bitterness and atheism?

The alert reader will note that theism is independent of the Bible.

Nitpicking at what was clearly meant to be a play on the phrase "think outside the box".

To clarify, what I mean to say is that many theists appear bitter and even shocked that there exist individuals who think independently of any sort of theist structure, rigor, tome or hierarchy.
Most atheists will just emplore you to look at the evidence and think for yourself, make the most of your 1 shot and maybe stop making ours less harmonic by converting impressional people to your bullshit. There is no desire to convert you to a god. There is no ask for you to donnate your money to a church of atheism. There is no motivation but to encourage a little less ignorance in the world.

I agree, most are like that. Unfortunately there is always the lunatic fringe and they are always angry. I wish the lunatic fringe would get stoned more often. :m:
I you realized you have been lied to all your life about matters of life and death, wouldn't you be bitter?
But they do have temples and afaik 'followers' can be theist:shrug:

seems like a nice hobby.

temples and followers means theism? i dont know where you got that idea from. i have never been to a daoist temple in my life, i didnt know they even exist,

and if a philosophy and way of life is a hobby then i guess it is nice yeah, also science has followers and places of gathering so i guess you class science as theism also?

I think this observation is echoed in the already bubbling topic entitled "Why do Atheists hate Jesus?"

Firstly, I'd like to observe something myself; you seem to make it a point to distance yourself from atheists considerably. However, I would propose to you that you, and every other theist on this board, know exactly what it's like being an atheist; I take it you don't believe in Zeus or Thor or Ra. From this perspective, you are just as much of an atheist as I am. So you may have more in common with the atheists on this board than you think.

In response to your observation, I would argue that the reason atheists seem hostile towards theists is because the theist dialogues are riddled with inconsistencies and absolute nonsense, from which (as it has been noted here) the atheist has, in a word, outgrown. To give you a more objective perch, consider the following rough analogy:

There exists a people that you come into contact with regularly who believe something absolutely absurd (a recent topic in this forum was about different universes having different mathematics, so that seems like a good, available choice for here); namely that 1+1=3 or 2+2=5. These claims by these people vary in the chosen numbers of the equation but all share an equally baffling amount of ignorance. You might argue to them that 1+1 clearly equals 2 and 2+2 clearly equals 4 (to the contrary of Big Brother :p ).

"That is your opinion," they might respond, "don't try to disprove us or impose your own equations on us, as they are just as opinionated as ours are."

Would you passively step back, respect their beliefs, and toss up your hands in submission to everyone 'equally valid' opinions? I dare say that if you were someone who had an sedulous attitude towards correctness, then you would do no such thing!

You could (and would) get into pages and pages of internet forum debates with these people. The argument would dip into linguistic definitions ("Well what is '1' or '3' or any number other than the linguistic label you give it. My '1' could be your '4803' and it doesn't make any difference. They are all variables.") and you could try to rebut that by a deeper understanding ("Whether you call the quantity represented by a single object '1' or '4803', the principles of the quantities remains. A consistency of the variables you associate with quantity is essential or your form of mathematics wouldn't be stable in the slightest."); heck you could even paint a well-thought-out and intricate rhetorical situation ("If you place one quantity next to another quantity, no matter what label you've chosen to assign, you now have double the amount of quantity you began with.")...but it would probably be to no avail. ;)

The point is that no matter what objective point of reference you successfully came up with that nullifies opinion altogether and allows a criteria to which each idea can be tested for consistency and soundness, these people will not listen to you and flat out ignore your solid points simply because you oppose their alleged infallible opinion. They have their minds made up and no amount of mathematic proof or reasoning will counter that, no matter what the accuracy.

This, needless to say, would be irritating in the least. THAT is why you perceive atheists as bitter and boiling individuals who always have their panties in a wad when religion is discussed.

when did i say i dont think zues or ra exist? they might exist for all i know. i am not an atheist and i am not a theist, i am a daoist and i am open to both opinions. i dont think i know anything of that nature and my mind is left open to gods existing and gods not existing.

you seem to think i am speaking on behalf of all atheists. not quite because if you read my post i said "many atheists" not all atheists, i know some atheists that do not take this appraoch and are not bitter,

and to answer your question, i would respond with my own opinion and not get hostile, if i know of facts that prove them wrong i will state those facts and debunk them. but if i cannot prove them wrong then why should i make fun of them as a substitute for proving them wrong with facts? in my opinion that is a cheap way to try and win a debate or argument.

and so your response is that people should act hostile towards people who believe in god? and they have an excuse to do it? your allowed your own opinion but thats not to my personal taste and again i think its quite cheap.

Which once again, testifies to my claim that these crazy 1+1=3 people will outlandishly sacrifice all reason and evidence in order to NOT have their core belief systems shaken. They know what you know, and recognize the mounting and tremendous body of evidence against them, so they resort to burying their heads in the sand.

Jibing is the only way we are able to retain our sanity when treading in the waters of such narrow-minded individuals.

wich once again proves my claim that atheists get defensive. resorting to calling theists crazy.

dont you believe in creation?


at what point do you see creation?

how about the possibilty of creation?
dont you believe in creation?


at what point do you see creation?

how about the possibilty of creation?

i think the universe is infinite, and by the term universe i mean existence, i do not believe existence was ever created.

we dont see creation we only see transformation of energy.

creation is possible. and can you explain to me how science is a theism please.

wich once again proves my claim that atheists get defensive. resorting to calling theists crazy.


You're missing the point Chi.
It's not defensiveness, it's an inability to understand why someone would insist that 1+1=3 with no evidence.
You're missing the point Chi.
It's not defensiveness, it's an inability to understand why someone would insist that 1+1=3 with no evidence.

for intelligent people you find it quite hard to grasp a simple concept then lol.

i will explain, its called faith. a belief in something that you have no physical proof of, wich most people are brought up to hold as true. as children we are told things and we believe them. just like people were told the earth was flat. they believed it without proof. just like people were told the earth was center of the universe without proof. and just like people of today think the big bang was the creation of time and space. without 100% proof.

people believe in things without proof, like magic. like voodoo. like juju. like qi, like prana, whats so hard to understand?

some people believe in things its not hard to grasp.

i believe in qi energy what some people call prana and others orgone energy, life energy. i dont expect to be insulted and constantly barked at for it, because its just my personal belief. and thats as crazy as any other belief.

... people believe in things without proof, like magic. like voodoo. like juju. like qi, like prana, whats so hard to understand?

With respect to those who believe in things like magic, voodoo, etc. and have successfully practiced or seen the successful implementation of such practices, are those people operating by faith, or by science?

for intelligent people you find it quite hard to grasp a simple concept then lol.
Of course, wilful "ignorance" is always difficult to understand. :D

i will explain, its called faith. a belief in something that you have no physical proof of, wich most people are brought up to hold as true. as children we are told things and we believe them. just like people were told the earth was flat. they believed it without proof.
Third time today - no they didn't. The Greeks knew it was a sphere and everyone after that knew it...

just like people were told the earth was center of the universe without proof. and just like people of today think the big bang was the creation of time and space. without 100% proof.
Slight difference between religious teaching and the Big Bang.
Religion teaches that things are so because the bible says so, and don't ask any more questions.
The Big Bang is supported by evidence and that evidence is available to anyone who wants to check.
And anyone with a better explanation is welcome to propose it.

people believe in things without proof, like magic. like voodoo. like juju. like qi, like prana, whats so hard to understand?
That's what's so hard to understand - why believe something if there is nothing to support that belief?
Why base your life in something that cannot be shown to be true and has had so many holes knocked into it.
The bible has consistently been shown to be incorrect on numerous things and each time religion says "Okay. That bit is wrong, but we'll go in believing everything else".
And then another bit goes, and another...

some people believe in things its not hard to grasp.
Yeah, but WHY???

i believe in qi energy what some people call prana and others orgone energy, life energy. i dont expect to be insulted and constantly barked at for it, because its just my personal belief. and thats as crazy as any other belief.
Well yeah, but you're a nutter :D
So the big bang hypothesis is believed because the evidence supports it? Has there ever been any alternative theory of the universe apart from the big bang?
With respect to those who believe in things like magic, voodoo, etc. and have successfully practiced or seen the successful implementation of such practices, are those people operating by faith, or by science?

im not sure, personaly i believe in qi through taiji (tai chi) and qi gong training, and i also think that living things emmit a type of energy that non living things do not.

i believe that voodoo curses can work if the person bieng cursed thinks it will worl and there own subconscious mind will be effected for that very reason.

i also think that telepathic events might be possible and the human mind can perform more functions than we curently know of.

i also think that animals including humans give off an aura of energy, and it is projected from the hands strongly,

see i personaly believe in alot of things that other people think are insane,

S.A.M. said:
So the big bang hypothesis is believed because the evidence supports it?
Accepted, rather than believed.

Has there ever been any alternative theory of the universe apart from the big bang?
Steady-state, Big Bounce, and a couple of others I think.