Bias Against Muslims Up 70%

It is NOT up to you to decide who should come and who should leave America or Australia, it is up to the NATIVE AMERICANS and the ABORIGINALS to decide, now, you should pack up and leave back to Ireland, thank you

I am not from America or Australia. I'm an Englishman. I have no Irish ancestors whatsoever. However, if I may recount a quick story..

I moved to Denmark, and after a little while realised that it wasn't quite what I was after - so I returned back home. What I did not do, which is where we differ, is make demands that a completely different culture and society change solely for my benefit. I also "mingled" for the short time I was there, learning their customs etc. The Muslim people here don't care for any of that - instead they separate themselves from society and then make demands upon it - which they have no right to do.

The only socialising I've seen Muslims do here, is to stand on streets begging for money, even though our government is already giving them enough.

This is the major problem. They don't bother trying to "fit in" with the country, but stand against it and attack anything they don't like the look of.. while expecting everything they want handed to them on a silver platter.

How are we all supposed to live together in harmony, when they do not care for, or want, harmony?

Beside, hundreds of thousands of those muslims are AMERICANS by birth, where they should leave to ??

Somewhere where they will be more happy, and where they will feel like their "demands" are being met more adequately.
Proud_Muslim said:
It is NOT up to you to decide who should come and who should leave America or Australia, it is up to the NATIVE AMERICANS and the ABORIGINALS to decide, now, you should pack up and leave back to Ireland, thank you
no it's really up to the government and the laws
the 70% figure is the jump in incidents of harassment, violence and discrimination, I advice you to re-read the article again.
At the risk of repeating myself its not the jump in incidents, its the jump in ALLEGED incidents.
"re-read the article again"

wouldnt it have made more sense to tell him to read the article again, or to re-read the article??? not both :p

"It is NOT up to you to decide who should come and who should leave America or Australia, it is up to the NATIVE AMERICANS and the ABORIGINALS to decide, now, you should pack up and leave back to Ireland, thank you"

PM, If the Aboriginees were a majority, then they could vote in a predominantly Aboriginee parliament, and then it would be their country more then white peoples. Thats the joy of democracies, they're fair. Dont bitch about another form of govt unless you have a better one, and trust me, you dont have a better one.
Proud_Muslim said:
It is NOT up to you to decide who should come and who should leave America or Australia, it is up to the NATIVE AMERICANS and the ABORIGINALS to decide, now, you should pack up and leave back to Ireland, thank you :rolleyes:

Beside, hundreds of thousands of those muslims are AMERICANS by birth, where they should leave to ??? :rolleyes:
Oh dear lord. Don't you even see that you contradict yourself? So if the Native Americans told all the Muslims and Christians to leave America or Australia, you'd be fine with that? Or would you then argue that those Muslims are American by birth? :rolleyes:

And I agree with Persol here. Do you have the names of all the people who've been abused and also the names of everyone who hates Muslims? Otherwise we could say that it is a hoax and that 70% figure is blown out of proportion to get the pity vote from the rest of the world.

Not good when your own argument comes back to bite you on the arse now is it?
Why all this fuss about the Europeans going into other people's countries when that's exactly how Muslims built their empire? Did the Muslims ever leave when they were asked to? No. They had to be driven out. Such is the nature of humans and, sorry PM, but Muslims are no better than the rest of us when it comes to grabbing for land and power. Well, maybe they're not as good at it anymore, but they were once upon a time.
SnakeLord said:
I am not from America or Australia. I'm an Englishman. I have no Irish ancestors whatsoever. However, if I may recount a quick story..

If you can prove your ancestory dates back to England before the Norman invasion, you can demand people to leave England, after all, England belongs to the WELSH, not to the Germans !!

The Muslim people here don't care for any of that - instead they separate themselves from society and then make demands upon it - which they have no right to do.

What a load of bullshit, you do realize that we have muslims in the house of common and the house of lords, dont you ?

Also, maybe you need to tell me about the english when they went to India, did they mingle and adopt to the culture there ? HYPOCRITES ! :rolleyes:

The only socialising I've seen Muslims do here, is to stand on streets begging for money, even though our government is already giving them enough.

You are lying ! Muslims dont beg , those beggars are romanian gypsies, not muslims, you are excused as you dont know the difference between the two !

This is the major problem. They don't bother trying to "fit in" with the country, but stand against it and attack anything they don't like the look of.. while expecting everything they want handed to them on a silver platter.

Again, you are lying ! it is was the MUSLIMS who built Britian after the WW2, it is the MUSLIMS who work hard ( 18-19 hour a day ) while the fat english is down the PUP pissing on his peers.

Stop lying !! most people in the UK know that the muslims are hard working people, one man from manchester told me that before the pakistanis came, you cant get petrol for your car if it was weekend, you have to wait for monday, but since the muslims came, you can fill WHENEVR you want no matter what !

Somewhere where they will be more happy, and where they will feel like their "demands" are being met more adequately.

And that will be in their own nations, racism will be eliminated sooner or later, after all, YOU NEED US more than we need you:

Living with Britain's population timebomb,7838,1130899,00.html

Enjoy !
Paula said:
Why all this fuss about the Europeans going into other people's countries when that's exactly how Muslims built their empire? Did the Muslims ever leave when they were asked to? No. They had to be driven out. Such is the nature of humans and, sorry PM, but Muslims are no better than the rest of us when it comes to grabbing for land and power. Well, maybe they're not as good at it anymore, but they were once upon a time.

Oh Yeah, it was Muslims who killed the native Americans and stole their land establishing the USA !

It was the Muslims who killed the Aboriginals in Australia and stole their land!

It was the Muslims who killed the Aztics and the Mayas in Latin America and stole their land !!

It was the Muslims who enslaved the Africans and stole their land and colonized it for centuries !! right Paula ???

Proud_Muslim said:
fat english is down the PUP pissing on his peers.
Eh? LOL... ermm PM, it's 'pub' and 'beers'.:D And just because beer has that certain colour does not mean that it's urine... :eek:
"fat english is down the PUP pissing on his peers"
i call racism on that

", it is the MUSLIMS who work hard ( 18-19 hour a day )"
if that is true, then muslims are responsible for the crap that people have to put up with. People SHOULDNT work 18 hours a day, the only thing it will lead to is a robot state, where no-one has any personal freedom

you should not be proud of working 18-19 hours, 8 hours is enough to help society and not too much
it is the MUSLIMS who work hard ( 18-19 hour a day )
If they do its because they choose to, not because they need to.
If you can prove your ancestory dates back to England before the Norman invasion, you can demand people to leave England, after all, England belongs to the WELSH, not to the Germans !!
Germans??? The normans were from normandy(hence the name) which is in france.
And i shall correct your history, before the normans we were invaded by the danish(vikings), and by the anglo saxons(again from france) and before that the romans(do i need to tell you were they are from?), before that Britain belonged to the celts, who may have come from france, and they settled all across england, wales, and scotland and called themselves Britons, so welsh isnt quite right now is it?
Also, maybe you need to tell me about the english when they went to India, did they mingle and adopt to the culture there ? HYPOCRITES !
Didnt we invade india? Isnt that why they adopted our culture in places(but not all places) as we were ruling them? So wheres the hypocricy?
You are lying ! Muslims dont beg , those beggars are romanian gypsies, not muslims
And you know they are romanian gypsies how? And may i point out its rather difficult for anyone to confuse a romanian with a muslim.(unless they are a romanian muslim but that doesnt help your arguement now does it?)
it is was the MUSLIMS who built Britian after the WW2
Care to provide a source for that? And no they didnt build it it was already built, some of it needed repairing, many people from other countries helped out.
Stop lying !! most people in the UK know that the muslims are hard working people,
Some are some arnt, same as everybody else, you still generalise way too much, anything good about a single muslim and you claim it with all muslims, anything bad about one other person and you claim it for all people the same religion or race as that person.
"fat english is down the PUP pissing on his peers"
I can honestly say I have never seen a fat Englishman pissing on a pup 's beers.
Proud_Muslim said:
And why the discrimination is on the increase in general ? why this hate and bias against muslims ?

proberly it's feelings reciprecated. As you give enough hate and bias to other religions
you should try to learn this HATE BREEDS HATE.
if you dont hate, you wont have hatred felt toward you.
Proud_Muslim said:
It is very sad this hate and bias against Muslims, this will only generate more hate and bias against non muslims in muslim lands. :(
Bad Karma my friend. Muslims haves broken the Golden Rule and must pay the price. Thus the oppressed are not the good guys but the oppressors in waiting. Try increasing the oppression for non-muslims in muslim lands youll see an increase in repayment in our lands. You wont like the results for we non-muslims rule the world! HAR HAR HAR! :D

* Golden Rule: "dont do unto others what you dont want others to do unto you".
DoctorNO said:
Bad Karma my friend. Muslims haves broken the Golden Rule and must pay the price. Thus the oppressed are not the good guys but the oppressors in waiting. Try increasing the oppression for non-muslims in muslim lands youll see an increase in repayment in our lands. You wont like the results for we non-muslims rule the world! HAR HAR HAR! :D
You are joking about that last part right? You are aware that one of the main problems that the fundamentalists have with the West is that the West thinks it rules the world.. right?
Bells said:
You are joking about that last part right?

About non-muslims ruling the world? No Im not joking. Non-muslims are more than 3/4 of the world's population and we non-muslims are considerably richer and more powerful than the average muslim. So I think we are more in control of the world than the Ummah.

Bells said:
You are aware that one of the main problems that the fundamentalists have with the West is that the West thinks it rules the world.. right?
The great majority of muslims are fundamentalist. Non-muslims are not restricted to "the West". We are also in the North, the South, and the East. We even have a strong pressence in Middle Earth - Israel. HAR HAR HAR!

The hoplessly divided Ummah are sandwiched between us. They are rebellious by nature but can still feel our pressure. Sooner or later they would have to live by our rules as did Turkey and as does Egypt. :m:
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DoctorNO said:
About non-muslims ruling the world? No Im not joking. Non-muslims are more than 2/3 of the world's population and we non-muslims are considerably richer and more powerful than the average muslim. So I think we are more in control of the world than the Ummah.
About as well as we're in control of Iraq huh? :rolleyes:

The hoplessly divided Ummah are sandwiched between us. They are rebellious by nature but can still feel our pressure. Sooner or later they would have to live by our rules as did Turkey and as does Egypt.
I don't think it's pressure they are feeling NO. I think it's more an invasion and a destruction of their society and the robbing of their oil and their forced assimilation. Can you blame them for rebelling against this though? Not that I agree with the methods employed by the fundamentalists such as OBL and his ilk, but when you think about it deep down, do you really blame them for hating us? I hate 'us' when I see what we are capable of while daring to point the finger at others. I watch the news and see the stories of what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank. I watched one part where a man was running down the street, screaming in horror, with his child in his arms covered in blood after the Isreali army shelled them while protesting and I thought to myself, that if that was my child, I'd probably want revenge and when you are desperate enough, strapping a bomb to your body and blowing up as many of the people who killed your child is not a bad thought. Believe me, I'm not advocating suicide bombings, but I can also understand why some may feel so desperate to resort to such a horror.

We can't expect to force others to live by our rules when we ourselves cannot follow those rules (ie the abuse of prisoners in Iraq and the bombing of innocent civilians.. ie the wedding is one of the latest examples). Who are we to force them to live as we do? Imagine if someone knocked on your door holding a gun and told you that you had to do as they told you at all times. You'd rebel as well wouldn't you? I know I sure as hell would. You say that they would have to live by our rules? What rules are they? And I can assure you, we break the rules that we demand others live by. There are no rules. If you're going to say the Golden Rule, then we've broken that as well. On many occasions. So who are we to enforce such rules upon anyone else when we ourselves are unable to live by them? To my horror and believe me I can't believe I'm about to say this... but as PM used to say:eek: (hey at least it's not in caps lol) ... it's hypocrisy to demand that 'they' live by our rules, since as I pointed out above, we cannot follow those rules ourselves.
humm some one really need to look at the big picture... 1000 cases of harrasment thats up from 300 of the last year.... 1000 cases hummm out of a population of 240million atleast..... lets see here thats a 1 in 240,000 people shoot you got a better chance of getting hit by a bus load of nuns going 80 miles per hour with nothing on but there little black hats...
Bells said:
I don't think it's pressure they are feeling NO. I think it's more an invasion and a destruction of their society and the robbing of their oil and their forced assimilation. Can you blame them for rebelling against this though?
Does any of that have anything to do with the muslim rebels of India (mid 1900s), Philippines, Thailand, China & Russia? And the internal civilwars of many Islamic states, even those that predate the need for oil.

Bells said:
We can't expect to force others to live by our rules when we ourselves cannot follow those rules (ie the abuse of prisoners in Iraq and the bombing of innocent civilians.. ie the wedding is one of the latest examples). Who are we to force them to live as we do?
We are not actually forcing them. Nay we did not actually force Turkey & Egypt. We just show them how we enjoy our lives and they force themselves to rebel against the outdated Islamic laws. Thats indirect pressure. :D

As far as I know the only direct force has been applied to Iraq. Thanks to Saddam who opened this opportunity. If the iraqis dont want liberty then they can always go back to their old way. Like what Iranians did. They trashed civil liberty for the draconian Islamic way of life.