Best UFO Evidence


Registered Senior Member

I would like to introduce my humble website to this esteemed group and propose ,as modestly as possible, that I have taken a UFO photo that numerous front page articles believe represents the best evidence ever produced for the existence of aliens and UFOs. This daylight photo of ten triangular objects has also provided the rosetta stone to link UFOs to ancient artifacts, crop circles and the Nazca Lines in Peru. I would not have wasted my time to register here just to flap nonsense. If you go there be prepared for the most"UNSETTLING"-LA Times UFO story you will ever see. Orreman
Originally posted by phlogistician
Looks like a flock of birds to me.

Yes, I agree with you 100%. There was no detail there to even
suggest the possibility of UFO's, let alone "The Best UFO Picture
I agree.
There is a lot of stuff in that site that made me sit up and take notice,but his so called best ever pictures are....well.....shit.:bugeye:

However,the site and tour was great.
Nice work Orrel.
You have opened my eyes a little more.
Peace Out
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Their is a lack of information to support the claim of an extrordinary object at this time. I will give him that the object might appear to be an acorn shape, however:

1) The objects behavior is not known.
2) The observer did not see the object visually.
3) The significance of the photos is not explained.

Were any local Radar stations checked to see if there is a corroborating observation? Are there other witnesses to the same object, perhaps even witnesses standing closer? Was anyone with him who can corroborate the claimants statement?

Without more information, no claim of a paranormal nature can be made about the origins of this photograph.
Orremans UFO photo does indeed look like a flock of birds from a distance but after having the objects blown up to grain they were clearly acorn or triangular in shape with no wings . They also were reflecting the blue atmosphere below them on their metallac hulls. Of course I am not a photo expert so I sent the photo to one, famous UFOlogist Bruce Macabbee who declared the objects were"Opaque and Unidentifiable". For those of you who would prefer a fat disc with aliens waving out the window you better stick to your SciFi movies because in the real world you would not see the forest because all those trees in your way. Besides you naysayers must have missed the 3 other UFOs that have the same repeating pattern as the single craft enlarged. There is reason the photo has been the subject of numerous front page features and for those of you who dont get it, its clearly your loss and I feel sorry that you missed the boat.
Orrman the lack of wings means nothing as the objects are certainly far enough pased the camera's resolution for any such detail to show.

Really now, if the objects in your UFO picture are not appreciably larger than the grain of the camera's film why waste our time?
Orreman, you should know that if there is anyone on Sciforums who would love to be sympathetic to your case it's going to be me. You wouldn't believe how many times I've fenced with pseudoskeptics, really. Just ask around and you'll find that I'm obviously not one of them. I do believe in paranormal phenomenon, including UFO's. However, I am certanly bound to the rules of science, as any good investigation should be. However, I have several issues with your photographs.

First, you say there is a metallic blue glow under the objects. Where does this information come from if it does not appear to be in the photographs and furthermore, the person who took the photos says he did not see the objects initially?

Secondly, you should be careful about Maccabee. Paranormal researchers (NOT skeptics) have found his research to be faulty time to time. As a whole he isn't too bad, but he isn't the best example of a Paranormal researcher.

I am not calling you a fraud, but I am asking for more information and pointing out that some of the claims you have made do not as yet make sense to me. It's possible your excitement over what you've found clouds your thoughs, and that happens. You might be leaving details or poorly phrasing your ideas. I haven't called you a liar at all yet, but I am saying that there are some real issues to sort out with your statements. Please be careful in your next post to answer as detailed and as well organized as you can. I understand it's not always easy.
Is there any evidence to be presented that this is indeed a flock of birds?
Mystech claims theres nothing to hold my theorys togeather, you must not have got past the first page. Apendrapew compares me to Billy Meier. In case you didnt know the model UFO people think Meier used in his photos was in fact a prop left there by a research team trying to duplicate Meiers photos which may represent some of the greatest UFO photos ever. This is the signifcence of my photo Xevious, that it was the first UFO photo to reveal the sacred pattern that is duplicated in numerous other UFO photos as well as ancient artifacts, crop circles and the Nazca Lines in Peru. Spymoose you and Mystech need to investigate more than just my cover page, did you not see page 2 where the left contour of the craft CLEARLY duplicates the Kecksberg UFO?. Xevious there were 2 other witness's with me but only the camera saw the objects since the camera was on maximun zoom. Fortunately for humanity I didnt listen to my dumbass friends who said the objects were just ducks. They werent artists or photographers like myself or even good investigators like some of the wannabes in this forum.
As a student of metaphysics I discovered in the Seventies that UFOs were in fact emissaries from God who have played a far greater role in the developement of mankind than could possibly be imagined. At the same time they must follow HIS rules which includes letting mankind exercise free choice about our destiny and apparantly in our distant past we chose to blow up the planet using weapons of sound( see Jane Roberts "Seth Material") The Spirit created the flesh and not the other way around. We are here as luminous beings to improve the circumstances of the civilisation that we find ourselves. Wether or not you believe this you are still responsible. Mystech a troll would try to make money off of these discoveries and with over 36,000 hits I could. You noticed there are no ads on my site. I have stumbled onto the key to unlock the future for mankind . Our thoughts create our reality..believe and it will come to pass.
Hey Orreman

I loved your site.
Espeacially the relationship between the crop circle and the 3 particles.
Fortunately for me I don't need to rely on your photo's for proof of these Metal looking crafts.I have seen them first hand...clearly.
I am interested in your theories and your best references.
I will look for the info on your site,and thanks again for taking the time to make your site as well.
Peace Out
Xevious..I am the photographer who took the single picture that inadvertantly captured the 10 airborne objects 7/1/90. Nasa itself has made several famous after the fact discoveries which in no way discredits what the film captured. The blue grains on the underside of the crafts are clearly visable in the actual prints that were professionally enlarged . Even the Russians were impressed both times I met the famous test pilot Marina Popovich and showed her delegation how one of their UFO photos matched mine as well as ancient artfacts. She would be the first one to publically hold up the "Inaja UFO Photo" on KGTV ABC10 . Xevious the point is even if the objects were ducks or wether I had never taken the photo at all, there are still other UFOs clearly seen on my website that have the same projection 2/3rds up their left sides. It dosent take a brain surgeon to see the "REPEATING PATTERNS" which IS what SCIENCE is based on.
Moementum7..glad you enjoyed my efforts, they were for you and everyone you know. My first and best contact is Tony Perry, bureau chief L.A.Times here in San Diego who got the ball rolling on Sept 12,1992 with a feature article and a headline that read "HEY YOU THINK ITS EASY BEING CHOSEN TO SPREAD THE UFO GOSPEL?" Ask him about my historic video"UFOs in San Diego" that contains 10 times the amount of "UNSETTLING"-latimes evidence than on my website
Can anyone say mental divergent with delusions of grandeur? I think that orreman has given a better argument against his pictures than I could have managed.
Hardly, Mystech. If he can provide references to articles and websites which corroborate his claims, he's got a case. That's all I'm waiting for. Otherwise there are no grounds to discredit him on accept the typical emotional "This is preposterous" exclamation. If we follow the dillusions of grandure claim, then plenty of credible scientists would immidietly be discredited.

Without corroboration and confirmation however, he's just another claimant. I'm just waiting for him to finish supplying the proof.
Originally posted by orreman
Mystech claims theres nothing to hold my theorys togeather,

That is because you have no "theories." Theories are hypotheses that have been tested and retested and stood up to the scrutiny of peers. At best, you have several hypotheses, albeit weak ones.

Originally posted by orreman
UFO photos as well as ancient artifacts, crop circles and the Nazca Lines in Peru.

All with alternative, plausible, and more or less convincing explanations that don't include alien craft, ufos, or the paranormal.

Originally posted by orreman
Spymoose you and Mystech need to investigate more than just my cover page, did you not see page 2 where the left contour of the craft CLEARLY duplicates the Kecksberg UFO?.

I looked at that very page... I saw nothing that was "clearly" represented. Try again. Or better yet... don't.

Originally posted by orreman
Xevious there were 2 other witness's with me but only the camera saw the objects since the camera was on maximun zoom.

Birds is as plausible an explanation as anything else.

Originally posted by orreman
Fortunately for humanity I didnt listen to my dumbass friends who said the objects were just ducks.

Un-Fortunately for humanity, those willing to believe any first thought that enters their heads is increasing it seems.

Originally posted by orreman
As a student of metaphysics I discovered in the Seventies that UFOs were in fact emissaries from God who have played a far greater role in the developement of mankind than could possibly be imagined.

Then as a "serious researcher," you won't mind sharing your Methods, Results, and Conclusions with us in the form of a serious paper, right? I'd be sincerely interested in seeing the evidence you have that references a deity and his "emissaries." As an Anthropologist, I'd really like to see the evidence you have that suggests an outside influance on the development of man!

Originally posted by orreman
At the same time they must follow HIS rules which includes letting mankind exercise free choice about our destiny and apparantly in our distant past we chose to blow up the planet using weapons of sound .... (blah, blah.... deleted usual "I know the alien agenda" rhetoric).

This is one of the most common rhetorics offered by those that believe in aliens: that they know the agenda and that society must change it's evil ways. It's been going on in various forms since before the alleged christ. Satan, angels, demons, spirits, saints, aliens from space.... they all have a message for humanity.

Originally posted by orreman
Mystech a troll would try to make money off of these discoveries and with over 36,000 hits I could.

Status and acceptance among your peers is as good a motive as money. Just to be sure, a "troll" would step into a Science Forum and make unfounded claims of extraordinary proportion, attempt to appeal to the mysteries of science and history, show a casual approach to evidence, and announce spurious similarities between concepts and phenomena, and then not expect a skeptical, reasoned response by those with actual critical thinking skills.
They said Galileo was delusional when he confirmed the hypothesis of Copernicus that the Sun was the center of our universe and not the Earth. Almost 200 years later they realized his was right. Now Im not pretending to be as wise and knowledgeable as these historial figures I dont even have a college degree and my occupations as a maintence man/bouncer hardly qualifys me to make such extrodinary claims. Unfortunately we dont have 200 years to straighten out my theorys or hypotheses if you have been following our Earths increasing restlessness. I believe the Mayans predicted late December 2012 as the end of this world and the begining of another that is if we make it that far. The Hopi believe a day of Purification is nearly at hand. Now its a well known fact that Nostradomus and Edgar Cayce both said there will be a shifting of the poles and if youve seen my website I give you the book and authors that point out we are over 230,000 years overdue for the next reversal. I also give plausible reasons why were overdue. There is a reason the prehistoric mammoth found in the glacier had a stomach full of daisys. ..the earths crust shifted.
Remember the National Geographic special that had the indian shamam recalling a frightful dream that a giant wind had uprooted every tree and now compare it to the writings of the top writer in metaphysics Jane Roberts when channeling Seth (like John Edwards does today) he said the shift will generate winds of over 500 miles an hour. I read this in the seventys and was scared to find evidence to confirm the possibility.
Back to the present where I have stumbled and bumbled my way to the forefront of the UFO arena not to achieve statis or fame and wealth. My published goal is to change the conciousness of mankind (with this supposed undeniable evidence) on a global scale (my website and video) to project this acceptance with enough brain power to attract the "Emissaries" (who guided Moses) and save mankind from certain doom. Chuckle if you want but I have dedicated my life to this compelled by the knowledge that the evidence I accumulated is no longer available(doors have slammed shut behind me) and this may well represent our last chance. The best proof I can offer is in my very amatuer video made in 1992 that led to 8 feature articles (3 front page) 25 national and international interviews and 3 spots on local TV. Google has listed my discoveries (and movie) 6 times in the first 4 pages out of many dozens. Who among you has relevant theorys with the press, articles and evidence to back it up and I could give a shit what you do for a living. You want to catch up to me read the first 3 books of the following authors in the following order
T.Lobsang Rampa
Carlos Castanada
Jane roberts
Now if there is anything Xevious that I can put on my website to convince you of the photos authenticity or if you would like to see the video let me know .
What I am looking for Orreman is corroboration of your claims. You say that your photos have been published in newspapers and reviewed by scientists? OK that's fine... which ones? What are the names of these newspapers and magazines? When were they published? What are the issue numbers? Have the people you have talked to mention your photographs in their own books and if so, which books?

You have said that paranormal investigators have examined your work, that's fine with me! I just need to know where it has been published so I can look up your references and confirm or deny your claim. I'm afraid without this verification, I will be unable to consider and support your claim no matter how much I might want to believe you.

Let me express to you that I am not in any way making any judgements about your photos as of yet, and remind you that not everyone who doesn't believe you is close-minded, nor is every supposed skeptic out to get you. It's true that the strong additudes of those who have posted so far can be quite disconcerting but I'm far desensetised to it by now. You'll have to get used to it if you accept the paranormal as a valid phenomenon. Again, I want to believe your claim but I want to see where your photos have been published before I can render a judgement.
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