best arguments against religion (no theists)

THis messege is for people who follow a certain religion...

IF you are a believer in God then you have learned that God created man (humans) in His own image. Right?

He did not create Asians in his image.
He did not create Isrealis in his image.
He did not create Pakistanis in his image
And He did not create White man in his image! .... etc..


So arent we supposed to be worshiping the SAME GOD!?!? Why are there so many religions in the world? WHy do some religions require you do something or NOT do something that another religion might not!?!?!
What makes one religion right or wrong?

Maybe You should THROW your religion out the window Just stop practicing it and TEACHING it to your kids!!! The reason religion is so hard to get rid of is because we keep teaching it to the next generation!

Cant you imagine a world with out religion?!?! ONe where ALL people in the world believed in the same thing.. EACHOTHER!!!! What a beautiful world that would be!

I am not saying that there is nothing Greater that us! I mean, shoot! The Universe is a pretty big place! But Im not going read what That is from a book that was written 1000+ years ago and then go ahead and teach it to my kids as reality! Todays Religion is Tomorrows Mythology!

Yea, God would have it this way my friend. Mayans sacrificed people of other tribes to their god.
Ok brother then enlighten me will you please, heres my arguement. I have but just one , are you ready.

An "omnipotent" creator would not make a mistake. And then REPENT for it.
(thats the whole Noah and the flood story, Im sure you know it)

It actually laughable.

Now enlighten me please.

God has made multiple mistakes. He does not see the ending as fact. He came about the necessity of tribulation with great reason. Until the day is upon us we have time to change our fate.
I create a myth of a big pink elephant that lives in the sky. The reason you cannot see it is because it is invisible. This pink elephant rules this world. Attempt to disprove Mr A when he says the elephant exists. The reason why religion has not been disproved lies within. :)
I create a myth of a big pink elephant that lives in the sky. The reason you cannot see it is because it is invisible. This pink elephant rules this world. Attempt to disprove Mr A when he says the elephant exists. The reason why religion has not been disproved lies within. :)

it is a white elephant in the sky not a pink one. Well when the blush is on maybe
Can an invisible elephant possess a color attribute?

I believe by invisible people generally mean intangible, and the absolutely brilliant thing about intangible entities is that you can assign whatever ridiculous attribute you want to them without fear that anyone will ever be able to conclusively demonstrate that you're completely full of shit.

It's a wonderful arena of zero accountability.
I create a myth of a big pink elephant that lives in the sky. The reason you cannot see it is because it is invisible. This pink elephant rules this world. Attempt to disprove Mr A when he says the elephant exists. The reason why religion has not been disproved lies within. :)
I create the notion that temperature cannot be measured accurately. The reason you cannot is because I require the exclusive use of tape measures only.
Attempt to disprove Mr A when he says temperature cannot be measured accurately. The reason atheism has not been disproved lies within. :)
I create the notion that temperature cannot be measured accurately. The reason you cannot is because I require the exclusive use of tape measures only.
Attempt to disprove Mr A when he says temperature cannot be measured accurately. The reason atheism has not been disproved lies within. :)
Unfortunately for you, the use of a measuring system that works for temperature can be demonstrated - i.e. it can be demonstrated that temperature causes expansion of liquids (just heat a full pan of cold water and watch it overflow), and that the expansion is gradual (i.e. warm water is not as expanded as hot, and water gradually spills over as more heat is applied), the principle of which can then be used to measure the temperature of whatever that liquid comes into contact with.
Once demonstrated, give the thermometer to Mr A.

When theism can demonstrate how their "measurement device" is applicable, how it works, what it measures, and show how it is calibrated (i.e. its application to a control sample as well as that which you are attempting to measure...) then perhaps your argument would be more than the (unmeasured) hot air it seems to be.

Furthermore, I can show you the invisible pink elephant exists, but first you have to truly believe it exists. And the process is simple: just wave a large stick around above your head like a lunatic.
And if at the end of the stick waving you can not see the invisible pink elephant then it is clear that either your belief was not strong enough, or your stick-waving was not performed correctly.
I believe by invisible people generally mean intangible, and the absolutely brilliant thing about intangible entities is that you can assign whatever ridiculous attribute you want to them without fear that anyone will ever be able to conclusively demonstrate that you're completely full of shit.

It's a wonderful arena of zero accountability.
Are we talking about the orthodox church, who says invisible? Or the reformed church who will accept intangible as the proper interpretation?
"There are no atheists in foxholes"

Sounds like a pretty good argument in favor of atheism.
Unfortunately for you, the use of a measuring system that works for temperature can be demonstrated - i.e. it can be demonstrated that temperature causes expansion of liquids (just heat a full pan of cold water and watch it overflow), and that the expansion is gradual (i.e. warm water is not as expanded as hot, and water gradually spills over as more heat is applied), the principle of which can then be used to measure the temperature of whatever that liquid comes into contact with.
Once demonstrated, give the thermometer to Mr A.
hence the use of "accurately"
When theism can demonstrate how their "measurement device" is applicable, how it works, what it measures, and show how it is calibrated (i.e. its application to a control sample as well as that which you are attempting to measure...) then perhaps your argument would be more than the (unmeasured) hot air it seems to be.


still waiting for you give me data on laser cooling atoms with a tape measure instead of this hogwash about bodies of water
@lightgigantic --

But Sarkus already explained to you how you could measure temperature with a tape measure.

Oh wait, you're just going to pull your standard tactic of ignoring everyone else and pulling shit out of your ass.
@lightgigantic --

But Sarkus already explained to you how you could measure temperature with a tape measure.
Only by ignoring the word "accurately"
Oh wait, you're just going to pull your standard tactic of ignoring everyone else and pulling shit out of your ass.
will the irony never end?

Anyways until you can use a tape measure to measure microkelvins you are simply ruining your scientific explanations .....
@lightgigantic --

That depends on how you define the word "accurate". Is within ten degrees accurate, or does it have to be exactly correct?

In other words, he's right unless you're going to pull some semantics bullshit ala Jan Ardena.
No, LG, keep strong: The tape measure vs. thermometer analogy has more in it than you present here.