Best UFO Evidence

Permit me to help you Crushing belial with your filtration process by offering up my latest "UNSETTLING" evidence that aliens came face to face with our ancient ancestors..

Science, as SkinWalker would have to agree, is based upon repeatable patterns which my latest page exhibits.
Originally posted by orreman
The reason we believe aliens visited Persol is because our ancient ancestors told us they did.
They also gave us dozens of dates of when the world was supposed to end. They also state that God set a bush on fire, flooded the earth, that mummification saved the soul, that drilling a hole in someone's head was good, etc. Just because they said it doesn't make it true. I find it funny that it they were in fact visited, that it wouldn't be a MAJOR part of their artifacts. In actuality it is not.

For example, look at the ancient hiroglyphics in this Egytian tomb in Abydos;
Clearly represented is future technology that only aliens would have had knowledge of.

So not only are they aliens, but time travellers? There are any number of ways our technology could have gone, and they just guessed the correct design?
MANY MANY MANY of those pictures mentioned on that site have already been explained. It is disturbing that people still use these as 'proof'

If you would like to see how ancient humans depicted aliens after seeing them dont miss my "Ancient Aliens page

We wear masks for semi-religious events. Why do you believe our ancestors didn't? What makes you think these are not just poor drawings (like there buffalo drawings) of them in masks?
Yes its true Persol that while the ancients could build massive monuments with unknown technology they couldnt save their pharoh who died of an abcessed tooth. Trepaned skulls however represent a spiritual quest that increases the blood flow to the brain enabling a higher consciousness and when you say there is little or no evidence for early contact then you obviously have your blinders on and no amount of evidence will ever satisfy you. It is true that aliens have access to the "Akasic Records" that contain our"probable "future based on current events. We draw what we see Persol then and now and the small percentage of petraglyphs,ground markings and pottery that CLEARLY resemble aliens and their technology is directly proportional to the percentage of our current population that has been contacted.
Originally posted by orreman
Trepaned skulls however represent a spiritual quest that increases the blood flow to the brain enabling a higher consciousness

So the 'spiritual' is most definitely rooted in the physical then? I thought 'spiritual' experiences were more than high bloodpressure.

You seem to have solved it all then. Well done.
The Spirit created the flesh and not the other way around. So when ancient man sought to commune with his creator he discovered numerous ways to do it and most often it was accomplished with altering ones consciousness through meditation, injesting plants (peyote, mushrooms marijuana ext.) or in some extreme cases such as with T.Lobsang Rampa who was trepaned at an early age at the request of the Dali Lama to open up his 3rd eye to be able to read auras. No one but God has solved it all and even then He may have a loose end or two.
If I knew everything then you would have seen this story years ago in newspapers all over the world and major TV and Film specials, unfortunately I live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to stay up with my bills let alone deal with ancient sports injuries. I am however convinced that I have stumbled onto the key to unlocking mankinds future as boastful as that may appear and have absolutely no problem sharing my theorys with anyone and everyone.

One day I'll be able to look back hopefully and say"I told you so" as humans and aliens become allies and there will be no more disenfranchised.
Originally posted by orreman
T.Lobsang Rampa who was trepaned at an early age at the request of the Dali Lama to open up his 3rd eye to be able to read auras.

you appear not to know that rampa was actually a englishman named cyril hoskins. the bloke had never stepped foot in tibet nor did he speak the language

freeze! drop the drill this instant! i repeat! drop the drill!

edit: putting mockery aside........hoskins was gonna commit suicide and rampa decides to transmigrate into his body.
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