Bias Against Muslims Up 70%

Proud_Muslim said:
Bias Against Muslims Up 70%
Radio Talk Shows, Iraq War Among Reasons, Study Finds

By Mary Beth Sheridan
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 3, 2004; Page A12

Muslims in the United States experienced more than 1,000 incidents of alleged harassment, violence and discriminatory treatment in 2003, a jump of 70 percent over the previous year, according to a report to be released today by a major Islamic advocacy group.

The report by the Council on American-Islamic Relations attributed the increase to such factors as Muslim-bashing on radio talk shows and tensions surrounding the war in Iraq.

The group said it received 1,019 complaints from Muslims last year concerning discriminatory or violent actions, up from 602 the year before. The biggest number of incidents had to do with employment and the refusal to accommodate religious practices. But there were 93 reported hate crimes, more than double the total in 2002. And there were numerous cases in which Muslims alleged that laws were applied to them more harshly because of their ethnic or religious identity.

"We are definitely facing an uphill battle in the struggle for civil rights in this country, especially with regard to the American Muslim community," said Mohamed Nimer, the author of the report, "Unpatriotic Acts."

Alleged reports filed with the Council on American-Islamic Relations. No similar spikes were recorded by either the Department of Labor, which oversees complaints of religious harassment within the workplace, nor the FBI, which coallates the national statistics on reported crimes.

Moreover, the Washington Post article bears the headline "Radio talk shows,..., to blame, study finds" despite the fact that there was no study whatsoever on the subject. Rather, the CAIR made a claim, based solely on conjecture, to support its alleged recordings of increased bias.

How about this, "Bias in the Media up 70%. Liberal newspapers to blame, study finds."
So this would be the ultimate ethnic stereotype of the UK?

A Scottish guy refuses to loan a Welsh guy a couple pounds. The Welsh guy takes his frustation out on a sheep. An Irish guy oversees this, and's so disgusted he has to whiskey aways his pain. He gets well past half-cut, and vomits. An English guy then uses that as toothpaste.
Muslims in the United States experienced more than 1,000 incidents of alleged harassment, violence and discriminatory treatment in 2003, a jump of 70 percent over the previous year, according to a report to be released today by a major Islamic advocacy group.

Compared with, for example, the concentration camps that Japanese-Americans and Japanese-Canadians were shipped to during World War II, perhaps you should feel pretty lucky that the "harrassment" is casual and hasn't yet become institutionalized. These were people who had as little to do with the Japanese war effort as your average muslim has to do with terrorism (that is, nothing).

Villification of the enemy in wartime is a natural thing - don't blame the people doing it, blame the institution of war.
So by that logic, the Jews, Roma, and other assorted victims of the Holocaust shouldn't complain since Stalin's purges and gulags claimed more victims?
star, the holocaust killed millions
the gulags killed many millions
what PM is whining about is totally insignificant compared to either of those
Alain, the Holocaust killed millions
The gulags killed many millions
What Martin Luther King was whining about is totally insignificant compared to either of those.

(No, I'm not comparing no one's favorite dogmatic idiot to MLK. Nor am I comparing the rise in discrimination against Muslims to that suffered by blacks. But ... saying that something supremely shitty has happened doesn't justify something moderately shitty, or even minorly shitty.)
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I don't recall asserting that PM's complaints were unjustified, nor would I ever do so. I am simply pointing out that this sort of thing is par for the course and is not unique to the war we're in now.
I think, as has been demonstrated here, that bias against certain people/countries is a normal everyday activity. There are those who may take it a step too far and get phyiscal, but in general the insulting of people who are not from the same culture as you, is commonplace.

In saying this, Loud_Muslims post could have been written by just about anyone, from just about any country. Of course, most just sit back and don't let it affect them, or if it does affect them they wouldn't resort to making unsupported forum posts, and the press wouldn't start making unsupported news articles about it.

Of course some things will be reported on - for instance the happy, smiley faced burning of American and English flags done by Iraqi people. The report didn't go on long, and we got over it. Now could you imagine PM's reaction if I went on TV burning an Iraqi flag or his countries flag? I get the feeling we'd be faced with a "Hate crimes against muslims up 100%" post.

You should really learn to take things with a pinch of salt. You also need to be aware that there will always be people who don't like you.. Hell, I don't even know you but I don't like you. Statistically speaking, hate crimes against white englishmen have also gone up - but we don't take it personally, we just get on with our lives.

And once again... If you're an immigrant and you find things are really that bad, then the simple solution would surely be to go back to your own country? You can't make a completely different culture like you.
If you're an immigrant, the country you immigrated to is your own country.
Porfiry said:
I don't recall asserting that PM's complaints were unjustified, nor would I ever do so. I am simply pointing out that this sort of thing is par for the course and is not unique to the war we're in now.

Brutality against prisoners of war is par for the course, so why's anyone complaining about what happened to Nick Berg?
StarOfEight said:
So this would be the ultimate ethnic stereotype of the UK?

A Scottish guy refuses to loan a Welsh guy a couple pounds. The Welsh guy takes his frustation out on a sheep. An Irish guy oversees this, and's so disgusted he has to whiskey aways his pain. He gets well past half-cut, and vomits. An English guy then uses that as toothpaste.

Yep - the British are able to take the piss out of each other. There are countless jokes about the Irish Welsh Scottish and the English, we have the characteristic of being able to mock each other, and we can laugh at each other. Its part of being British, but you dare take the piss out of a Paki and you are committing a criminal offence.
The UK has been multicutural for over a thousand years, but over the last fifty years we have the do-gooders and the politically correct job creators telling us that we need to be multicultural and to open the floodgates and let millions of immigrants in. Its a load of bollox - the British public have been hoodwinked into risking the loss of the British identity and our heritage.
Our grandparents didn't risk their lives just to provide a safe haven and goverment handouts for millions of immigrants, with hindsight we probably have been better off joining Hitler, and the European Union would have come sixty years earlier too. We have a leader who is a poodle for the USA, but his postion is to come to an end very soon. The illegal war on Iraq is his downfall, along with the mismanagement of illegal and legal immigrants to these shores. We have one quarter of the population of America here on these islands - it's overcrowded as it is - we can't take any more.
Yep - the British are able to take the piss out of each other. There are countless jokes about the Irish Welsh Scottish and the English, we have the characteristic of being able to mock each other, and we can laugh at each other. Its part of being British, but you dare take the piss out of a Paki and you are committing a criminal offence.
Exactly, he posted those stereotypes and nobody took a second glance at it, if it had been to do with anyone else there'd be an angry mob on the way round to his place, but maybe thats something people can learn from the brits?
Vienna's right we dont need huge ammounts of immigrants, legal or otherwise, we'd be better off training and looking after the people we have in this country that should be here, if we need any immigrants to fill jobs they should be the low paid jobs nobody here wants.
Lemming3k said:
if we need any immigrants to fill jobs they should be the low paid jobs nobody here wants.

That happened in the fifties and sixties - the immigrants were invited by the government to come and take the low paid jobs. And they did by the thousands, and that started the flood. These days the government has wrecked the fair pay for a hard days work by introducing the minimum wage, and thousands of companies have jumped on the bandwagon making it almost impossible to find a job with decent pay. They have even exported British jobs such as call centers to India and Pakistan.
Lemming3k said:
Exactly, he posted those stereotypes and nobody took a second glance at it, if it had been to do with anyone else there'd be an angry mob on the way round to his place, but maybe thats something people can learn from the brits?

True, but with the exception of the Irish in America, I can't think of people from the U.K. ever being victims of discrimination. Oh, and Zimbabwe, or whatever ... the African shithole, to be redunandant, that's dispossessing the white, predominantly farmers of their land.
The US is not just exporting call center jobs, it is now exporting well-paying jobs such as IT, engineering, programming, accounting and even some payroll and human resource functios. The scary thing is that many of these jobs are highly sensitive and confidential yet we are exporting them to countries that don't have the same privacy laws or enforcement as we do. For instance, one firm where I worked had to change our outsourced billing company in India because an employee threatened to sell our customers' personal information to identity thieves if he didn't get a promotion. There was very little the company could do legally against the employee.

The various free trade agreements that everyone loves so much has made companies more powerful than governments and it is causing untold financial, environmental and cultural damage not only in the Third World but in the developed world as well.
Paula said:
The US is not just exporting call center jobs, it is now exporting well-paying jobs such as IT, engineering, programming, accounting and even some payroll and human resource functios. The scary thing is that many of these jobs are highly sensitive and confidential yet we are exporting them to countries that don't have the same privacy laws or enforcement as we do. For instance, one firm where I worked had to change our outsourced billing company in India because an employee threatened to sell our customers' personal information to identity thieves if he didn't get a promotion. There was very little the company could do legally against the employee.

The various free trade agreements that everyone loves so much has made companies more powerful than governments and it is causing untold financial, environmental and cultural damage not only in the Third World but in the developed world as well.

I agree with you Paula, the UK is exporting jobs just like USA and it's not beneficial for anyone apart from the capitalist fatcats and the governments. It is corruption.
Dell and Microsoft are pulling their customer service divisions back to the United States. I am under the impression that more companies will be doing the same, considering the issues companies are having with privacy and identity theft.
They have even exported British jobs such as call centers to India and Pakistan.
Cheap labour, wages in britain cant increase as its already cheaper to go elsewhere, perhaps its time things became cheaper as the more expensive things get the higher wages need to be or we will all be poor, and if wages increase it will destroy our industry, they have been moving abroad for years already, take the iron industry in wales, everything became cheaper to be made abroad so we exported the raw materials for a while, then that became to expensive so the whole industry shut down and has moved abroad.
Lemming3k said:
Cheap labour, wages in britain cant increase as its already cheaper to go elsewhere, perhaps its time things became cheaper as the more expensive things get the higher wages need to be or we will all be poor, and if wages increase it will destroy our industry, they have been moving abroad for years already, take the iron industry in wales, everything became cheaper to be made abroad so we exported the raw materials for a while, then that became to expensive so the whole industry shut down and has moved abroad.

LOL yeah - and the labour government still insists that we need immigrants for employment here, but fail to admit there are no vacancies here apart from the odd cleaning job. Hell - most of the immigrants can't even speak English.

So we employ 'em over THERE - and house 'em over HERE - well done Labour!
Problem is, this place has turned into a bunch of weak people. What started off as politcally correct, anti-racial behaviour has turned itself around and now points directly at the Englishman.

As an example, I'll point out a recent advert in the local newspaper:

"Jobs fair for ethnic minorities".

Just to prove a point, I was planning to put my own ad in the paper saying:

"jobs fair for white people".

How long do you think it would take before I'm arrested or dead?

We could also look at something like the MOBO awards, (music of black origin)..

I can guarantee you, you'll never see a MOWO award ceremony, and if someone even tried, they'd be crucified.

The country is slowly being given away, and while we're being cornered by all the "racial equality", they get a free ride.

And so it continues, with the politcal aspect screaming "equality", while burying its own people in the dirt. The jobs go, the housing goes, the money goes - it's only a matter of time before we're extinct.

Word has it they've even banned the nursery rhyme "baa baa black sheep" from being printed in kids books.

And tell me who wouldn't be tempted? Some guy living in a mudhut in some country with the opportunity for a life of free handouts over here.. of course he'd take it. What is happening now is many businesses and individuals are buggering off elsewhere. France/Spain etc is now becoming a home to the Englishman who realises his country has gone down the shitter.

I don't know if any of you have heard of the Pied Piper of Hamlin, but us English folk are the rats.