BOOK DEBATE: Hitler and Christianity

Hitler was a Blavatsian New Ager. It is amazing how Nazi propaganda still works but when you look for things you find your chestnut.
If you notice i am not immune to the trap. Notice my usage of the made up word "propaganda" when i meant to use lie. Secondly, i should have prefaced the first sentence with 'if anything'. Thirdly, the fourth word is misspelt.
um you aren't following the sermon on the mount you are judging others and by your fucked up reinterpertation of christianity could be considered to be a false prophet.

Now I'm going to keep it simple. catholics, orthodox christians, and even delusion protestants like your self are all christians. you can engage in warfare and be christian.

You opinions are not worth anything. I have kept it simple for you. But you have been unable and unwilling to understand. Oh and i do not belong to any protestant church either.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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How did you arrive at such a conclusion leap - do you not believe there is wisdom and rightiousness in all nations - or that a person can be good without the Gospels?

The varying levels of wisdom do not cover the lack of Gods wisdom in total.

And as a Christian i believe that only God is Good. All human beings fall short of being Good, that’s why all men need the Atonement of the Messiah Jesus.

What word?! And what if there is no reply - or what happens till one actually comes - and no whisperings allowed via 2nd hand reportings this time?

The Word is His message in total give to us through the Gospels. And no reply? If one receives the Word of Jesus there must be a reply. Either acceptance or rejection.

And what’s this whisperings??? I do not understand your question there?

But Christians have negated the will of the Father! Hello?

Hello anyone who negates the will of God is not a true Christian.

So you agree there can be false prophets - but not so when it comes to the Gospels? That's clever. But I have an even more clever idea: why not wait for Moses to affirm or deny what the Moses said and meant - this will eliminate any false prophet scenario like no other, and the truth will free us all? I mean, if you would not accept accept Mohmmed - why ask others to do what you cannot?

It’s the Gospel asking for everyone’s acceptance or rejection. If the Gospel has given a correct message intended by God then it will be accepted by all whom will have eternity with Him. Because you are not a fence sitter ( I have read your posts in other forums and i know you to be a dedicated anti-christ) You have rejected the Message of Jesus. So personal confirmation from Jesus is irrelevant in your case because you have already rejected His message and go out of your way to attack it.

IMHO, the message transcends the messenger - the reason any messenger was sent from on high. The letter - not the postman.

Yeah So each and everyone can hear the letter and decide if they accept it or reject it.. Simple.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Scripture and beliefs are tests - to see how one turns. Nothing more.

Scripture is the revealed will of God.

The greatest prophets, such as Abraham & Moses, were not obedient, and strived with God when they were tested.

The will of God was revealed through them, in more ways then one.

European Christians must learn from there - not dance with a passion that not a brick shall stand in Jerusalem.

What about African Christians or Asian Christians ect ect ect?

And what’s this about, "dance with a passion that not a brick shall stand in Jerusalem"??

What is that referring too?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You opinions are not worth anything.
its not an opinion.
I have kept it simple for you.
I think you kept it simple for yourself?
But you have been unable and unwilling to understand.
wrong I understand your argument I just reject it as simplistic, idiotic, and the product of an irrational mind.
Oh and i do not belong to any protestant church either.

you'd have to be because only a protestant could fuck up christianity the way you have.
2 things. first the wars I mentioned were a direct result of christianity the wars you mention aren't the direct product of athiesism. secondly by your definition of how religious beliefs equate to war those aren't athiest wars but theist wars.


all the religious wars of chirstianity were in europe.

People who are "Christians" start wars and this is the fault of Christianity. People who are atheists start wars and this is not the fault of atheism.

You are not as logical and objective as you like to imagine.
I saw nothing valid in your posts at all. Where would get the silly notion your irrational belief system is valid?

See, you're just making stuff up. Nothing valid at all.

Here are some points I made to which you did not respond. These were not points about my belief system.

1. Germany was not a Christian country. Is that why Germany in the 20s had the largest and best organized Communist party in Europe, with millions voting for Communist candidates? I am not saying Germany was an atheist country, but it was very modern and secular.

Were Bert Brecht, Lotte Lenya, Georg Grosz, and Marlene Dietrich Christians?
Luther did not believe that the Aryans were the master race, that Germany should dominate the world, that Jews were a threat to Aryan racial purity.None of Hitler's main ideas about the Jewish menace are found in Luther.

2. About Steigmann-Gall's book linking Christianity to Hitler:
S-G's book is a false book full of errors, misstatements of fact, and distortions. He says nothing about the many secular thinkers who openly rejected the bible and presented many ideas fundamental to National Socialism.

3. About Hitler's Christianity

There are no teachings of Christ and the apostles that can be linked to Hitler's bizarre ideology, that had nothing to do with Christianity.

Show me one teaching in the Sermon on the Mount that has anything to do with Hitler.

4. About Hitler's religious language

S-G is ignorant of the fact that Hitler liked to use religious language on occasion to make people think he was respectable. In private, he despised Christianity as a religion for weaklings, and believed life was a Darwinian struggle in which people were only animals, ethics did not apply, and the strong survived and the weak died.

5. That Luther was not like Hitler
In all of his long and influential life Luther never took any actions to harm the Jews. If he hadn't lashed out in anger at the end of his life in an uncharacteristic tract it would be easy to see that all of the basic teachings of the Reformation had nothing to do with Hitler's bizarre ideology that only emerged centuries later in a totallydifferent context.

Norway, Denmark, and Holland had strong Protestant and even Lutheran traditions, and in no countires during the war were Jews given more support and help.

Also, Luther's reasons for anger at the Jews had nothing to do with the secular anti-Semitism that emerged in the 18th and 19th centuries.
You shouldlook into the modern secular anti-Semitism of Schopenhauer, Fichte, Kant, Wagner, and Nietzsche. Their reasons for hostility to Jews were vastly different.Nietzsche blamed the Jews for infecting Europe with the false values of Christianity.

6. That atheists have committed many crimes.
Then there are the wars of the atheists: the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Tibet, the horrors of Communism, so we better not believe in atheism.

7. Some claim all Europeans were Christians

Second, were the people who started all of the wars you mentioned trying to live by the teachings of Christ? You think "Christian" = "European."

8. You said Christians were insane. What should be done to those insane people? NO ANSWER VERY SUSPICIOUS
And you think Christians are insane. What do you think should be done with them? Tell the truth now, would you like to forcibly silence them if you could?

Looking at the rest of your post:

Aww, you believe you have every right to tell us how to live and what to believe, and if we don't you'll threaten us with eternal damnation. Of course, you do little more than make up lies to support your argument and your belief system. I'm sure if anyone would forcibly try to silence the "good" Christians of the world, you'd wipe us all out in an instant.

The first part of your sentence is a complete lie. I have no right whatever to tell you how to live. I do have the right to say what I believe is the meaning of life, but if you want to ingore me and do whatever things you want that is up to you - only you will have to answer to God on the day of judgment.

Secondly, I do not threaten you with damnation, I tell you though it is a reality. If I am wrong and there is no hell, what are you crying about? What if I threatened you with being turned into a pumpkin if you didn't sing the star spangled banner backwards three times under a full moon - would this bother you?

Secondly, the Stalinists tried to silence Christians - who "wiped them out"? If you believe we have the power to wipe you out you are living in a paranoid fantasy world.
I said "Then there are the wars of the atheists: the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Tibet, the horrors of Communism, so we better not believe in atheism."

You responded
Wow, your psychotic belief system appears to have you hooked, lined and sinkered.

So you deny that the Communists invaded Tibet and Afghanistan?

Or is it that you deny Russian and Chinese Communism were/are officially and overtly atheist?

Believing that those invasions occurred, and were committed by atheists, is psychotic? your definition of "psychotic' is totally irelevant.

It does appear that your method of argumentation consists primarily of name-calling and not substantive, logical, and rational response.

I said "Second, were the people who started all of the wars you mentioned trying to live by the teachings of Christ? "

You responded
Most definitely. You would have been tortured and burned at the stake for repeating such heresies. LOL!

Torturing people and burning them at the stake is a complete violation of the teachings and spirit of Christ.

Do you know what Christ taught? Have you ever read the bible?
if you will note almost every single war I mentioned took place during or after the reformation and were wars about who was christianity was right

Europeans were fighting wars long before the Reformation, when Europe was all Catholic. They were fighting with each other before the coming of Christianity. Wars have always occurred in every society in every phase of human history. Atheist governments have also started wars. And, if you think all of those european wars after the Reformation were wars about whose Christianity was right, and not the sort of wars for power that had bveen going on for thousands of years, you are completely ignorant of history.
to be fair though that doesn't tell us much at all - the sermon on the mount is in general far too liberal a manifesto for a great deal of christians to stomach - so they ignore it in favour of the more whacky blood and guts stuff in the OT

Christians who ignore the Sermon on the Mount because they don't care for it do not believe in Christ, do not love Christ, and are not following Christ.

The bible plainly speaks of false Christians who talk about God but will not go to heaven.
Christianity spawned the passion plays, which invariably led to violence and hatred against Jews.
I know that atheists like to pride themselves on their rationality and objectivity, but my experience with atheists shows them to be highly subjective, and sometimes so poisoned by hatred of God and Jesus that they cannot think logically when it comes to any religious question.
Thanks for the Ad hominem. If we are going to do that I might as well point out the connection between the American Fascism of Neo-conservatism and it's connection with the religious right.
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People who are "Christians" start wars and this is the fault of Christianity. People who are atheists start wars and this is not the fault of atheism.

You are not as logical and objective as you like to imagine.

No I am using the same standard for "atheist wars" you are using and putting them on theits most wars. you'll note all the wars I mentioned where becauise of chirstianity because things like the hundred years war and ww2 while fought by christians weren't because of it. just because an atheist(which many of your alleged atheists aren't) doesn't make it an atheist war.
Photizo, if you are trying to point out religious opposition to Nazism, that is well known. It does not contradict the existence of a pro-Nazi element in German Christianity, or the ideological connections between them.
No, I'm not trying to point out "religious opposition to Nazism"...if I applied the name "Darwinism" to what in fact was "Creationism" people would object, no? In the same way, labeling something as Christian ("a pro-nazi element in German Christianity") when what is labeled is clearly inconsistent with how the Word of God defines "Christian" is, then, essentially meaningless--regardless of the insistence by others to the contrary.
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At the time of Hitlers ascent into Nazism he was an Atheist...An Atheist who dabbled here and there in the darkness to search for thing which were not there BUT the evidence point to non-Religious more than anything else. Chrisitnaity had a presence in Germany so it goes without saying that Hitler knew about it. Mussolini was, beyond no doubt, a well documented Atheist as well. What does this mean, in the broader scope? Nothing at all.