bitterness and atheism?

in my personal opinion it seems that many atheists are bitter towards theists and the concept of god.

many people who convert from theism to atheism seem hostile and aggressive, but people who were never theists but dont believe in god seem calm and relaxed when talking about religious things.

this brings me to an opinionated conclusion that people who used to be theists and turned thier back on religion hold a grudge and are psycologicaly hurt inside.

I think you are quite correct. My take on it is that former theists are pissed off that their indoctronators lied to them and are simultaneously disappointed that their indoctronators dont have the faculties to understand they are lying or values to care that they are lying.
I'd have to agree with you (the original post). I think that makes a lot of sense.
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... My take on it is that former theists are pissed off that their indoctronators lied to them and are simultaneously disappointed that their indoctronators dont have the faculties to understand they are lying or values to care that they are lying.

That is not an uncommon reaction among Catholics once they begin to study the Bible for themselves - they get angry, then scared, and then convert to Christianity.

The Bible is the most anti-Catholic book ever written.
nutter catholics ARE christians

What happens when a crutch that has been shoring you up for many years is taken away? What happens when you abandon a crutch that has been hampering your steps for many years?
In both cases you either fall down or learn to move forward without the crutch.
satyr you are trying to turn a perfectly reasonable argument and turn it into a pile of nonesense, another observation of mine would be that you have not even addressed my OP in any way shape or form.

your tactic is to make it appear as childish as possible. subconsciously or consciously im not sure.

Retard, are you bitter against Allah and is this why you do not believe in Him?

Are you bitter against fairies and is this why you don`t beleive in them?

Or do you beleive in which case you are perfectly healthy.