Birth of Earth

The Great Australian Bight is part of the 'dead skin of the Earth'. Do you think the bark is worse than it?
No, they are not part of Earth bark.
No, the Earth does not have bark.
The Earth does not have "skin" and it wasn't alive in the first place to become dead.
how earth formed according to you or latest theory.
"Mineral Kingdom Has Co-evolved With Life

"Evolution isn't just for living organisms. Scientists at the Carnegie
Institution have found that the mineral kingdom co-evolved with life, and
that up to two thirds of the more than 4,000 known types of minerals on
Earth can be directly or indirectly linked to biological activity. The
finding, published in American Mineralogist, could aid scientists in the
search for life on other planets.

Robert Hazen and Dominic Papineau of the Carnegie Institution's Geophysical
Laboratory, with six colleagues, reviewed the physical, chemical, and
biological processes that gradually transformed about a dozen different
primordial minerals in ancient interstellar dust grains to the thousands of
mineral species on the present-day Earth. (Unlike biological species, each
mineral species is defined by its characteristic chemical makeup and crystal

"It's a different way of looking at minerals from more traditional
approaches," says Hazen. "Mineral evolution is obviously different from
Darwinian evolution-minerals don't mutate, reproduce or compete like living
organisms. But we found both the variety and relative abundances of minerals
have changed dramatically over more than 4.5 billion years of Earth's

All the chemical elements were present from the start in the Solar Systems'
primordial dust, but they formed comparatively few minerals. Only after
large bodies such as the Sun and planets congealed did there exist the
extremes of temperature and pressure required to forge a large diversity of
mineral species. Many elements were also too dispersed in the original dust
clouds to be able to solidify into mineral crystals.

As the Solar System took shape through "gravitational clumping" of small,
undifferentiated bodies-fragments of which are found today in the form of
meteorites-about 60 different minerals made their appearance. Larger,
planet-sized bodies, especially those with volcanic activity and bearing
significant amounts of water, could have given rise to several hundred new
mineral species. Mars and Venus, which Hazen and coworkers estimate to have
at least 500 different mineral species in their surface rocks, appear to
have reached this stage in their mineral evolution.

However, only on Earth-at least in our Solar System-did mineral evolution
progress to the next stages. A key factor was the churning of the planet's
interior by plate tectonics, the process that drives the slow shifting
continents and ocean basins over geological time. Unique to Earth, plate
tectonics created new kinds of physical and chemical environments where
minerals could form, and thereby boosted mineral diversity to more than a
thousand types.

What ultimately had the biggest impact on mineral evolution, however, was
the origin of life, approximately 4 billion years ago. "Of the approximately
4,300 known mineral species on Earth, perhaps two thirds of them are
biologically mediated," says Hazen. "This is principally a consequence of
our oxygen-rich atmosphere, which is a product of photosynthesis by
microscopic algae." Many important minerals are oxidized weathering
products, including ores of iron, copper and many other metals.

Microorganisms and plants also accelerated the production of diverse clay
minerals. In the oceans, the evolution of organisms with shells and
mineralized skeletons generated thick layered deposits of minerals such as
calcite, which would be rare on a lifeless planet.

"For at least 2.5 billion years, and possibly since the emergence of life,
Earth's mineralogy has evolved in parallel with biology," says Hazen. "One
implication of this finding is that remote observations of the mineralogy of
other moons and planets may provide crucial evidence for biological
influences beyond Earth."

Citation: Robert M. Hazen, Dominic Papineau, Wouter Bleeker, Robert T.
Downs, John M. Ferry, Timothy J. McCoy, Dimitri Sverjensky and Hexiong Yang
(2008) Mineral evolution. American Mineralogist.

Provided by Carnegie Institution"
November 13, 2008
Exactly. The authors say - in your own quotation - " "Mineral evolution is obviously different from Darwinian evolution-minerals don't mutate, reproduce or compete like living organisms."

Now will you take your infantile nonsense and go play with the traffic.

Moderator: What the **** does it take to bring some order to this forum. It is a disgrace that this nonsense - amsuing as it may be - is permitted to remain. Are you brain dead, or what. Take some ****ing action before the members do.
Exactly. The authors say - in your own quotation - " "Mineral evolution is obviously different from Darwinian evolution-minerals don't mutate, reproduce or compete like living organisms."

Now will you take your infantile nonsense and go play with the traffic.

Moderator: What the **** does it take to bring some order to this forum. It is a disgrace that this nonsense - amsuing as it may be - is permitted to remain. Are you brain dead, or what. Take some ****ing action before the members do.
than how earth formed according to latest theory ?
than how earth formed according to latest theory ?
You have been given multiple references for this in the past. But I suggest you go to this online book:

Read the whole thing. Post nothing in the meantime. Then report back. Make any posts before then and I shall do all that I can to get you banned. If that doesn't work I shall track you down and let the air out of your bicycle tires.
You have been given multiple references for this in the past. But I suggest you go to this online book:

Read the whole thing. Post nothing in the meantime. Then report back. Make any posts before then and I shall do all that I can to get you banned. If that doesn't work I shall track you down and let the air out of your bicycle tires.
forgive me writing you again without your permission.
pls read the attached docs very serious and interesting.
2. pls advise me how different different layers and different different pockets of minerals arise in one globe according to latest theory.:D
You need to put that item into a format that I can read. It is not a file type I use or recognise.

our planet earth has bark like tree. continents are bark of earth.
2. new bark is forming between center of continents in deep oceans.that is why rocks of new forming bark under oceans are much younger than rocks on continents.
all living thing or having biological growth produces different differrent type of oil. same our planet earth is producing crude oil.
i read this post. this man has same idea
Dear All at the Expanding Earth Group,

The following is an extract from my new website, which is far from
complete but should be fully live by end of June (It is not just a
website, it is an online school and interactive community for highly
talented people, geniuses, who genuinely do wish to help make our
world a better place)

The website is: (please bear with me as I
finish designing and constructing it) and the mini-article I am
posting on the site is regarding the Expanding Earth Hypothesis is as

"Is planet Earth expanding and GROWING?

And, if GROWTH is happening, is this happening because the planet is
in fact Alive?

Hi! I want to make it very clear that this particular section has been
inserted by me [Ray Murray] personally, because the views I express
here may not be shared by every member of The Genius Collaborative ~
they may indeed have completely different views, and that?s OK.

However, I have posted these highly provocative videos here, which
refer to a modern variation of the Expanding Earth Theory that was
proposed by Charles Darwin as far back as 1834 - 1835. Darwin later
dismissed the theory, but it was not completely dismissed by others,
and variations of it have been ?in fashion? or ?out of fashion? ever
since Darwin. (See Wikipedia for history of proponents of slightly
different Expanding Earth Theories.)

Now a new Expanding Earth Theory has recently been proposed by Neal
Adams. His theory states that the Universe as a whole, and planets
specifically, behave in ways that do not fit the generally accepted
theories of Orthodox Science. (See Neal Adams own website for summary
of this HIGHLY controversial proposal)

As Neal states about his Expanding Earth Theory:

? First... It?s important to understand that this is the most profound
disagreement in all of science in a century and a half... And, even
so, it is the tip of the iceberg, the ramifications of this
disagreement will change everything we know in science, top to bottom?

Now, please note that I am not in a position to confirm or otherwise
the accuracy of any of Neal Adams? statements - so I am not saying
categorically that he is correct when he claims that The Earth and
other planets in our Solar System (see videos) are GROWING.

What I am saying is this:

The proposal by Neal Adams and others before him, that The Earth and
other planets are in fact GROWING is not so ludicrous as orthodox
science would have us believe.

However, if I were a betting man, and if I had to bet between Adams
and Orthodox Science on whose arguments or theories were closest to
the truth, then I would put my money on Neal Adams.

My own work is based on the fact that I am the discoverer of The Law
of Creation, which I first began to comprehend back in 1987.

This is fully explained in my e-book ?Letter To The Leader?, which you
can download from this site or from, where it is published.

Briefly, you will see that The Law Of Creation (The LOC) essentially
states that the entire Universe and many of the ?characters? that make
up the Universe, such as our own Planet Earth, are in fact Alive.

Now, that may sound preposterous to you and many other visitors to
this section. It certainly sounds ludicrous to most orthodox scientists.

Unfortunately for orthodox science, however, what I say in my book is
absolutely correct and The Law Of Creation holds true.

It is pretty easy to test it and confirm this for yourself.

As Neal Adams indicated in relation to his own work, it is also true
that the likely impact of my work and The Law Of Creation on the world
of orthodox science will by enormous.

In short, we are each independently stating that:

?The whole world of science has to re-examine the very foundations
upon which modern science is based.?

Like Neal Adams? theory about The Expanding Earth, you may well find
that my work on The LOC is HUGELY controversial. (For some people,
however, it is merely common sense).

Understandably though the first reaction of Orthodox Science to the
kinds of different, but potentially related hypotheses that Neal Adams
and I are proposing, is likely to be, ?Where?s the proof??

And that is a perfectly proper question, the answer to which is:

?The proof is right on our doorstep and all around us. The whole of
Nature is the proof. We are part of the proof, and so is this whole

If you take the time to read the entry in Wikipedia on the Expanding
Earth Theories, you will see that:

?The primary objections to an expanding Earth have centered around the
lack of an accepted process by which the Earth's radius could increase
and on the inability to find an actual increase of earth's radius by
modern measurements. This issue, along with the evidence for the
process of subduction, caused the scientific community to dismiss the
theory of an expanding Earth.?

Subduction may be defined as:

?A geologic process in which one edge of one crustal plate is forced
below the edge of another?

It is important to note that the arguments against any Expanding Earth
theory, and especially the arguments against the theory currently
being offered by Neal Adams, are all coming from roughly the same,
?Level of Thinking?.

And the reason that that is important to note is because, as Einstein
famously stated:

?We can't solve problems by using the same level of thinking we used
when we created them.?

For example, I am categorically stating that God exists and one of the
ETERNAL and INFINITE ?side-effects? of this is LIFE. Thus the Earth is
a Living Entity and indeed the entire Universe is a Living Entity.

I am not alone in making this assertion, of course, but anyone who
proposes this is usually ridiculed by the orthodox scientific
establishment ~ because the idea that God and LIFE may actively be
involved in ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING is just not ACCEPTED by the world of
orthodox science.

And the points to note here are these:

1] If God does exist, as I claim is the case, and...

2] If LIFE is a natural and UNIVERSAL consequence of that, as I also
claim is the case, and...

3] If LIFE is thereby infinitely and eternally OMNIPRESENT throughout
the universe...(including in Stars / Planets etc)

Then there is nothing at all strange about Neal Adams? proposal that
the EARTH is GROWING, and that the other planets in our Solar System
have also GROWN to reach their current size ~ and it is likely that
all such planets (including the Earth) may still be GROWING.

Living things GROW, until they reach their OPTIMUM SIZE.

There is nothing unusual in that.

But the level of thinking needed to grasp this concept, as Einstein
indicated, is a higher level of thinking than the established level of
thinking being generally practiced by the orthodox scientific
community regarding how Life, The Universe and Everything actually work.

You see, the normal arguments that fiercely oppose Neal Adams?
Expanding Earth hypothesis, are generally based in a detailed
understanding of only:

Geologic and Physical processes (God and LIFE are not involved in
these processes, so far as orthodox science is concerned)

They do not see this as a Spiritual AND Biological AND a Physical AND
Geological thing, where The Godflow and LIFE are just as involved in
cosmic and planetary events as any Physical or Geologic process.

This myopic stance is firmly held, mainly because the view of orthodox
science is that the Universe is NOT alive, and LIFE is a rare event,
rather than being an OMNIPRESENT and extremely COMMON thing.

So this whole thing becomes a disagreement or confrontation, as I see
it, between:

Myopic Orthodox Science and ?Level 2 Thinking? *


Visionary Omni-Science and ?Level 3 Thinking?*

(*These terms are fully explained in my book, which you can obtain for
free from my website - - or directly from by going to: )

If you do read Letter To The Leader, you will see that I provide a
complete and fairly easy to understand explanation of how The Law Of
Creation works, and how this is employed by every single part of The
Whole of Life and Nature, ~ holistically, uniquely and universally,
equally ~ and in an infinite variety of ways ~ in order to enable ALL
natural living systems in the Universe to function as a whole, in
UNISON, and in ways which are designed to NATURALLY SUSTAIN LIFE ~

(The Law Of Creation thus explains the extremely simple ways in which
The Infinite enjoys INFINITELY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ~ and because
this is about Sustainable Development, this whole field of study is
just as relevant to the world of business and ethics as it is to
cosmology, or biology and physics or any other ?ology? and ?ics? you
can think of)

Now looking again at the objections of the orthodox scientific
community to Neal Adams? version of the Expanding Earth Theory,
Wikipedia points out::

?The primary objections to an expanding Earth have centered around the
lack of an accepted process by which the Earth's radius could increase

OK - try this. If indeed it can be proven that the Earth has in fact
GROWN to reach it?s current size ~ if Neal Adams turns out to be
essentially correct in his claims ~ then the PROCESS that makes that
possible will prove itself to be, quite simply, LIFE.

(And, in turn, the ?process? or ?potential? which makes LIFE possible
is God ~ this isn?t rocket-science, nor is it any kind of ?religious
thing?. This is just the way everything works.)

Now, having said all the above, after proper investigation by
genuinely open-minded investigators, it may indeed turn out to be the
case that Neal Adams is wrong. (But I wouldn?t bet on it). So it may
indeed prove to be the case that in fact the Earth did NOT grow and is
NOT growing.

However, please note that such a conclusion would not alter one iota
the accuracy or relevance of The Law Of Creation.

My findings regarding The Law Of Creation are not at all dependent on
Neal Adams being correct, though if he is correct, then his work would
tend to corroborate my own.

(Whilst on the other hand my work would explain not only HOW the Earth
is able to grow, but also WHY this is a very normal thing for any
LIVING BODY in the Cosmos to do)


If Mr Adams? claims are proven to be completely or even generally
accurate, then the simple reason WHY the Earth would be able to grow
is because LIFE IS OMNIPRESENT throughout the Universe, and as a
result of that, certain specific entities (like trees, like you and
like me) are able to comply with The Law Of Creation and thus
experience and tangibly demonstrate BEING ALIVE.

The Earth, I submit, is one of those entities. It is a LIVING THING
and just like all other living things that I am aware of, it stands to
reason that any LIVING PLANET might indeed be able to GROW as it ages.

As referred to in the video, this may produce a DOUBLING PERIOD,
implying that such growth is exponential, but please note we are not
talking here merely about EXPONENTIAL TANGIBLE GROWTH per se, we are
talking about BIOLOGICAL GROWTH.

This starts off generally as a relatively exponential thing, like a
cell turning into a foetus, a foetus turning into a baby, a baby
turning into a young child, and a young child turning in to an adult,
but when the adult stage is reached, the ?getting bigger,
exponentially? stops happening because the LIVING BEING has reached

So if a LIVING PLANET is able to grow, then it would only grow until
it reaches an optimum size, just like every other LIVING GROWING
THING. Is that such a strange idea to ACCEPT?

Please note that the comment in Wikipedia did NOT state:

?The primary objections to an expanding Earth have centered around the
lack of a process by which the Earth's radius could increase...?

The entry in Wikipedia states:

?The primary objections to an expanding Earth have centered around the
lack of an accepted process by which the Earth's radius could increase

See the difference?

The idea is not dismissed because there is no PROCESS which could
cause the Earth to GROW - the idea is dismissed because the orthodox
scientific community just don?t ACCEPT any of the THEORIES so far
proposed which attempt to explain such a phenomenon.

Yet there is a very ACCEPTABLE PROCESS that would explain this
phenomenon with the greatest of ease, if indeed the phenomenon is a
real phenomenon.

And that ACCEPTABLE PROCESS, as already stated, is:

LIFE ~ LIFE enables things to grow. Simple.

You know, orthodox science does not think it at all strange that tiny
little things called phytoplankton are able to photosynthesise, and
directly transform the ENERGY of the Sun into ?food?, which enables
those phytoplankton to GROW.

The Earth as a whole (Living Entity) is bombarded by HUMUNGOUS amounts
of ENERGY from the Sun every moment of the day and night.

Is it too much of a stretch of the imagination to consider the
possibility that the Earth itself may also be able to directly
transform the ENERGY of the Sun into ?food?.

How does it do that?

By using The Law Of Creation in some appropriate way ~ though I won?t
even begin to try to describe here HOW this amazing LIVING PLANET goes
about specifically employing The Law Of Creation to transform Sunlight
into Energy.

(I submit that it will prove to be a slight variation on the way that
trillions of micro-organisms and green plants do that very thing, and
a variation on how other micro-organisms around volcanic spouts at the
bottom of the sea transform heat directly in to ?food?)

My point is that micro-organisms, phytoplankton and common or garden
plants can directly transform ENERGY into FOOD, and they do so

These organisms can do this because they have LIFE, and because LIFE
inherently knows how to employ The Law Of Creation. It is not just
because they are green.

It is because they are ALIVE.

So perhaps the Sun is all The Earth needs,
if indeed The Earth feeds.

Please note that so far as I am aware Neal Adams is NOT claiming that
the Earth is ALIVE. I am making that claim.

And to be honest, to fully grasp what I am talking about here, you?ll
just have to read my book ?Letter To The Leader?."

Please also note the work of Dr Elisabet Sahtouris (Author of
EarthDance) and Duane Elgin (Author of The Living Universe) as well as
the work of Dean Radin on The Global Consciousness Project (Author of
The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds)

You will find links to these people and their work on my website in
the next few days.

All the best - hope this different viewpoint proves to be relevant!

Ray Murray
This guy is even better than you: he not only agrees with you but he's got his own, additional crackpot ideas.
This guy is even better than you: he not only agrees with you but he's got his own, additional crackpot ideas.
I exchanged arguments with Adams, whom he quotes liberally, on another forum. Adams is better known as one of the primary artists for Batman. Form your own conclusions.
some stars eats small planets and got energy same big fish eat small fish. have u read this
do you have still any understanding with me that earth has biological growth only or still sleeping.
Give the guy a break. I, too, think the Earth is a living thing.
I have been working on this for a long time and have gathered a lot of evidence.

BTW, Leonardo da Vinci was convinced the Earth was a living thing and he was a genius.