Birth of Earth

That's curious. I use exactly that attitude to discover new things in relation to oil exploration. None of them have been Earth shattering (pun intended), but they have cumulatively saved my customers tens of millions of dollars and earned my employer millions of dollars. Do you suppose that the attitude might actually have something going for it?

What was that attitude, by the way? Oh, yes. In part it was to seek out errors of fact and errors of logic. I realise you claim you will not participate in further discussion with me, but I'm counting on you not being genuine about having an open mind.

Do you still maintain that facts and data are different? (Sure I can make a distinction between the two, since they are two different words, but in many/most applications they are the same.) Seriously, do you really think these are two different things? Can you at least acknowledge that you made an error here and the only thing I did was to point it out. Suddenly, for pointing out your error I am the 'bad man'. Does that seem fair and reasonable to you? I hope not.

Do you understand how science works? I don't think so. If you did you could never make a remark like that.

Of course I have an argument against everything. That is what one is meant to do in science. It is how we test speculations, hypotheses and theories. They have to be rigorously and endlessly questioned, probed and attacked. It is how they are refined and improved, if they are sound, or abandoned if they are faulty.

Any scientist worth the name will be his own fiercest critic of his own idea. But she will also be smart enough to appreciate the value of different perspectives. She will seek out colleagues to attack her hypothesis with all the ammunition they can muster. Have you never heard of peer review?

So even if I see an idea I like, while I might comment favourably on it and even offer supporting data, I shall also seek out its weakest aspect and attack it violently. You need to understand that to do it in any other way is to fail.

However, your post was a special case. You simply made several statements that were in error. They were not debatable. They were not possibilities. They were simply wrong. You do not want to accept that. Fine. Remain ignorant. It is a foolish choice, but it is one you are free to make.

I set you a couple of challenges:
"Provide facts that show that the majority of contemporary scientists qualified to consider the matter actually believed this."

All you had to do was to gather that information, post it, and thereby prove that you were correct. That is how these things work. That is how you convince your audience of your idea. With facts.
But what did you actually do? You ran away, crying that dealing with me was like running into a brick wall. Poor litte man. If you think you are correct the solution is simple. Prove it.

I also challenged your understanding of aerodynamics: "I think you will find it is considerably more complex than that."
All you had to do was to come back with some basic aeronautical equations, described in your own words and you could have made me look foolish.

You know what EAdam, I keep hoping someone like you will come along and do exactly that. It would demonstrate there is hope for them. But instead we get this vacuous litany of whining. "It's not fair. You are so closed minded. It's people like you who slow down progess."
No EAdam, it is people like you who remain stubbornly ignorant, run away from vigorous questioning and clutch logical fallacies close to your chest.

Now are you going to take the opportunity afforded you here to grow up and start to learn some real things, or are you going to retreat into your comfortable world of self delusion?
i also feel lot of people in this discussion board just believe in insulting only. i was in impression if they insult i will get more energetic.because newton was also insulted so many times. people believe only that theoretical people can only success in discoveries only. they expect complete overhaul of engine without any many time i convinced the people that i am without any instruments and support but they dont care just asking full proved theory.
i mentioned lot of times that we should think in this direction that earth has biological growth like a tree.i have given complete mechanism of formation of planet and death.i have mentioned that meteoroids are seeds of planets out of very few can germinate in asteroids and out of very few can convert in big planet. pls pls try to understand the depth of this theory.
it is very clear evidence that continents are separated from each other because globe is growing or expanding and upper skin is shrinking.same is happening with bark of tree.
people must appreciate that a small business man has given such a fine complete mechanism theory for planet formation.this is itself a invention.
very simple question pls. how different different pockets of minerals formed in same planet if it doest has biological growth.
2. why all planets have some similar and particular shape.if big bang theory is correct how it taken shape.
if accretion theory is correct how different different mineral possible on same planet.
meteroids have neccessary amino acid neccessary for seeds . this is scientifically proved.this also indicates toward my theory that meteroids are seeds of planets out of very few can germinate in big planets.pls try to re think that earth has biological growth only
some decisions of problem which discussed here

On site ( Space Odyssey planet the Earth ) a part of problems which are discussed here Dynamic model - has decided; thus publications in scientifically popular magazines are used, traces of processes of III natural phenomenon which were kept on continents
meteroids have neccessary amino acid neccessary for seeds . this is scientifically proved.this also indicates toward my theory that meteroids are seeds of planets out of very few can germinate in big planets.pls try to re think that earth has biological growth only

but why do meteroids have seeds of plants ?

in away it makes no sense

how does a meteroid have the ability to have amino acids , for plant seeds , unless the meteriod was apart of a planet in the first place ?

otherwise your implying that the meteriod can grow plants !!!
pls read this topic thorowly and see the depth and reality.

I really don't want to make this sound too harsh but it's obvious that your lack of general scientific knowledge is greatly lacking. And I'll deal with just two small, simple aspects to demonstrate the huge gap in what you should already know but obviously do not.

In one of your posts, you asked this: "2. why all planets have some similar and particular shape.if big bang theory is correct how it taken shape.
if accretion theory is correct how different different mineral possible on same planet.

The answer to the first question is "nothing more than simple gravitational attraction." Freely floating objects in space have a natural gravitational attraction for each other. That causes them to clump together. As the clump grows, it attracts even more material. And the form it takes will always be a sphere because all the material feels the strongest attraction from the center of gravity of the entire mass. Thus, there will never be things like long strings or cubes, etc. because that central point of gravitation will cause the loose material 'fold' or roll around in an attempt to get to the center. And the ONLY possible outcome of that is a sphere.

The answer to the second question is just as simple. Stars are nuclear furnaces that convert hydrogen into increasingly ever-heavier elements through the process of fusion. Stars eventually 'die' and, in the process of dying, eject those elements into space in chunks - both large and small pieces of all sizes. And it is that ejected material which eventually, through the accretion process I just described in detail above, that forms the planets and contains all of the elements that were produced in the stars.
than why shape of all asteroids is not same as per your theory.
2. second answer is not clear to me . how different 2 pockets of minerals formed in single planet.
third point is most of minerals available on earth also required by all living thing having biological growth like iron,zn,cu,salt etc.
than why shape of all asteroids is not same as per your theory.
2. second answer is not clear to me . how different 2 pockets of minerals formed in single planet.
third point is most of minerals available on earth also required by all living thing having biological growth like iron,zn,cu,salt etc.

Evidently your reading comprehension skills are just too low. Because I explained clearly everything you are still asking here.

And it's not MY "theory". It's a proven fact that scientists have known for a very long time. You need to do some serious studying to catch up with what most other people have known for years and years - you are WAY behind in your understanding of even simple things.

Good luck with your studies.
I really don't want to make this sound too harsh but it's obvious that your lack of general scientific knowledge is greatly lacking. And I'll deal with just two small, simple aspects to demonstrate the huge gap in what you should already know but obviously do not.

In one of your posts, you asked this: "2. why all planets have some similar and particular shape.if big bang theory is correct how it taken shape.
if accretion theory is correct how different different mineral possible on same planet.

The answer to the first question is "nothing more than simple gravitational attraction." Freely floating objects in space have a natural gravitational attraction for each other. That causes them to clump together. As the clump grows, it attracts even more material. And the form it takes will always be a sphere because all the material feels the strongest attraction from the center of gravity of the entire mass. Thus, there will never be things like long strings or cubes, etc. because that central point of gravitation will cause the loose material 'fold' or roll around in an attempt to get to the center. And the ONLY possible outcome of that is a sphere.

The answer to the second question is just as simple. Stars are nuclear furnaces that convert hydrogen into increasingly ever-heavier elements through the process of fusion. Stars eventually 'die' and, in the process of dying, eject those elements into space in chunks - both large and small pieces of all sizes. And it is that ejected material which eventually, through the accretion process I just described in detail above, that forms the planets and contains all of the elements that were produced in the stars.
you said when stars die it means earlier they were alive. what is meaning of alive.
how different different pockets of minerals formed in earth is a single layer of earth according to accretion theory.
why surface of earth is not smooth like a tennis ball if accretion theory is true. and why such material is not comming now.
you said when stars die it means earlier they were alive. what is meaning of alive.

Saying a star "dies" or is "alive" are merely expressions for it being "active" (burning/converting it's nuclear fuel) or "inactive" (when it has used up all it's fuel). The expressions are used in exactly the same was as when we describe a fire - as in the fire "dies" when it runs out of fuel.

how different different pockets of minerals formed in earth is a single layer of earth according to accretion theory.

Because during the accretion process, the new planet is heated by all the collisions, becomes molten, and the materials tend to stratify - meaning they settle out in layers depending on their specific gravity (density or "weight", if you prefer).

why surface of earth is not smooth like a tennis ball if accretion theory is true. and why such material is not comming now.

It's not smooth due to plate tectonics and volcanic activity - both of which are constantly rearranging the surface.

And that material IS coming in now. Every singe year the Earth receives TONS of space debris in the form of meteorites and dust. Material, which again, was formed by dying stars that ejected it into space.
Saying a star "dies" or is "alive" are merely expressions for it being "active" (burning/converting it's nuclear fuel) or "inactive" (when it has used up all it's fuel). The expressions are used in exactly the same was as when we describe a fire - as in the fire "dies" when it runs out of fuel.

Because during the accretion process, the new planet is heated by all the collisions, becomes molten, and the materials tend to stratify - meaning they settle out in layers depending on their specific gravity (density or "weight", if you prefer).

It's not smooth due to plate tectonics and volcanic activity - both of which are constantly rearranging the surface.

And that material IS coming in now. Every singe year the Earth receives TONS of space debris in the form of meteorites and dust. Material, which again, was formed by dying stars that ejected it into space.
according to you one mineral i mean iron is at same distance from center core of earth or cu at same difference from center core point of earth like this.
Saying a star "dies" or is "alive" are merely expressions for it being "active" (burning/converting it's nuclear fuel) or "inactive" (when it has used up all it's fuel). The expressions are used in exactly the same was as when we describe a fire - as in the fire "dies" when it runs out of fuel.

Because during the accretion process, the new planet is heated by all the collisions, becomes molten, and the materials tend to stratify - meaning they settle out in layers depending on their specific gravity (density or "weight", if you prefer).

It's not smooth due to plate tectonics and volcanic activity - both of which are constantly rearranging the surface.

And that material IS coming in now. Every singe year the Earth receives TONS of space debris in the form of meteorites and dust. Material, which again, was formed by dying stars that ejected it into space.
pls examine this link with depth
Core Crust

Asteroid and Plant

Seeds and Meteorids

Bark of Tree and Earth



saying a star "dies" or is "alive" are merely expressions for it being "active" (burning/converting it's nuclear fuel) or "inactive" (when it has used up all it's fuel). The expressions are used in exactly the same was as when we describe a fire - as in the fire "dies" when it runs out of fuel.

Because during the accretion process, the new planet is heated by all the collisions, becomes molten, and the materials tend to stratify - meaning they settle out in layers depending on their specific gravity (density or "weight", if you prefer).

It's not smooth due to plate tectonics and volcanic activity - both of which are constantly rearranging the surface.

And that material is coming in now. Every singe year the earth receives tons of space debris in the form of meteorites and dust. Material, which again, was formed by dying stars that ejected it into space.
from where this fuel is coming and how stoped coming of new fuel
from where this fuel is coming and how stoped coming of new fuel

A star is formed by the condensation of a rather dense cloud of hydrogen in a limited area of outer space. And when enough hydrogen has condensed that the pressure becomes great enough to initiate nuclear fusion, the star springs to "life." It's certainly NOT alive in a biological sense, though, that just means it's actively 'burning' nuclear fuel.

It will gain an additional amount of fuel from it's surrounding during it's active period but eventually the amount near enough to be pulled into it will become depleted. And it takes *tremendous* amount every single hour to keep it active. So at some point in time, the supply is not sufficient to maintain it's active state. Much like a forest fire that eventually runs out of trees that it can reach to burn.
A star is formed by the condensation of a rather dense cloud of hydrogen in a limited area of outer space. And when enough hydrogen has condensed that the pressure becomes great enough to initiate nuclear fusion, the star springs to "life." It's certainly NOT alive in a biological sense, though, that just means it's actively 'burning' nuclear fuel.

It will gain an additional amount of fuel from it's surrounding during it's active period but eventually the amount near enough to be pulled into it will become depleted. And it takes *tremendous* amount every single hour to keep it active. So at some point in time, the supply is not sufficient to maintain it's active state. Much like a forest fire that eventually runs out of trees that it can reach to burn.
i think all are guess only. we can not say anything scientifically till now even.all are assumptions only and we have to see which assumption is more correct and near.pls give your views.
i think all are guess only. we can not say anything scientifically till now even.all are assumptions only and we have to see which assumption is more correct and near.pls give your views.

No, the ONLY one making guesses and assumptions here is you. None of your cute little pictures prove anything, they are nothing but the result of your scientifically untrained imagination.

On the other hand, the information I've presented to you IS supported by a huge volume of scientifically PROVEN documentation.