Bias Against Muslims Up 70%

DoctorNO said:
Does any of that have anything to do with the muslim rebels of India (mid 1900s), Philippines, Thailand, China & Russia? And the internal civilwars of many Islamic states, even those that predate the need for oil.
No, I meant it more in light of current times. But at anytime where you try to force someone to do or become something they don't want to, then you will have conflict.

We are not actually forcing them. Nay we did not actually force Turkey & Egypt. We just show them how we enjoy our lives and they force themselves to rebel against the outdated Islamic laws. Thats indirect pressure.
Have you missed these little fights of late? :p .. Anywho, we're not applying indirect pressure. Look at Iraq for example and tell me that's indirect pressure. If you say yes, then you need to watch the news more :p. But seriously though, the indirect pressure that you say we apply has direct repercussions on the people of those countries. As an example, the women in Turkey are having to fight to be allowed to wear the hijab. By removing such rights, we only breed mistrust and discontent. If they don't wish to live as the West does, then who are we to force them?
Bells said:
No, I meant it more in light of current times. But at anytime where you try to force someone to do or become something they don't want to, then you will have conflict.
Except for India the rest of those items are "current times". Just evidences that muslims are rebellious thanks to their religious views.

Bells said:
Have you missed these little fights of late? :p .. Anywho, we're not applying indirect pressure. Look at Iraq for example and tell me that's indirect pressure. If you say yes, then you need to watch the news more :p. But seriously though, the indirect pressure that you say we apply has direct repercussions on the people of those countries.
You missed what I said about Iraq.

Bells said:
As an example, the women in Turkey are having to fight to be allowed to wear the hijab. By removing such rights, we only breed mistrust and discontent.

Dont blame non-muslims for what the muslim leaders in turkey are doing to their people.

Bells said:
If they don't wish to live as the West does, then who are we to force them?
And can we not help those muslims who want to have the same freedoms we are enjoying?....

Ok Doc, just a quick reply before I get my old decrepid body to bed.

I'm sorry I missed your point about Iraq. But as for the other current issues that you mentioned. Any time you try to force a group or individual to do something that they don't want to do, then rebellion will follow. It's not just Muslims in India who are fighting or rebelling. Christians and Hindus are also doing the exact same thing. As is the problem in many provinces in Indonesia. When you see a village full of Christian fundamentalists running down to the next Muslim village with knives and machetes, you can't blame Islam or Muslims. You blame the whole system for trying to push people to doing something they don't want to do. Over simplification I know, but I'm tired and it's been a long and bad day and tomorrow wont be much better.. so forgive me for being vague about this. Forced conversions will always result in violence against the converter. I mean sheesh... look at history as an example. But in current times, those pressures to 'be like me' (as in the West being me) will always result in many just saying bugger off we're not interested.

Dont blame non-muslims for what the muslim leaders in turkey are doing to their people.
No I actually blame the indirect pressure you mentioned before. Indirect pressure on the Turkish Government to join the European community and later on the EU... therefore try to make Turkey more European. It's those kinds of indirect pressure that we in the West put on others that has the most detrimental effects. And then of course, as with everything... push too much or too hard and it will come and bite you on the arse. Which is exactly what we're seeing now. We did the same in Iran. We interfered with the politics of another State, that was trying to find its own way to democracy. But we tried to speed it along and we put in our own favoured leader. And look at the result. The Iranians resented the interference and as a result, they went in the complete opposite direction.

And can we not help those muslims who want to have the same freedoms we are enjoying?....
What? You enjoy leering at posters of naked people on public bulletin boards?:confused:
Proud_Muslim said:
You are lying ! Muslims dont beg , those beggars are romanian gypsies, not muslims, you are excused as you dont know the difference between the two !

The word "gypsy" is derived from the erroneous belief that the Roma were originally from Egypt. Meaning, in other words, you're slandering both the Roma, some of whom are Muslim, BTW, and the Egyptians as well, who are of course, predominantly Muslim. So what are you proud of again?
hey everyone, PM told me to reply to star of eights comment ;)

"i am a proud
-peace lover
-hater of haters
-shield of Islam
-Sword of Islam"

well, thats all that PM told me to say, so cya
Why doesn't PM do it himself? Isn't his three-day ban over yet? Or did he get in such a rage about it that he didn't realize it was only temporary?
If you can prove your ancestory dates back to England before the Norman invasion, you can demand people to leave England, after all, England belongs to the WELSH, not to the Germans !!

I don't have to prove anything. However if you'd really like to get technical, English people do not wear towels around their heads and speak in strange languages. This is how I can tell who is English and who isn't. Those who aren't - and in most cases completely segregate themselves from society - have no say in what this country can or can not do. It's only a matter of time before the bubble bursts - England is now at it's highest asylum declinings, (more and more people are being sent home because we don't want them here), and eventually, (hopefully), it will be extremely hard to be 'taken in'. I mean c'mon.. you have a country like a huge beach, why come here where it's rainy and foggy?

What a load of bullshit, you do realize that we have muslims in the house of common and the house of lords, dont you ?

And women.. would you believe it? Still, England's a country that believes in equality for all.

Also, maybe you need to tell me about the english when they went to India, did they mingle and adopt to the culture there ? HYPOCRITES !

Tell them that.. I wont go to India because... I don't want to. As you've been constantly posting on this forum- you think Muslims are hard done by, so once again I go back to my original statement of "if you don't like it... leave".

You seem to have a real problem understanding that.

You are lying !

Fraid not. Want me to take photo's and do interviews?

Muslims dont beg

They do here.

those beggars are romanian gypsies

Don't try and pass the blame onto the Romanians.

not muslims, you are excused as you dont know the difference between the two !

Nonsense. Many Romanians are aupairs. I couldn't imagine one Muslim being an aupair- which is a good thing.

Again, you are lying !

Fraid not. While obviously I expect you to defend your people, (which you wouldn't need to if they all stayed in their own country), you simply cannot see the issue because you're not in England.

it is was the MUSLIMS who built Britian after the WW2

Don't be silly.

it is the MUSLIMS who work hard ( 18-19 hour a day )

Yeah which causes a complete breakdown of wage systems. You see, foreign people who come here and have little money, need to accept any work they can find - and usually working massive shifts. What this means is companies prefer to employ unskilled foreigners because it's "cheap labour", thus lowering the wage status nationwide. For instance look at Royal Mail, (British postal service), which is now like 75% French African. It's also the reason royal mail is struggling as much as it is- but the companies prefer cheap labour and the rest of us suffer.

while the fat english is down the PUP pissing on his peers.

I've never seen a Muslim down the pub :D I told you, they need to integrate themselves a bit better. No, "muslims don't drink" isn't a good enough exuse. My wife doesn't drink either but she still comes to the pub. And "fat" isn't an insult usually reserved for British people. You're thinking of Americans.

Stop lying !! most people in the UK know that the muslims are hard working people, one man from manchester told me that before the pakistanis came, you cant get petrol for your car if it was weekend, you have to wait for monday, but since the muslims came, you can fill WHENEVR you want no matter what !

Sorry man, this has gone straight in the garbage disposal. What are you talking about? lol.

And that will be in their own nations

Right.. Which is what I said.. why are they here when they might aswell be in their own country?

racism will be eliminated sooner or later

Wont ever happen.

after all, YOU NEED US more than we need you:

Nobody here needs you.... or wants you.
Yeah, StarofEight, I was going to break the news to SnakeLord that the US and UK both tend towards the hefty. I guess it's all of that feeding of our populaces that we have going on. Well, as two of the countries with the most going for them, if someone from Syria wants to stake his claim to being thin, I guess the British and English will just have to settle for literacy, democracy, civil rights, education and a robust economic engine.
Oops! I meant British and American. Apparently I can't type and talk to a six year old at the same time!
Well Star of Eight/Paula, if you had have bothered reading my post, you'd see I didn't say there aren't any fat English people, but what I said is that the "fat" insult is usually reserved for Americans.

What I was referring to was general "stereotype insults". When it comes down to the British, the insults usually focus on teeth and cups of tea. When making general and sweeping insults towards Americans, it usually focuses on weight issues.

Apologies for the confusion..

Just as an added note, I have in no way intended to state Americans are all fat fudgers, nor have I tried to claim English people are any different. I'm sure we're all fat fudgers, (which would be normal in a vibrant, food plenty western country with more to eat than anorexic buffalo and sand scorpions). I was merely stating, (as explained above), that with stereotypical insults, "fat" is directed towards Americans whilst "rotten teeth" is directed towards the Brits. If Loud_Muslim wants to insult my teeth, he is more than welcome. :D
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Ah, I see. Okay, so the British have bad teeth, and the Irish are all drunks ... what about the Scotch and the Welsh?
The scots are big people that wear skirts and no underwear and toss big trees, and the welsh like their sheep.....
Paula said:
I guess the British and English will just have to settle for literacy, democracy, civil rights, education and a robust economic engine.

Syria is a republic, but has several parties that are pro-democracy. It's important to understand that Syria has been hit hard by several factors. When Syria gained independance from France in 1946, they were not armed nor politically ready for the Arab-Israeli War and occupation of the Israelites in the Golan Heights region which was Syrian territory. There are occasional peace talks now, but for the most part Israel refuses to return the Golan Heights to Syria.

Their literacy rate is 76.9% which is higher than the majority of the middle east, and they are mostly under Islamic and martial law. That does not mean that there is no civil rights. The nation of Islam, in fact were the first to recognize womens rights some 1400 years ago. According to Islamic Law, women have the right to own property, run and control businesses and they also receive equal pay for equal work. Women are also allowed to control all their financial assets. Contrary to popular believe, muslim women cannot be married against their will and they are allowed to keep their own name when married. The do indeed have the right to own and inherit property according to the same laws as men and are granted the right to have their marriage dissolved in cases of neglect or mistreatment.

People often mistake the way the Taliban in Afghanistan treated women as Islamic law, when it is simply not the case. Islamic women are also not forced to wear the long veil that covers all of their body. It is suggested that they wear the head scarf, or hajib to keep their modest. It is more for safety in the modern world and was never meant to control women like the veil was intended to do.

As for their economic status, Syria's economy has been growing more slowly than its population growth rate. This is causing a steady decline in their GDP. Recently, there has been laws passed that would allow private banks to operate within the Syrian borders. It is slow moving, because it requires a lot of government help to get on it's feet and to set the regulations. Syria's slowly declining economy also has several other factors to consider; It's youth, sactions due to the international war on terrorism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the war between the U.S. allies and Iraq. It is still a growing nation, even younger than the United States and a lot of what was the Western block of Russia before it's downfall. You will find, if you bother to look that Syria is doing better than most countries who are as young as it is.
Lemming3k said:
The scots are big people that wear skirts and no underwear and toss big trees, and the welsh like their sheep.....

The Highland Games are retarded/hilarious.
StarOfEight said:
Ah, I see. Okay, so the British have bad teeth, and the Irish are all drunks ... what about the Scotch and the Welsh?

you drink scotch i've never tried to drink a welsh.
the scots are tight with the pennys ( a little joke for you .this scot dropped a penny of a cliff he got down there so fast it hit him on the head ) and the welsh singers.
"the welsh like their sheep"

dont you steal our insults for the New Zealanders, otherwise we'll have to think of something else to say about NZers. *shakes fist menacingly*
The Welsh have (presumably) been goin' after mutton since before there were Kiwis and sheep in New Zealand. Whether the natives were hammering away on the indigenous livestock, I don't know.

Also, Wyoming's known to have a taste for hot mutton-on-mutton action.
the welsh can have the mutton on mutton, nz's prefer man on mutton anyway :p