn't. So, either god is a fucking asshole or it doesn't exist.
Why doesn't God stop all wars and all evil which humans cause in their ignorance? -- Where would our free will be then? -- God can't force people to do right. Even if God helped us so much that we would come back to the garden of Eden, we would instantly be tempted to sin because we did not come there by our free will.
Thomas said:
I just can't figure out god's reason for being such a spitful dick. my reason for thinking this is that my uncle has aids, he also is gay. many Christians have said he has aids because he is gay, that it is a punishment from god, but he didn't get it from being gay, he got it from being raped as a child, and the reason he is gay is also from this. so why is god such an asshole to let this happen, and (even though he didn't)if he did get it from being gay why would god be such a hateful prick? Please if you can explain tell me!

Thomas-not my name it's a song i like :D

We all have free will and there is a price to pay for sin. Some pay for it in this world some pay for it in this world and the next world.

The rapist sin is his and your uncles sin is his own. Death comes to all you and i included.

God has made a way to remove the penalty of sin from us in eternity. Although sin in this world carries a penalty no matter what happens in eternity. Homosexual intercourse is sin. One either agrees with God on that or they rebel against Gods will. God knows our minds. God has all wisdom and all understanding. May your uncle repent and accept Jesus as His Savor and may the rapist who raped your uncle do likewise. Both can be saved.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days