Belief or disbelief: What are your reasons?

Let me know when the athiests are taking over the hospices. :)

This has nothing to do with atheism.

Be interesting to see atheists dedicating their finite lives to looking after other people.

:shrug: Bill Gates seems to be doing a lot of that these days. Warren Buffet donated about $30 Billion to charity. Just saying...
Does the idea that she could've done much better with the resources she had available not merit any consideration?

Only if it is aimed at actually doing something about it. I think based on her education, location and experience, she did the best within her limitations. Actions speak louder than words.
Uninvolved charity? Nothing. Its a service and money is always useful. But if they have opinions about how the money should be spent, they should get their hands dirty.

Only religious people do "involved" charity?

I'd sure like to see some data on that.

Percentage of atheists in the world and percentage of theists in the world

Then look at percentages of both that do charity work.
Uninvolved charity? Nothing. Its a service and money is always useful. But if they have opinions about how the money should be spent, they should get their hands dirty.
How about: the money should be spent. Period.

Mother Teresa's organization has horded what probably amounts to billions of dollars. As far as I know, it's still sitting in bank accounts, unspent, though it's certainly likely that a good chunk of it has been sent to the Vatican.

It's always amusing to me how tight-lipped religious organizations are about their finances.
:shrug: Bill Gates seems to be doing a lot of that these days. Warren Buffet donated about $30 Billion to charity. Just saying...

All very nice. When are they going to help wash clothes for the tuberculosis patients? Feed the old dying men with AIDS?
Only if it is aimed at actually doing something about it. I think based on her education, location and experience, she did the best within her limitations. Actions speak louder than words.
That's pure B.S. Mother Teresa's organization barely ever spent a dime. She took pride in the organization's disorganization and begged for everything she used, despite her obvious ability to provide from her massive bank accounts.

This is about principles and philosophy, not ability.
How about: the money should be spent. Period.

Mother Teresa's organization has horded what probably amounts to billions of dollars. As far as I know, it's still sitting in bank accounts, unspent, though it's certainly likely that a good chunk of it has been sent to the Vatican.

It's always amusing to me how tight-lipped religious organizations are about their finances.

Its always amusing to me how athiests always think of money when discussing charity
All very nice. When are they going to help wash clothes for the tuberculosis patients? Feed the old dying men with AIDS?
Here's an idea: use the money to prevent and treat AIDS instead of converting the dying to your religion while they suffer.
That's pure B.S. Mother Teresa's organization barely ever spent a dime. She took pride in the organization's disorganization and begged for everything she used, despite her obvious ability to provide from her massive bank accounts.

This is about principles and philosophy, not ability.

Reading her mind now, are you?

May I know which of her hospices you worked in?
Its always amusing to me how athiests always think of money when discussing charity
I'm thinking of EFFICACY.

You can HELP people by SPENDING the money that you HAVE. I'm glad you admire Mother Teresa's willingness to hold peoples' hands while they suffer in agony. I admire fixing problems instead of reveling in them.
Here's an idea: use the money to prevent and treat AIDS instead of converting the dying to your religion while they suffer.

All very nice. However, she was providing a service for the existing unwanted.
All very nice. However, she was providing a service for the existing unwanted.

Providing funding helps to obtain services, I dare say that the more money you are provided with the better services you can get....but I might be totally out of line there. :rolleyes:
All very nice. However, she was providing a service for the existing unwanted.
And she could have provided a much better service if she weren't such a tightass.

I'd actually venture to say that the world's poor might be better off if Mother Teresa never existed. If you figure that there are a couple billion dollars donated to charity in her name that were never spent, and that most of that money would have been spent if she weren't around to horde it, a lot more good may have been done.