Best UFO Evidence

Did anyone see David Sereda’s “EVIDENCE the case for NASA UFOs”
I saw this movie, it’s really drawn out but there’s a lot of NASA footage with really weird stuff in it that NASA doesn’t explain very well.
Thanks for the tip "moving" , that site has a great links page as well as being quite informative. Im going to e-mail them ( David Serada and Dan Aykroyd) and let them know what I've done with a NASA photo of a UFO (Astronaut James McDivitt) and see if they want to swap links. I'll thank you again later if something comes of it.
By Robert Matthews "New Scientist"

"Parapsychology, widely dismissed as a sloppy pseudoscience, makes far more use of rigorous experimental methods than other scientfic disciplines, according to a study of"blind methodology in research.
Blind techniques were originally designed to stop investigators in clinical trials for possible new medicines or therapies from affecting the outcome of their experiments. "Blinding" prevents them from knowing wether a patient has been given the drug or a placebo and from modifying their observations accordingly.
Scientists in other fields face a similar temptation to tweak their data, wether deliberately or subconsciously, yet according to an analysis of more than 1000 scientific papers, most researchers seem to believe they are immune to such foibles.
The problem is more acute in the "hard"sciences of physics and chemistry, where not one paper surveyed used blind methods.
The surveyed papers were published in leading journals such as Nature, the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Cell and the Journal of Applied Physics. By far the highest proportion of papers with blind methods appeared in the journals favored by parapsychologists-the Journal of the Society for Physical Research and the Journal of Parapsychology.
The study, to be published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, comes from Rupert Sheldrake, the London based biologist who has become a controversial figure for his unorthodox scientific beliefs and interest in "fringe"areas.
"Most hard scientists take it for granted that blind techniques are unnessasary in their own field," Sheldrake said. "Parapsychologists, on the other hand, have been constantly subjected to intense scrutiny by skeptics, and this has made them more rigorous."
Physicists and chemists, for example, show no signs of tightening up their methods,Sheldrake found. In a survey of 23 British university physics and chemistry departments, he found only one that taught its students even the basic techniques involved.
One chemist summed up his attitude to blind methods by saying science was hard enough as it is, without making it worse by not knowing what your working on."

Article appeared in the San Diego Union Tribune March 4th 1998

Readers of this thread need to keep this article in mind when individuals in this forum ignorently attempt to discredit Parapsychology and its leading authors.
The criticisms of "parapsychology" research might include blind testing failures, but the central argument, and by far the most significant, is the lack of proper control methods.

Control methods are widely used in the hard sciences (chemistry, physics, et al), as opposed to "blind" methods, which are not (as the article pointed out) as prevalent.

In a science, such as chemistry, it is important to have a null comparisson (or alternate reactions) to compare the hypothesized reaction with in order to look for significance.

This would easily apply to so-called parapsychology studies as well.
Wasn't sure if you were trying to prove a point.

Where did the photos come from then?
Originally posted by Crushing Belial
No i'm a ufologest i wouldn't wast my time trying to pass off disinformation.

whats that? what do you waste your time on? is this accurate?.......

Originally posted by Crushing Belial
I don't fear Aliens the reason i think they are of the demonic nature is because of my research, i have a computer dedicated to it personal stories of abductions, Home videos, videos from nasa missions pictures of ufo's and aliens, not cheesey ones and i'm matching ancient and modern day descriptions i there is a link to the past with the ancient Sumerians,The Bible,Medieval period and now. Why are they sneaking around? they seem to have an interest in political control and the military industrial complex, i don't think that they are all evil, i belive angels visit in some of the same ways they are extraterestrials who are extra-dimensional that can take different forms spiritual, apparition, and in flesh.

aliens are demonic? you are christian? post crap in the religion forum
My question is, why do you believe aliens have visited? What is your proof?
wtf! did you see that? demons!

bouncing demons at that.

Well at least it's a high-res picture:D
If you believe metaphysics and I do. aliens are working for a higher authority and have permission to create a hybred race of human/alien (which is their purpose behind abductions) in preparation for that rapidly approaching day of contact when the survivors of the rapture,(or whatever) which UFOs undoubtable will play a major role, will need to be re-educated . Whoever survives will begin a glorious phase of human evolution as our militaries are converted to peace-seeking away-teams to other planets as the "In-Betweens" teach us the technology to venture to other inhabited planets.

So while aliens are not demonic, Crushing Belial, some of them have less compassion for mankind than other off-worlders and dont exactly tuck their abductees back into bed the way the compasionate ones do. Their very public display of power when they shut down the nuclear silos in America years ago clearly shows their intention of promoting mankinds survival especially since they are aware (Akasic Records) that weve already blown ourselves up before.

There is, apparantly however , a "Hades Condition" that metaphysics describes as an invisable enviroment surrounding our planet that anyone astral planeing must make it through. Numerous ancient rock paintings in the Southwest depict monsters and demons barking at individuals climbing a seven knotted rope through this REAL danger zone. Hopefully these unhappy souls will one day walk into the light.

The reason we believe aliens visited Persol is because our ancient ancestors told us they did. For example, look at the ancient hiroglyphics in this Egytian tomb in Abydos;
Clearly represented is future technology that only aliens would have had knowledge of.

If you would like to see how ancient humans depicted aliens after seeing them dont miss my "Ancient Aliens page

Spookz my girlfriend and I loved your "Flying Saucer"
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I belive some of the stuff i have is real like the Nasa footage i got, but as far as the rest of it i don't know for sure thats why i ask for peoples opinions, is everything i have in my research real NO! but it's all apart of an on going investigation trying to filter out the crap.