Birth of Earth

there is no white area in this picture only grey and black area sees.
That is correct jsispat. The white area represents the data that support your theory. That is why you cannot see any white on the diagram. Nothing supports your theory.

As to a cool interior, have you ever been down a mine? I have: it gets hotter as you get deeper. Have you ever drilled a borehole deep into the crust? I have. It gets hotter as you get deeper. Have you ever studied the temperature stability ranges of metamorphic minerals? I have. They far exceed the the temperature at which proteins can survive.

You are wrong. And in being persistently wrong in the face of a mountain (actually a planet) of evidence against you you persist in your delusion. This is dumb. Really dumb. This is dumber than trying to make eggs Benedict with a dead skunk and the London Philharmonic orchestra.
That is correct jsispat. The white area represents the data that support your theory. That is why you cannot see any white on the diagram. Nothing supports your theory.

As to a cool interior, have you ever been down a mine? I have: it gets hotter as you get deeper. Have you ever drilled a borehole deep into the crust? I have. It gets hotter as you get deeper. Have you ever studied the temperature stability ranges of metamorphic minerals? I have. They far exceed the the temperature at which proteins can survive.

You are wrong. And in being persistently wrong in the face of a mountain (actually a planet) of evidence against you you persist in your delusion. This is dumb. Really dumb. This is dumber than trying to make eggs Benedict with a dead skunk and the London Philharmonic orchestra.
if white area support my theory it should be seen more. pls check your reply if there is any sense of your reply.
to Xelios:

I think you should give jsispat one pixle of white. After all this is a science forum and there is the quantium uncertainity principle to consider. Can it all be black without violating that in some way? Sort of implies certain knowledge if it is all black.

Also just in the spirit of re-payment for all the fun Jsispat has provided us - Have a heart, even if he he has nothing to his credit, give him one pixel if you can.
for all the fun Jsispat has provided us - Have a heart, even if he he has nothing to his credit, give him one pixel if you can.
Well, I didn't realise pixies were involved... Some of my ancestors may have come from the Emerald Isle, so I have some admiration for them and an appreciation of their talents, though we'd be more likely to call them leprechauns.
I'll concede that, using their magical powers, pixies could perhaps cause a meteor to grow somewhat. What I don't get is how the pixies would choose a particular meteor. So I,m still somewhat skeptical, but by all means - on account of the pixies - lets have a dash of white.
to Xelios:

I think you should give jsispat one pixle of white. After all this is a science forum and there is the quantium uncertainity principle to consider. Can it all be black without violating that in some way? Sort of implies certain knowledge if it is all black.

Also just in the spirit of re-payment for all the fun Jsispat has provided us - Have a heart, even if he he has nothing to his credit, give him one pixel if you can.
He did get one pixel of white, it's probably hard to see with all that black in there. I circled it (no I didn't just add it either :p )


I like to think that the one pixel of white is the evidence that the Earth does indeed exist.
i do not know when people will accept my theory that earth has biological growth only.
... oil is produced by virus betwwen mantle and crust.
All the more reason why we must stop bring oil to the surface. That virus can not be killed by autocalves - extremely hot steam etc. Thank you ever so much for allerting us to the danger in each barrel of oil. - These virus easily survive the tempreatures of the oil refineries distilation processes and possible even the temperature inside the cars motor. Breathing only car exhaust does kill you know -Dam deadly those viruses.

Why don't you and OilisMastry start a joint thread to go into the details of how the oil is produced. If viruses are part of the deep Earth process, OilisMastry will need to admit oil is of biologic origin so he may not want a joint thread with you, but you are with a common deep Earth origin of oil cause.
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i'm gobsmacked... is he that dumb "... oil is produced by virus betwwen mantle and crust."

Next he's going to tell us that volcanoes are just Zits on the face of the earth and we are fleas...
Whell i found someone dummer who is stil convinced that the world, the entire univurse was created 6000 years ago by god in 6 day's... and no matter how many arguments we throw at them we are wrong and the bible is wright!