Big Butter Jesus Struck by Lightning

Imagine you are the pastor of that church and you have been preaching hell fire and brimstone for years. And then one day, God sends a lightening bolt from heaven and destroys the big beautiful statue you errected. How would you explain that to your congregation? That would be a tough one for the pastor, in my mind at least.

That's easy. Something like the following will do:

Brothers and sisters, this is God sending us the message that we have not been ardent enough in our efforts to eradicate the pagan plague! Brothers and sisters, this is God letting us know that we must build a bigger, stronger church for our beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
No, I don't equate acts of violence to love. Additionally, and more to the point, the Bible itself has several references to God's anger (e.g. Romans, Acts, Revelations, John, Isaiah, etc).

So your notion that God has no anger is just without biblical support. In fact the Bible explicitly states otherwise on numerous occasions.

Now if you go back and read what I originally said, I never said God was angry and that was his reason for destroying Big Butter Jesus. I posed the question that he might be angry. The reasons for his anger could vary, the behavior of people at that church, including but not limited to church leadership. That church and the leaders have been involved in other local financial scandals over the course of the years. Could it be he just didn't like the statue. I believe Moses had some things to relay from God about graven images. Maybe God was just having a bad day or wanted to spice things up a bit?

If you don't like my answer, go and ask God. ;)
That's easy. Something like the following will do:

Brothers and sisters, this is God sending us the message that we have not been ardent enough in our efforts to eradicate the pagan plague! Brothers and sisters, this is God letting us know that we must build a bigger, stronger church for our beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

LOL, I am sure that is exactly what he/she would say. :) He or she would never implicate themselves in any wrong doing.
If you don't like my answer, go and ask God. ;)

It doesn't matter what I like or don't like. I am pointing out some inconsistency in your writting and logic. Your written claims run counter to what is written in the Bible. I don't suppose that bothers you at all. :)
There is a difference between "being angry" and "being angered" (ie. 'made angry by someone or something').

An entitiy that can "be angered" is a dependent entity. To suggest that God is a dependent entity leads to serious theological issues.

God may be angry, be to suggest that He was made angry by some entities that are per definition dependent on Him ...!
There is a difference between "being angry" and "being angered" (ie. 'made angry by someone or something').

An entitiy that can "be angered" is a dependent entity. To suggest that God is a dependent entity leads to serious theological issues.

God may be angry, be to suggest that He was made angry by some entities that are per definition dependent on Him ...!


I think your reasoning is getting very convoluted.

Dear God,

On behalf of the citizens of Butler County Ohio, all the travelers up and down interstate 75, and all of us who love Jesus, thank you.

This happened the minute my Haitian friend landed in the Cincinnati area . It was so freaky . He was in Missoula and he had a site plan for a hospital just out side of Port-Au-Prince. It was drawn by an architect or civil engineer in California . He put Dr, Thursday on the plan He told my Haitian buddy that his name interpreted to Thursday. Which at that time I found very funny because when he landed in Missoula lighting was striking and rain was pouring down in a very dramatic way . Unusual was the only way to explain it . It was the dry season . The lighting and thunder was way past normal with the fisrt strike hitting the ground the same time his plane touched down , so when he showed the site plan with Dr. Thursday written on it I said to him that represents the God Thor Patrick . The hand of the creator is on this . He is extremely religious ( 100% vodue 80% christian) So he laughed and like what I said . So he leaves Missoula and blam the second he hits the ground lightening strikes the touch down Jesus and it burns to the ground . I don't know how I came about googling to find out about the touch down Jesus in the first place is the thing . It was put before Me just in time to e-mail the Dr. about the event after he landed in Ohio . The other thing is I found out about touch down Jesus before I knew the Dr. was going to Cincinnati. It was so strange the way it all unfolded. It went like this , I see touch down Jesus burning and read the artical, go straight to my personal mail that Gary sent Me , an e-mail saying the Dr, landed in Cincinnati on this date to see my son-in-law about finishes on the hospital . So I go back and check the date of the burning Jesus and shit f--ck dog in the butt it was the same day . I know you are thinking the storm tracked across from the west to the east so big deal . You had to be in my spot to appreciate the coincidences associated with the event. It was so unbelievable . I still can't fully rap my brain around it all
@'s not that the Christian God doesn't exist...but he's not the one in charge of the weather!

If Jehovah has control of the weather anywhere, it would be out in the Middle-Eastern scrublands...this is Thunderbird's country.
@'s not that the Christian God doesn't exist...but he's not the one in charge of the weather!

If Jehovah has control of the weather anywhere, it would be out in the Middle-Eastern scrublands...this is Thunderbird's country.

Interesting . The wiki page said the Thunderbird had serpents with em as partners . That seems like more serpent -bird depiction . A common theme world wide seems like . I liked the Thunderbird and the whale thing. It is like a David and Goliath story. The Irish have a bird Man with a cow hide coat . Mog Ruith is his name. He was said to talk the language of the birds , also there is a legend about Mog baby chopping off the head of John the Baptist . I can dig it . I get the feeling the Irish were recording there frustration with Roman intrusions . Or Pagans fighting off Christian intrusion . I don't know . Fascinating if you ask Me