best arguments against religion (no theists)

My theory...

I feel the the idea of religion is something to be avoided. When I was growing up, I was a Christian. I now I think this is a dumb thing to follow. If you look at, not only Christianity, but all religions, you see most branch off another one. Like the Greek and Roman religions, both similar, they gave birth to a lot of today's religions. Well their religions had to have come from somewhere, and that will leave me to think that this tree of branching religions leads to one point, a first religion. Or event... Proof of this is something like this, you now how if you see something out of the side of your eye, but when you look at it its gone? Then you may wonder what it was... Your mind will connect two things and make a conclusion to what you just saw... Now I believe that early humans saw something they couldn't explain or control and with no understandable explanation to it, jumped to conclusions. This lead to the development of religions and such. What they saw, I cant say. I will not deny anyone who believes in a God, though I do not, I look at both sides. I see the evidence for why you believe in a God, but the evidence against it, I feel, is stronger.
I feel the the idea of religion is something to be avoided. When I was growing up, I was a Christian. I now I think this is a dumb thing to follow. .

There are probable millions like you, you grew up as a follower of something you did not know what it is . Now that you grew up and you think you know everything so it unscientific to believe in religion , it is not to been sophisticated. It is not challenging to believe in something you see. the theorist in high energy physics have faith into what the theory leads them.
Do the see Higgs particle ? no , but they believe there is something. Can you get one Kg. of dark matter , no but they believe it is there . So .
There are probable millions like you, you grew up as a follower of something you did not know what it is . Now that you grew up and you think you know everything so it unscientific to believe in religion , it is not to been sophisticated. It is not challenging to believe in something you see. the theorist in high energy physics have faith into what the theory leads them.
Do the see Higgs particle ? no , but they believe there is something. Can you get one Kg. of dark matter , no but they believe it is there . So .
Actually, they do see the evidence for Higgs, and dark matter, it's just indirect. But tell me, what's to know about the religion that isn't obvious? How could he not know what it is?
Actually, they do see the evidence for Higgs, and dark matter, it's just indirect. But tell me, what's to know about the religion that isn't obvious? How could he not know what it is?

Get me one milligram of Higgs particle and 1 Kg of dark matter then I will believe . God is a spirit I can not see it my eyes are not equipt to see it. Other people had contact with Him I believe them , so do you believe in what so called scientist tell you. Are we not in the same boat ?
Get me one milligram of Higgs particle and 1 Kg of dark matter then I will believe . God is a spirit I can not see it my eyes are not equipt to see it. Other people had contact with Him I believe them , so do you believe in what so called scientist tell you. Are we not in the same boat ?

Humans are attention seeking beings. They will do just about anything to get it, lieing being one of them.
When I was little, I did in deed follow God with a passion, and I know I don't know everything, but I sat and thought about this logically and spiritually, now why is it I look at the news and see killings, war, rapes, starvation, natural disators and how can I, or even you, follow a God whom willing lets this happen? If you get what I'm picking at here.
Get me one milligram of Higgs particle and 1 Kg of dark matter then I will believe . God is a spirit I can not see it my eyes are not equipt to see it. Other people had contact with Him I believe them , so do you believe in what so called scientist tell you. Are we not in the same boat ?
It's not a matter of seeing things directly, but of having a process of discovery which includes evidence. The Higgs and dark matter are not considered proven theories even among scientists, so it's not the same thing at all. The evidence for spirit is so far not even as good at that which supports the Higgs boson. It consists of human feelings, and we all know people can experience all kinds of strange perceptions not related to reality. The evidence for scientific theories are independent of anyone's belief system.
l It consists of human feelings, and we all know people can experience all kinds of strange perceptions not related to reality. The evidence for scientific theories are independent of anyone's belief system.

Yes, that is the truth.
Humans are attention seeking beings. They will do just about anything to get it, lieing being one of them.
When I was little, I did in deed follow God with a passion, and I know I don't know everything, but I sat and thought about this logically and spiritually, now why is it I look at the news and see killings, war, rapes, starvation, natural disators and how can I, or even you, follow a God whom willing lets this happen? If you get what I'm picking at here.

You are blaming God for what we do in this world . If you read in the New Testament in the temptation of Yashua ( spidergoat does not want to use Jesus ) at some point in the temptation , whan Satan told to Yashua " bow to me and I will five the whole world to you , because the world was handed to me. " I am sure a God fearing person will not commit murder , rape , make war, and so on, I am sure if you read the New Testament it teaches us to be generous to needy people .
You are blaming God for what we do in this world . If you read in the New Testament in the temptation of Yashua ( spidergoat does not want to use Jesus ) at some point in the temptation , whan Satan told to Yashua " bow to me and I will five the whole world to you , because the world was handed to me. " I am sure a God fearing person will not commit murder , rape , make war, and so on, I am sure if you read the New Testament it teaches us to be generous to needy people .

Your religion is dependent on the impossible, and I wont lie, I live by those morals, but the coming together of humans as a whole, is impossible. Also doesn't your Bible say that 'peace is the beginning of the end' or something to that extent? The Bible is a book of predictions and "foretellings", but also is said that man cannot be trusted with such knowings... Explain this.
Also, if God is the creator of the universe and we are his "children", why would God let us, his creations, destroy his creations?
One more thing, why hasn't God just made him self known? If what ever God you believe to be real, then that God could make himself/herself/itself known and there would be no denial to that God. All those whom wrote the Bible, you are just taking their word that they herd him. There is no tacks to really prove a God exist, or has. All your beliefs are sitting on the words of a few men.
Your religion is dependent on the impossible, and I wont lie, I live by those morals, but the coming together of humans as a whole, is impossible. Also doesn't your Bible say that 'peace is the beginning of the end' or something to that extent? The Bible is a book of predictions and "foretellings", but also is said that man cannot be trusted with such knowings... Explain this.

What morals do you live by, exactly?

I wish people would actually think before they say such things. Do you really live by New Testament morals? In what way? Give me some examples.

Humans are attention seeking beings. They will do just about anything to get it, lieing being one of them.

All humans?
How do you know this?

When I was little, I did in deed follow God with a passion, and I know I don't know everything, but I sat and thought about this logically and spiritually, now why is it I look at the news and see killings, war, rapes, starvation, natural disators and how can I, or even you, follow a God whom willing lets this happen? If you get what I'm picking at here.

When you ''follow God with a passion'', what did this action entail exactly?

Do you believe that you are your body, and this life is all there is?

The best argument by far against religion is simply this: "If there is a God then where the hell is he?" All of religion is a convoluted attempt to rationalize this one immutable fact of all our experience and history. That there is simply no God revealing himself either physically or thru miraculous interventions in the affairs of the world. The whole universe behaves exactly like everything happens according to chance. Noone ever sees or hears or touches anything like a God. Ask a theist why and they'll launch into a longwinded thesis all about how God's absense is somehow necessary for free choice, as if suddenly man in a world of random events is somehow freer than in one ruled by a God. Excuse after excuse for why God simply never appears or talks to anybody. This is the one undeniable fact the theist daily struggles to have faith against, that things really are exactly as they seem and there really IS no God out there at all. The atheist is always at the advantage, simply waiting for religion to exhaust itself trying to delude itself in the face of this one undeniable fact--God is simply not there. This is why religion is shriveling up like a decaying corpse--because after 2000 years of expecting it, the day of the Lord is NOT at hand and never has been. The world chugs along exactly as it always has, and theists die alongside atheists in the vain hope of God's sudden big entrance into the affairs of mankind.
"Ask a theist why and they'll launch into a longwinded thesis all about how God's absense is somehow necessary for free choice, "

doesn't mean its not true...
iow, i wont go into my long winded explanation of how Gods absence is nesecary for free choice..