Birth of Earth

continents have been seprated from each other . design of continents show such a clear evidence of earth expantion but no body seriosly taking.
Plate Tectonics. Huge swaths of the Earth's crust float on the liquid magma beneath, like ice bergs floating on the ocean.
Perhaps I'll be banned for saying this, but why is this dude still allowed to post here ?
He should be doing his homework !
Plate Tectonics. Huge swaths of the Earth's crust float on the liquid magma beneath, like ice bergs floating on the ocean.

The mantle is not liquid - it's solid. The crust does not float in that sense. It behaves in a ductile fashion on a geological timescale (and hence there are convection cells) and like a solid rock on short timescales (and hence there are earthquakes). Think silly putty: pull it slowly and it stretches and blobs, a bit like a very thick liquid. Pull it quickly and it snaps, like a brittle solid.
The mantle is not liquid - it's solid. The crust does not float in that sense. It behaves in a ductile fashion on a geological timescale (and hence there are convection cells) and like a solid rock on short timescales (and hence there are earthquakes). Think silly putty: pull it slowly and it stretches and blobs, a bit like a very thick liquid. Pull it quickly and it snaps, like a brittle solid.
You're right, geology is not my field :p
Do you really believe that!? You don't think that all those thousands of scientists who study Earth Science haven't considered expanding earth? Read my posts above re: Expanding Earth theory - it's been considered. The evidence (which is much, much more than "it looks like the bark of a tree") simply does not match. People have given you lots of ideas to read up on stuff, I suggest (again!) you do this. Here's a list of evidence you haven't considered:
- composition of the Earth (more than just layered - the actual chemical composition, including mineral phase transitions in the mantle)
- current plate motions
- the fact that rocks in a particular area show transitions across climate belts
- current earthquake and volcano locations
- location of mountain belts
- the age of the oldest ocean crust
- etc, etc...
pls see the attached topic published in paper. there is little differance that according to topic meteroids broght amino acid neccesary for porteins. bit i said meteroids are them selves seeds of planets and earth is formed throw this biological process.
Please see the attached topic published in the paper. There is little difference between the idea - presented in this paper - that meteoroids brought amino acids neccesary for the formation of proteins and my idea that the meteoroids are themselves seeds of planets, and Earth is formed through this biological process.

I have taken the liberty of rewriting your comments so they are intelligible. I realise English is not your native language, but surely that is all the more reason to use a spell checker and make an exta effort to be correct.

There is every difference between these two things. There is no similarity between them, except in your mind's ignorance.

There is an interesting set of factors at work here:
1: The blatant stupidity of your thesis, which lacks any supporting evidence at all.
2. The incompetent way in which you have presented this thesis.
3. Your refusal to correct your ignorance despite repeated recommendations that you do so and plenty of suggestions as to how you might do it.
4. Your abominable typing, spelling and grammatical errors.

In combination they lead me to believe you are a well educated psychology student who is conducting a field test into the way people deal with fools on the internet. I hope you will let us all know when you publish your results.
"I am gonna make you cry"

You mean that bit ? LOL :D

Uh.. or was was that "Never gonna make you cry".. I forget.. lol
Will a moderator please step in, close this thread and ban jsispat.

jsispat I have reported your last post for repetitive stupdity and requested that you be banned. You refuse to learn, you refuse to listen. You are either extremly stupid or extremely rude, either way you are out of place even on this forum.
my theory that meteroids are seeds of planets from which planets take birth. mr. breslow also proved that meteroids have amino acid which is neccesary for producing proteins and proteins are neccessary for life.
as i am saying meteroids are seeds of planets and seeds have amino acid to produce proteins. it indicates that meteroids are seeds.although BRESLOWS's topic has different meaning . but at some point it indicate toward my theory also.see topic again