Being a Gentleman

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I agree whole heartedly. It makes me steaming mad too.

Respect for people, is mostly a dying art imho. It's definitely on a decline.

That said, I'd love to find a man who would take care of me. Open doors, pull out my chair. Ask me nicely for a date, even court me. I would happily cook and clean for him, darn his socks, knit him a sweater to keep him warm and smile while doing it. This society we are living in now, is not to my liking. While I am an intelligent girl, who is successful in my line of work and has been supporting my family and home for a long time, it's definitely not to my liking. I would love to be the backbone and support for a proud man who knew how to treat a lady like a lady.

I'm a simple girl. And I should have been born in the 30's or 40's. When men valued their women and women valued their men. Now days, it seems like no one really honors one another and no one has respect for the jobs that each other does. Equality is one thing, but ignoring respect and good treatment of each other for this independence is eating away at an already frayed societal structure.

don't give up hope. there are still some men out there like that. my fiance is one of them. he opens doors, and the car door for me, and hands me the seat belt. he waits until i sit down before he sits down at the dinner table. we both say please and thank you to each other because we're genuinely appreciative of each other, and what we offer to each other's lives. it's really nice. and you're right. i love doing things for him. i love to cook, and he loves to eat. i like to do all the housework and laundry and such so that he can spend his time doing things that he likes to do, like fixing up our old house. yesterday when he got home from work, i was donning a victoria's secret get up for him, and he followed me around the house like a puppy, staring at me with a big grin. it was cute. :)
The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for
authority, they show disrespect to their elders.... They no longer
rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents,
chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their
legs, and are tyrants over their teachers. - Socrates

I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on
frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond
words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and
respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise
[disrespectful] and impatient of restraint.... - Hesiod, 8th century BC

Heh. Sorry, couldn't help myself.
But yes, I agree, etiquette is a very good trait for one to have. Thankfully, my dad raised me right, for the most part.

It actually frustrates two of my roommates quite a bit. When we're all outside smoking on the balcony, there's always one person standing. And if it's Tisa or Katie, I'll stand, even though they go on and on about how they don't want to kick me out of my seat. If Bryan's, it's 50/50. Depends on how nice I'm feeling that day.

But I don't know. Women aren't "weak", therefore I need to open doors for them, nor am I trying to get laid. Mostly, it's a culturally polite thing to do, and also...showing respect to women for having to deal with us stupid men :\
When all is said and done it really comes down to just one thing: common courtesy. And that's something that's in serious danger of becoming nearly extinct in just a few more decades. Even extremely simple things like "thank you" and "please."
a pregnant woman, .

That's not my problem. She shouldn't have gotten pregnant. I don't see why I should be inconvenienced because someone inflicted a disability on themselves that will bring another human into an overpopulated world.
Gentlemen open the doors for everyone, including men regardless of their sexual preference.

What, people apart from men don't have arms? If I go through doors I hold them open for others out of efficiency. If someone clearly has trouble standing on a bus (they are very frail, missing a leg) I'd give them a seat. But if someone were ever to look at me expectantly to hold open a door or vacate a seat, I would give them a 'Go fuck yourself' look. So many people have this sense of entitlement, and they dress it up in just being 'good mannered'. Get fucked trying to browbeat and guilt me into how to behave, I'm alreadly restricted by so many bullshit laws.
That's not my problem. She shouldn't have gotten pregnant. I don't see why I should be inconvenienced because someone inflicted a disability on themselves that will bring another human into an overpopulated world.

Yay, I agree.

If someone had only one leg, or an injury, sure, I would stand up and offer him/her my seat.

If they were sick or very malcoordinated, same.

Otherwise, they can piss off :)
That's not my problem. She shouldn't have gotten pregnant. I don't see why I should be inconvenienced because someone inflicted a disability on themselves that will bring another human into an overpopulated world.

what a shame.

being pregnant isn't a fucking disability. but living in a world where it is considered as such, is.

what we're talking about here is compassion, and selflessness, which you are not exactly radiating.

what's wrong with the world people? what?

all you masterminds on here...figure it out!
No, it's my handicapability.

i don't care what the circumstances are, i'd rather do something compassionate and selfless, than to do something selfish and apathetic (at best). i consider a reluctance to be compassionate and selfless a disability that plagues mankind.
What, people apart from men don't have arms? If I go through doors I hold them open for others out of efficiency. If someone clearly has trouble standing on a bus (they are very frail, missing a leg) I'd give them a seat. But if someone were ever to look at me expectantly to hold open a door or vacate a seat, I would give them a 'Go fuck yourself' look. So many people have this sense of entitlement, and they dress it up in just being 'good mannered'. Get fucked trying to browbeat and guilt me into how to behave, I'm alreadly restricted by so many bullshit laws.

It's got nothing to do with entitlement. The point of giving up your seat is to give it someone who looks like they need it more than you do. I can stand for long periods of time without any pain or discomfort, so anyone I notice who might have trouble doing that is more deserving of my seat and that includes everyone; an old man on a walker, a pregnant woman heavy with child, some guy with a lot of bags, the little boy getting tossed around because he's too short to reach the handrail. No one has ever demanded I give up my seat nor have many even been brazen enough to ask, but if they did I wouldn't mind either. I don't know where you live with these over entitled people, but maybe you need a new hangout.
It's got nothing to do with entitlement.

No, it does have something to do with entitlement. I've heard so many women like Bells complaining about people (usually MEN) not standing up for them on public transport. They *expect* men to offer up their seat for them. That fits the definition of entitlement to a tee. Well, sorry honey, but you aren't entitled to anything simply because you got plowed with a cock that wasn't wearing a condom (oops, my mistake, they get a baby bonus for popping out kids, so I guess they are entitled to some of my tax money). If you're visibly having trouble standing then fair enough, but otherwise, stand in the aisle like a normal citizen you friggen drama queen.

Pregnant women are the worst.

BTW Visceral, you might like this:
I agree with Mordea. If you have one of those disorders that make you black out when you stand fine, but being pregnant? Nope. Piss off.

I enjoyed that link btw. :D
I agree with Mordea. If you have one of those disorders that make you black out when you stand fine, but being pregnant? Nope. Piss off.

I enjoyed that link btw. :D

Well thankfully there are some people out there who are more caring than you and Mordea. If anyone looks like they're having a hard time standing, they are more than welcome to my seat. Because I know how terrible it feels to stand when you're having physical difficulties.
It feels good to make someone else feel good; it releases endorphins. So it's a double-benefit.

I find if I let people over on the freeway about five times during a trip I arrive in a really good mood.
Just another excuse?

It seems to me some people regard courtesy as entitlement. Very interesting.
well, I think people who have manners and help others will live longer and have happier lives than those who don't.

If you are a rude inconsiderate self-centered jerk, why would anyone care about you? Why would anyone have your back?
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