bitterness and atheism?


in my personal opinion it seems that many atheists are bitter towards theists and the concept of god.

many people who convert from theism to atheism seem hostile and aggressive, but people who were never theists but dont believe in god seem calm and relaxed when talking about religious things.

this brings me to an opinionated conclusion that people who used to be theists and turned thier back on religion hold a grudge and are psycologicaly hurt inside.

because i have been watching many people on this board for quite some time now, and i have noticed a pattern in behaviour. and people who used to believe in god, and now have turned atheist tend to make fun of religion and try to have an agenda of trying to disprove god to everyone, and show how "silly it is"

me personaly i have never been a theist in my life, my family are not theist or atheist, i am now a daoist by choice and have been for many years. and as a neutral observer its quite easy for me to see how people behave due to the fact that i am not on either side of the argument/debate. therefore my judgement is not clouded with emotions.

people seem to take offence very easily when it comes to this topic, i wonder if it is a deep seeded reaction from childhood experience. or maybe something along the lines of a teenage rebelion remaining in the adult mind.

again this is just an observation and opinion.

I think they feel cheated in some way, probably a result of idealism?
I think they feel cheated in some way, probably a result of idealism?

the human mind is fragile and can be hurt and damaged in many ways, if your very core belief system is shaken from the core and torn apart, it can do immense damage and cause many problems.

it is textbook for this type of thing to cause a person to become very defensive and hostile.

i think it goes slightly deeper than a mere feeling of being cheated. but that also is a factor.

some would mask the hostality and aggression in the form of humour and making fun of things.

I often get the feeling, the sense, that atheists are actually trying to convert people to their own "beliefs" ...which is, ironically, one of the things that most atheist claim that they hate about theists.

Baron Max
in my personal opinion it seems that many atheists are bitter towards theists and the concept of god ... this brings me to an opinionated conclusion that people who used to be theists and turned thier back on religion hold a grudge and are psycologicaly hurt inside.

Also consider that many professing converts to atheism in fact may have a very tenuous grasp on their newly acquired faith. Unable to coherently and rationally justify their perceived faith in atheism, they stoop to overreacting to the notion of theism, thus repeatedly demonstrating the bitterness and hostility which you so accurately noted.

It is an indictment of themselves and their professed faith in atheism when converts to atheism behave in such a puerile, irrational manner.
I often get the feeling, the sense, that atheists are actually trying to convert people to their own "beliefs" ...which is, ironically, one of the things that most atheist claim that they hate about theists.

Baron Max

i would think it is a sub-conscious effect, but yes i agree with you. apart from i dont think atheists do it with the intention to convert theists. i think it is subconscious but the effects and outcome do appear the same in motivation.

Also consider that many professing converts to atheism in fact may have a very tenuous grasp on their newly acquired faith. Unable to coherently and rationally justify their perceived faith in atheism, they stoop to overreacting to the notion of theism, thus repeatedly demonstrating the bitterness and hostility which you so accurately noted.

It is an indictment of themselves and their professed faith in atheism when converts to atheism behave in such a puerile, irrational manner.

do you think it is a conscious decision to stoop to overreacting? i think it maybe a defensive mechanism that is subconscious.

Well said Nutter.


Many converts are just like your description.

me personaly i have never been a theist in my life, my family are not theist or atheist, i am now a daoist by choice and have been for many years. and as a neutral observer its quite easy for me to see how people behave due to the fact that i am not on either side of the argument/debate. therefore my judgement is not clouded with emotions.

I found this quote from a site, seems to me you just embraced the Asian version.

Daoism is an organised religious tradition that has been continuously developing and transforming itself through China, Korea and Japan for some two thousand years.

Since it is supposed to be an 'organised religious tradition' can you say you have never been a theist?

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yeah but it stems deeper, because its not just simple betrayal in day to day life, its the betrayal of your whole core system of belief. wich will hurt and effect you more.


There's nothing worse than betrayal.
Well said Nutter.


Many converts are just like that.

I found this quote from a site, seems to me you just embraced the Asian version.

Since it is supposed to be an 'organised religious tradition' can you say you have never been a theist?


theism deals with a god, daoism has no mention of a god. theism has no mystery because god explains everything. daoism is all about the mystery. the mystery of existence and the universe.

i would class daoism as a philosophy.

do you think it is a conscious decision to stoop to overreacting? i think it maybe a defensive mechanism that is subconscious.


For the more introspective individuals, it may be a conscious decision once they realize that they are "chasing their ontological tails" and feel that that they are trapped. However, as you suggest, there may indeed be a subconscious defense mechanism at work as well, especially among the more superficial converts who place their faith in the notion of atheism.

The issues of pride and stiffneckedness may also be factors affecting their behavior.
For the more introspective individuals, it may be a conscious decision once they realize that they are "chasing their ontological tails" and feel that that they are trapped. However, as you suggest, there may indeed be a subconscious defense mechanism at work as well, especially among the more superficial converts who place their faith in the notion of atheism.

The issues of pride and stiffneckedness may also be factors affecting their behavior.

i would agree with that, what do you mean by stiffneckedness though? like being stubborn ?

theism deals with a god, daoism has no mention of a god. theism has no mystery because god explains everything. daoism is all about the mystery. the mystery of existence and the universe.

i would class daoism as a philosophy.


Then do you maintain that "religion" and "theism" are mutually exclusive?
i would agree with that, what do you mean by stiffneckedness though? like being stubborn ?



Stiff-neckedness \Stiff"-neck`ed*ness\, n. The quality or state of being stiff-necked; stubbornness.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

i would say that theism is not the same thing as religion, but ofcourse both have ties.

you can have a godless religion, but daoism is not theism.


Very good, very good.

What qualities are required in a system for a system to qualify as a godless religion? What constitutes a religion?