Big Butter Jesus Struck by Lightning

I suppose you are telling me he was happy when he flooded the world destroying all life or how about the time he destroyed Soddom and Gommorah...remember Noah and the flood, lightening bolts and pillars of salt? Are you telling me God was happy when he was doing those things?

Those things pertain to material nature, not to our essence.

We do things to material nature all the time that are rather disturbing -

Why do people refer to god as "he" or "his word". You imply that he is a male. That is stupid. Why would an all-powerful deity like your god have a penis? Are you sure it's not just because a long time ago when the guys were writing down your bible, they put 'he' because a female god would be just ludicrous? IT seems far more plausible. Follow "his word" or "its word."

Eh...I dunno...Just "typing out-loud" heh...

There's more to being male than having certain bodily appendages. :bugeye:
Those things pertain to material nature, not to our essence.

We do things to material nature all the time that are rather disturbing -

I hate to point this out, but you are not making sense. Again, are you telling me God was not angry when he flooded the world and destroyed cities or was he just doing that to spice up his day?

This is not about mans violence. But that said, is not man made in God's image? Are we not God's children?
When you understand that the soul cannot be killed or harmed, you will see things such as floods, earthquakes, cancer etc. in a different light - as not being acts of an angry God.

I don't see why God would have been grieved by that Jesus statue, and why it would be due to His anger or unhappiness that lightning struck it.
When you understand that the soul cannot be killed or harmed, you will see things such as floods, earthquakes, cancer etc. in a different light - as not being acts of an angry God.

I don't see why God would have been grieved by that Jesus statue, and why it would be due to His anger or unhappiness that lightning struck it.

No, I don't equate acts of violence to love. Additionally, and more to the point, the Bible itself has several references to God's anger (e.g. Romans, Acts, Revelations, John, Isaiah, etc).

So your notion that God has no anger is just without biblical support. In fact the Bible explicitly states otherwise on numerous occasions.

Now if you go back and read what I originally said, I never said God was angry and that was his reason for destroying Big Butter Jesus. I posed the question that he might be angry. The reasons for his anger could vary, the behavior of people at that church, including but not limited to church leadership. That church and the leaders have been involved in other local financial scandals over the course of the years. Could it be he just didn't like the statue. I believe Moses had some things to relay from God about graven images. Maybe God was just having a bad day or wanted to spice things up a bit?
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No, I don't equate acts of violence to love. Additionally, and more to the point, the Bible itself has several references to God's anger (e.g. Romans, Acts, Revelations, John, Isaiah, etc).

So your notion that God has no anger is just without biblical support. In fact the Bible explicitly states otherwise on numerous occasions.

Now if you go back and read what I originally said, I never said God was angry. I posed the question that he might be angry. The reasons for his anger could vary, the behavior of people at that church, including but not limited to church leadership. That church and the leaders have been involved in other local financial scandals over the course of the years. Could it be he just didn't like the statue. I believe Moses had some things to relay from God about graven images. Maybe God was just having a bad day or wanted to spice things up a bit?

Kind of silly.
Kind of silly.

What, you don't think God has a sense of humor? :)

Imagine you are the pastor of that church and you have been preaching hell fire and brimstone for years. And then one day, God sends a lightening bolt from heaven and destroys the big beautiful statue you errected. How would you explain that to your congregation? That would be a tough one for the pastor, in my mind at least.
What, you don't think God has a sense of humor? :)

Imagine you are the pastor of that church and you have been preaching hell fire and brimstone for years. And then one day, God sends a lightening bolt from heaven and destroys the big beautiful statue you errected. How would you explain that to your congregation? That would be a tough one for the pastor, in my mind at least.


Eiffel Tower etc.
Doesnt it have to be flammable first?

You don't think God doesn't know that or do you think he is sitting up there throwing lightening bolts at the statue in vain trying to burn it down and puzzeling over why it has not burnt? I give God more credit than that.

If he would have wanted the giant statue made of stone to burn, it would have burned. He is after all, all powerful...yes? So if God wanted stone to burn, it would burn.
For one thing, the object being struck needs to be capable of catching fire.

Not to mention that around the earth there are 100 lightning strikes per second, or 8,640,00 times a day.