Birth of Earth

Not really - the egg came first. Hen is a chicken, which is a bird, which evolved from dinosaurs (they laid eggs), dinosaurs evolved from reptiles (they lay eggs), which evolved from amphibians (lay eggs), which evolved from fish (lay eggs). Easy.

BTW - You've emailed me several times and posted on the GeologyRocks forum on this. I know that I and a number of our members have been patient and pointed you towards reading such as plate tectonics and the early history of the Earth. Clearly, you just ignore them. I strongly suggest you read a few geology textbooks. If you don't have access, read the tutorials on GeologyRocks, Wikipedia and other reputable websites. You'll soon see why your idea is codswallop.

funny how the question is the answear
it is no strange if a tree has no cracks in its bark. it depends upon the cast of tree. there may be some planets having no cracks on its bark.or super continent or smooth surface. but most tree out of all has cracks on their bark.
Some planets are made of gas, how do you explain that with a tree analogy?
first you have to give me evidence of gas planets.
jsispat, did you ever visit this forum in the past, long before you started posting? I just wondered if you had run across an individual called Happeh. You remind me of him.
That was why I asked about Happeh. Do you remember him. He could tell whether or not someone masturbated from the orientation of their body as seen in a photograph. Masturbation, he claimed caused cancer, AIDS, unethical business behaviour, and made you go bald. On balance he presented a lot more evidence in support of his arguments than jsispat has managed for his.
That was why I asked about Happeh. Do you remember him. He could tell whether or not someone masturbated from the orientation of their body as seen in a photograph. Masturbation, he claimed caused cancer, AIDS, unethical business behaviour, and made you go bald. On balance he presented a lot more evidence in support of his arguments than jsispat has managed for his.

Oh, yes - I remember him all TOO well and would rather just forget.

And I agree. This joker jsispat has not and can not present even the slimmest of evidence to support his very childish thoughts. He reminds me very much of how a tot of 6 would try to explain the workings of a telephone or TV.
It most certainly is.

Along with you and your total lack of education.

You should really, really try going to school. Are there none available where you live?
many thanks for sugestion. but there are no school on earth who have 100% correct knowledge of planet formation.
continents have been seprated from each other . design of continents show such a clear evidence of earth expantion but no body seriosly taking.
many thanks for sugestion. but there are no school on earth who have 100% correct knowledge of planet formation.
continents have been seprated from each other . design of continents show such a clear evidence of earth expantion but no body seriosly taking.

Do you really believe that!? You don't think that all those thousands of scientists who study Earth Science haven't considered expanding earth? Read my posts above re: Expanding Earth theory - it's been considered. The evidence (which is much, much more than "it looks like the bark of a tree") simply does not match. People have given you lots of ideas to read up on stuff, I suggest (again!) you do this. Here's a list of evidence you haven't considered:
- composition of the Earth (more than just layered - the actual chemical composition, including mineral phase transitions in the mantle)
- current plate motions
- the fact that rocks in a particular area show transitions across climate belts
- current earthquake and volcano locations
- location of mountain belts
- the age of the oldest ocean crust
- etc, etc...