Belief or disbelief: What are your reasons?

Interesting. I've never heard of a Red Cross hospice for the aged, the orphans, the lepers, the mentally ill. :shrug:
Not only that, they'll come to your house if you have one and prefer that. And they're nurses instead of nuns. And they'll happily read your religious texts to you. YOUR religious texts, as in, whatever you prefer.

They might even give you medicine. :eek:
Not only that, they'll come to your house if you have one and prefer that. And they're nurses instead of nuns. And they'll happily read your religious texts to you. YOUR religious texts, as in, whatever you prefer.

They might even give you medicine. :eek:

Again admirable, they must all be really efficient, never met a single one. Not while teaching the children or while working at the destitute womens home, nor at the school for street children. :shrug:

Not saying they aren't there, but the nuns seem rather ubiquitous as compared to them.
Again admirable, they must all be really efficient, never met a single one. Not while teaching the children or while working at the destitute womens home, nor at the school for street children. :shrug:

Not saying they aren't there, but the nuns seem rather ubiquitous as compared to them.

Maybe if they had the same kind of bankroll those nuns had, they could get to more people. It's harder to be everywhere when you're actually doing something.
Maybe if they had the same kind of bankroll those nuns had, they could get to more people. It's harder to be everywhere when you're actually doing something.

Yeah, the Red Cross is such an underfunded society. Probably why so many nuns work with them too.
Yeah, the Red Cross is such an underfunded society. Probably why so many nuns work with them too.
Each Red Cross organization is independent. I'm betting the American Red Cross has more money than the Indian Red Cross.

And Mother Teresa probably had more than any of 'em.
"I have had some tripped out spiritual experiences happen to me that have proven to me the existence of a spiritual realm and a god and that jesus christ is indeed the messiah."

Fine, your "tripped out spiritual experiences" (not visions!) invalidate the "tripped out spiritual experiences" of others, the world 'round, whose experiences convinced them of the certainty of other religions. Either they're lying or mistaken, or you're lying or mistaken. Everybody can't be right.

everyone may have different experiences that mean different things, and yes indeed they may all be right. some people (and i hope you're not included in) are so narrow minded as to think that everyone has to have the same idea of things and that's not true. everyone's perspective differs, and yet we all live under the same universal laws that are all true. we just have different views.

:shrug: Those principles transcend religion. But the behaviors a religion perpetuates are beside the point. If Jesus is the Messiah, then Mohammed is not, and the messiah the Jews are still waiting for is never coming, and certainly, the pantheon of Hindu gods do not exist.

those prinicples ARE my religion. for some out here say that i HAVE to agree to be "religious" because i believe in a god, but i don't prescribe to a doctrine so i don't call myself religious. there are two different definitions of religion in this forum and they do not equate one another as many try to insist. hindus do in fact believe that all other religions are true and mohammed never claims to be a messiah, only a prophet. i trust that jesus christ will save humanity, and that has absolutely no bearing on what these other prophets have said.

No they don't. Where on earth did you get that? And, as I previously explained, certainly Jews and Muslims would disagree. It also obviously invalidates Buddhism, since reincarnation and the afterlife can't coexist, so all those Buddhist monks are hosed.

yes they do. i got it as a direct quote from someone who practices hinduism and is published. the jews prescribe to the same religion and law that we as christians do, they just don't know it yet. they will. muslims are too busy at war if you ask me to contemplate much else. and your views on the afterlife vs reincarnation don't make logistical sense to me, for you can come and go.
Each Red Cross organization is independent. I'm betting the American Red Cross has more money than the Indian Red Cross.

And Mother Teresa probably had more than any of 'em.

Well then clearly she had something they did not have.

Conviction maybe.

Besides, every organisation can set their own rules

The Red Cross for example does not or did not accept blood from homosexuals to avoid AIDS contamination. :shrug:

Some universities banned blood drives to protect gay rights.
everyone may have different experiences that mean different things, and yes indeed they may all be right. some people (and i hope you're not included in) are so narrow minded as to think that everyone has to have the same idea of things and that's not true. everyone's perspective differs, and yet we all live under the same universal laws that are all true. we just have different views.
Religions FUNDAMENTALLY DISAGREE WITH EACH OTHER. There's no way to paint it as minor quibbling over details without becoming patently absurd. Again, if Jesus is the Messiah, the Islam is false. They may not "all be right." Obviously people don't have the same idea of things, they have different, conflicting ideas of things.

those prinicples ARE my religion. for some out here say that i HAVE to agree to be "religious" because i believe in a god, but i don't prescribe to a doctrine so i don't call myself religious. there are two different definitions of religion in this forum and they do not equate one another as many try to insist. hindus do in fact believe that all other religions are true and mohammed never claims to be a messiah, only a prophet. i trust that jesus christ will save humanity, and that has absolutely no bearing on what these other prophets have said.
The Mohammed correction is true, thanks, but that doesn't make Islam and Christianity fundamentally agree. Islam still does not consider Jesus the messiah. Hell, Protestants and Catholics can't even agree. Sunnis and Shiites can't even agree. And certainly, Jesus being the Messiah is not compatible with Shinto or Zoroastrianism or Scientology.

yes they do. i got it as a direct quote from someone who practices hinduism and is published. the jews prescribe to the same religion and law that we as christians do, they just don't know it yet. they will. muslims are too busy at war if you ask me to contemplate much else. and your views on the afterlife vs reincarnation don't make logistical sense to me, for you can come and go.

Hinduism, like most other religions, is divided into dozens of sects, which disagree with one another. I think what you're referencing is that Hindiusm is simultaneously polytheistic, monotheistic, and pantheistic, in a way that I'll admit confuses me. That doesn't mean that they believe that all religions are true. Pretty sure Xenu isn't mentioned in the Vedas.

Look, what you're asserting, that all religions can logically be true (and, interestingly, that christ is the messiah), is simply absurd. It is not so. They contradict. To argue otherwise is simply silly.
Conviction maybe.

Besides, every organisation can set their own rules

The Red Cross for example does not or did not accept blood from homosexuals to avoid AIDS contamination. :shrug:

Some universities banned blood drives to protect gay rights.
The ban you're referencing was instituted by the fucking FDA, not the American Red Cross (and obviously not any of the dozens of other Red Cross organizations)
Religions FUNDAMENTALLY DISAGREE WITH EACH OTHER. There's no way to paint it as minor quibbling over details without becoming patently absurd. Again, if Jesus is the Messiah, the Islam is false. They may not "all be right." Obviously people don't have the same idea of things, they have different, conflicting ideas of things.

The Mohammed correction is true, thanks, but that doesn't make Islam and Christianity fundamentally agree. Islam still does not consider Jesus the messiah. Hell, Protestants and Catholics can't even agree. Sunnis and Shiites can't even agree. And certainly, Jesus being the Messiah is not compatible with Shinto or Zoroastrianism or Scientology.

Hinduism, like most other religions, is divided into dozens of sects, which disagree with one another. I think what you're referencing is that Hindiusm is simultaneously polytheistic, monotheistic, and pantheistic, in a way that I'll admit confuses me. That doesn't mean that they believe that all religions are true. Pretty sure Xenu isn't mentioned in the Vedas.

Look, what you're asserting, that all religions can logically be true (and, interestingly, that christ is the messiah), is simply absurd. It is not so. They contradict. To argue otherwise is simply silly.

i've studied a synopsis of the major tenets of the world's major religions and i concluded that they are all basically the same. and that makes sense to me because after all, you can't stray too far from the truth, whatever it may be, and still remain credible. i know that jesus will bring everyone together, to a common ground...a level playing field, and all the trivial hype of separation in denominationalism and religion will be lost for good. it doesn't make sense to separate. it's wrong, and it's a power-play. what does science tell us? that there's only one law, whatever that is. there aren't multiple truths out there.
i've studied a synopsis of the major tenets of the world's major religions and i concluded that they are all basically the same.

How do you account for the big 3 monotheisms claiming there's only one true god, with Islam saying Jesus did not die on the cross, and polytheism?
i've studied a synopsis of the major tenets of the world's major religions and i concluded that they are all basically the same.
Really? So when the commandments start with "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," and Hindus worship Krishna, that makes perfect sense to you? The ethics they teach are similar, yes, because none of them are unique. That has nothing to do with whether the religions themselves are true or compatible in their teachings of deities and divine truth.

and that makes sense to me because after all, you can't stray too far from the truth, whatever it may be, and still remain credible. i know that jesus will bring everyone together, to a common ground...a level playing field, and all the trivial hype of separation in denominationalism and religion will be lost for good. it doesn't make sense to separate. it's wrong, and it's a power-play. what does science tell us? that there's only one law, whatever that is. there aren't multiple truths out there.

This is precisely my point. Each religion claims that the truth is different. This is clearly impossible, and so they cannot all be correct. Either one of them is correct or none of them are.
How do you account for the big 3 monotheisms claiming there's only one true god, with Islam saying Jesus did not die on the cross, and polytheism?

it's my impression that there IS only one true god, whatever that is, so to me all three religions are right about that. so you're saying that islamic scripture addresses jesus!!!! really?! got a quote about that? and polytheism can be explained by angels and myths used to represent ideas or concepts. i believe there to be a lot of spirits flying around doing all kinds of things out there, so.
Really? So when the commandments start with "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," and Hindus worship Krishna, that makes perfect sense to you? The ethics they teach are similar, yes, because none of them are unique. That has nothing to do with whether the religions themselves are true or compatible in their teachings of deities and divine truth.

i don't get the impression that hindus worship krishna above any other "god", and if they do, then that's where christ comes in. he's the final word on it...

This is precisely my point. Each religion claims that the truth is different. This is clearly impossible, and so they cannot all be correct. Either one of them is correct or none of them are.

that's not the impression i get. i get the impression that they're all claiming a version of the same truth, each in their own way. and i also don't think they have it all right...not one does. no one knows all there is to know and no religion represents all there is to know, but if you put them altogether you can get a pretty good idea of some things, which is all we need to know.

for now.