Belief or disbelief: What are your reasons?

Providing funding helps to obtain services, I dare say that the more money you are provided with the better services you can get....but I might be totally out of line there. :rolleyes:

There are other charities for that. MT was providing a basic service. Upgrades are available.
And she could have provided a much better service if she weren't such a tightass.

I'd actually venture to say that the world's poor might be better off if Mother Teresa never existed. If you figure that there are a couple billion dollars donated to charity in her name that were never spent, and that most of that money would have been spent if she weren't around to horde it, a lot more good may have been done.

You're welcome to sign up.
Oh... speaking of Mother Theressa, that brings up an example of an atheist doing "involved charity work" :D
Oh... speaking of Mother Theressa, that brings up an example of an atheist doing "involved charity work" :D

No problem, I have no issues with her being religious or otherwise.

Whatever her motivations, she did a very dirty job with kindness and compassion and inspired hundreds of others. 60 years her organisations have been helping the unwanted to die in relative comfort.
Her example is made rather moot when you consider all the people burned for being witches, or tortured because they dared to counter the Church's official literal interpretations of scripture... Christians should be helping people from now to kingdom come, simply out of guilt for what they have done already.
To do it the right way. Its all out there just waiting for you to bring your organisational skills to good use. :)
:shrug: I'd be happy to. I usually just donate to whatever my sister is involved in lately. When she was teaching highschool in Malawi in the peace corps, I visited for a few weeks and paid for school for some of the kids, etc. My sister and her husband are destined to be the only doctor/lawyer couple who never make a dime, because they'll spend their entire lives helping people. I can admire that.
Her example is made rather moot when you consider all the people burned for being witches, or tortured because they dared to counter the Church's official literal interpretations of scripture... Christians should be helping people from now to kingdom come, simply out of guilt for what they have done already.
Well, it's a little different than that. The devout think that they're helping by converting others. That doesn't make them bad people, it just means that they aren't actually helping.
Her example is made rather moot when you consider all the people burned for being witches, or tortured because they dared to counter the Church's official literal interpretations of scripture... Christians should be helping people from now to kingdom come, simply out of guilt for what they have done already.

The atheists have beaten them hollow. :shrug:

:shrug: I'd be happy to. I usually just donate to whatever my sister is involved in lately. When she was teaching highschool in Malawi in the peace corps, I visited for a few weeks and paid for school for some of the kids, etc. My sister and her husband are destined to be the only doctor/lawyer couple who never make a dime, because they'll spend their entire lives helping people. I can admire that.

Lets hope all their lives' work is not considered moot for all the things they could have done but didn't.
No problem, I have no issues with her being religious or otherwise.

Whatever her motivations, she did a very dirty job with kindness and compassion and inspired hundreds of others. 60 years her organisations have been helping the unwanted to die in relative comfort.
Compassion and comfort were not her hallmarks.

From a 1998 article:
In 1994, Robin Fox, editor of the prestigious medical journal Lancet, in a commentary on the catastrophic conditions prevailing in Mother Teresa's homes, shocked the professional world by saying that any systematic operation was foreign to the running of the homes in India: TB patients were not isolated, and syringes were washed in lukewarm water before being used again. Even patients in unbearable pain were refused strong painkillers, not because the order did not have them, but on principle. "The most beautiful gift for a person is that he can participate in the suffering of Christ," said Mother Teresa. Once she had tried to comfort a screaming sufferer, "You are suffering, that means Jesus is kissing you." The sufferer screamed back, furious, "Then tell your Jesus to stop kissing me."

The English doctor Jack Preger once worked in the home for the dying. He says, "If one wants to give love, understanding and care, one uses sterile needles. This is probably the richest order in the world. Many of the dying there do not have to be dying in a strictly medical sense." The British newspaper Guardian described the hospice as an "organised form of neglectful assistance".
Lets hope all their lives' work is not considered moot for all the things they could have done but didn't.

Fortunately, their primary concern is the lives of others, not the deaths of others. I think they'll do wonderfully.
Bullshit, you mean the commies, who were filled with the same kind of religious fervor as any inquisitor.

Doesn't change the fact that they were atheists. Atheism does not make a person immune to ideological militancy, in fact, in the absence of religion is likely to find a position of far greater fervor.
Doesn't change the fact that they were atheists. Atheism does not make a person immune to ideological militancy,
Which is why atheism is a stupid word, and foolish belief systems, religion included, but not religion exclusively, are what should be condemned.

in fact, in the absence of religion is likely to find a position of far greater fervor.
I don't know that there's any evidence that this is a reasonable sentiment.
Compassion and comfort were not her hallmarks.

From a 1998 article:

You beat me to it. There are good reasons to believe that Mother Theresa was not all she was cracked up to be. She " helped" people according to her Catholic beliefs. A documentary on her which included interviews, suggested that she was less interested in alleviating sufering than helping people into the kingdom of heaven.

Referring to high infant mortality rates, she happily suggested that it was not a bad thing because it meant more souls for God.

When my time comes I'll settle for a fellow -atheist to help me on my way.
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You beat me to it. There are good reasons to believe that Mother Theresa was not all she was cracked up to be. She " helped" people according to her Catholic beliefs. A documentary on her which included interviews, suggested that she was less interested in alleviating sufering than helping people into the kingdom of heaven.

Referring to high infant mortality rates, she happily suggested that it was not a bad thing because it meant more souls for God.

When my time comes I'll settle for a fellow -atheist to help me on my way.

Yeah you guys are all right. We should shut down the evil hospices.
Doesn't change the fact that they were atheists. Atheism does not make a person immune to ideological militancy, in fact, in the absence of religion is likely to find a position of far greater fervor.

No, it doesn't. But it doesn't cause it. They were also vodka drinkers, and wore fur hats...