B.C. or B.C.E.?

So, doesn't that just mean C.E. takes into account that a lot of people don't recognize Jesus? Isn't this a conspiracy to take Jesus out of the calendar?
M*W: True. A lot of people don't recognize Jesus. Only 25% of the worldwide population knows and/or recognizes who Jesus is enough to claim to be christians. How many 'christians' do you know who never go to church? A great percentage of people 'claim' to be christian when, in reality, they have no intention of going to a church or tithing, etc. Of the world's population, only 33% 'claim' to be christian. That doesn't mean they go to church, pray or even believe in Jesus. That's just how many people 'claim' to be christian. I'd even be willing to bet quite a few of this 33% are devil worshippers and satanists or pagans. One claiming to be 'christian' is commonplace among American society. Europe has had a christian downfall these past few years. Canada's atheists are rising in numbers. The only place you see rampant christianity is in some non-Muslim areas of Africa and Brazil. The missionaries seem to be rife in these areas. Claiming one is christian seems to be an American given. Although in this day and time, many American churches are going under as their congregations are dropping like flies.



Even religious scholars use the BCE and CE now instead of the BC/AD. I am sure this was established because not all of the world's people recognize Jesus as important enough to base a calendar on. Also, the original calendar was the lunar calendar. Didn't the Roman emperor Julian create the modern calendar? I used to know the history on this, but it's been a very long time. Therefore, the calendar that we currently live by was man-made and not holy in any form. Christianity is, of course, more familiar with the Roman calendar since all the christian holy days were based on the Roman astrological calendar, but there is no conspiracy involved in replacing BC/AD. The pie chart in the URL proves this.
M*W: True. A lot of people don't recognize Jesus. Only 25% of the worldwide population knows and/or recognizes who Jesus is enough to claim to be christians. How many 'christians' do you know who never go to church? A great percentage of people 'claim' to be christian when, in reality, they have no intention of going to a church or tithing, etc. Of the world's population, only 33% 'claim' to be christian. That doesn't mean they go to church, pray or even believe in Jesus. That's just how many people 'claim' to be christian. I'd even be willing to bet quite a few of this 33% are devil worshippers and satanists or pagans. One claiming to be 'christian' is commonplace among American society.

You are not taking in consideration that Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet…

On the other hand, I bet your goal in life is to get that 33% down to what? 25%?
You are wrong, we are told to NOT worship the sun!!! Whatever reasons come afterwards is just imagination! The door is opened for people of every religion to convert into Christianity, so the similiarity (if there are any) may be a way to make them feel comfortable in the religion.
M*W: I am not advocating sun worship. I hope everyone understands that. I think it's a stupid belief, but I understand historically how it came to be. All man-made religion evolved from sun worship. I didn't create it, nor do I abide by it. It's just fact. It is very obvious to me how belief in a god who gave up his only sun for the salvation of the earth was made. Jesus came about naturally, but not even Jesus is real. I had nothing to do with it. I'm just reporting the truth. Don't shoot the messenger.
M*W, you are certainly over emphasizing this sun worship theory. If you hang everything on that one silly assumption it is easy to be lead in the wrong direction.

I know, now skinwalker will attack me.:rolleyes:
You are not taking in consideration that Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet…

On the other hand, I bet your goal in life is to get that 33% down to what? 25%?
M*W: I'm aware of Islamic belief that Jesus was a prophet. I am sure, however, they don't claim to be christians even though they believe such. I've had this same discussion with my Muslim friends, but that does not make it true just because the Qur'an states he does. The Qur'an was also full of human error just like the bible.

I don't calculate the statistics of worldwide religious belief. I trust that to the folks who do the polls. I believe the figure is closer to 25% than the 33% as published in 2005. It's now 2007, and I look forward to the new totals. The last statistics were compiled in 2002, so it may not be until 2008 when the next set of statistics is published.

As far as my own opinion, my goal in life is to bring the historical truth to people. Sciforums is the best thing I've found so far short of writing another book when I've got several MSS going right now on subjects totally different than what I write about here.

My 'goal in life' is being with my family. Christianity, OTOH, is on the downhill stretch. It will ultimately self-destruct. If I live long enough to see it happen, which I doubt I will, I will be so happy that maybe, just maybe, the words I have written on sciforums might have had something to do with its demise.
I'm aware of Islamic belief that Jesus was a prophet.

So then M*W what makes Islam so much better than Christianity?

I will be so happy that maybe, just maybe, the words I have written on sciforums might have had something to do with its demise.

Additionally, what if all the Christian converted to Islam?
M*W: I'm aware of Islamic belief that Jesus was a prophet. I am sure, however, they don't claim to be christians even though they believe such. I've had this same discussion with my Muslim friends, but that does not make it true just because the Qur'an states he does. The Qur'an was also full of human error just like the bible.

I don't calculate the statistics of worldwide religious belief. I trust that to the folks who do the polls. I believe the figure is closer to 25% than the 33% as published in 2005. It's now 2007, and I look forward to the new totals. The last statistics were compiled in 2002, so it may not be until 2008 when the next set of statistics is published.

As far as my own opinion, my goal in life is to bring the historical truth to people. Sciforums is the best thing I've found so far short of writing another book when I've got several MSS going right now on subjects totally different than what I write about here.

My 'goal in life' is being with my family. Christianity, OTOH, is on the downhill stretch. It will ultimately self-destruct. If I live long enough to see it happen, which I doubt I will, I will be so happy that maybe, just maybe, the words I have written on sciforums might have had something to do with its demise.

Instead of being just against Christianity, I think is better to be against dogmas and nations.
M*W, you are certainly over emphasizing this sun worship theory. If you hang everything on that one silly assumption it is easy to be lead in the wrong direction.

I know, now skinwalker will attack me.:rolleyes:
M*W: SkinWalker isn't going to attack you for something I've said. I don't think SW concurs with my belief on astro-theology.

John, you do realize that I am NOT advocating sun worship? I think some members are confused about that and think I am promoting it as the one true religion. No, that is not the case. Sun worship is the oldest religion next to moon worship, which if I were going to believe in this realm of astro-theology, I probably would be a moon worshipper due to a woman's lunar cycle and lunar pregnancy, etc., but I'm not there... yet! However, I understand how solar and lunar worship came about and how christianity evolved from sun worship. I get lots of hate mail because christians don't want to hear about this. I'm sorry, but I didn't make this up. It's an historical/anthropological/archeological fact. There are people out there even today who believe in solar and lunar worship! The RCC promotes planatary worship, sun-star worship, and angel-saint worship. It's all astro-theologically created.

I don't believe there is anything evil about sun-moon worship. It's very, very ancient. It's no more evil than believing Jesus was born of a virgin, died on a cross, or levitated up to heaven. As people evolved, so did their religious beliefs. It's not rocket science.
M*W: SkinWalker isn't going to attack you for something I've said. I don't think SW concurs with my belief on astro-theology.

John, you do realize that I am NOT advocating sun worship? I think some members are confused about that and think I am promoting it as the one true religion. No, that is not the case. Sun worship is the oldest religion next to moon worship, which if I were going to believe in this realm of astro-theology, I probably would be a moon worshipper due to a woman's lunar cycle and lunar pregnancy, etc., but I'm not there... yet! However, I understand how solar and lunar worship came about and how christianity evolved from sun worship. I get lots of hate mail because christians don't want to hear about this. I'm sorry, but I didn't make this up. It's an historical/anthropological/archeological fact. There are people out there even today who believe in solar and lunar worship! The RCC promotes planatary worship, sun-star worship, and angel-saint worship. It's all astro-theologically created.

I don't believe there is anything evil about sun-moon worship. It's very, very ancient. It's no more evil than believing Jesus was born of a virgin, died on a cross, or levitated up to heaven. As people evolved, so did their religious beliefs. It's not rocket science.

Every time i respond to your threads he comes around and tries to strong arm me in another thread.

As far as the sun worship stuf, no i do not cunfuse you with worshipping the sun. I just find you theoretical assumptions to be simplistic. (meaning that it is leaving so much to assumption and speculation,not calling you simplistic of course...i find your theories intersting but repetitive) dont mind all the errors in my posts, my connection keeps going out due to a storm here in the mountains.

Can you possibly respond to post #91 please/
Instead of being just against Christianity, I think is better to be against dogmas and nations.

Oh yes...I concur with that :)

The essence of what Jesus represents however is great. It's really a shame the message was shrouded with that dogmatic nonsense. Think of what a great planet this could be if we all could attain that level of spirituality.
christianity evolved from sun worship. I get lots of hate mail because christians don't want to hear about this. I'm sorry, but I didn't make this up. It's an historical/anthropological/archeological fact.

Show any mainstream source the states this. You are not an anthopologist or an archeologist and tell me how an archeologist would be able to make this claim..one who is not called Medicine*Man.

Read this M*W,

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Oh yes...I concur with that :)

The essence of what Jesus represents however is great. It's really a shame the message was shrouded with that dogmatic nonsense. Think of what a great planet this could be if we all could attain that level of spirituality.

totally :) :m:

I am also curious what you mean when you said this in a thread awhile ago:

M*W: It is NOT the "power" of the "spells" that make the magick work, it's the "belief" in the "power" that makes the magick work. It is ALWAYS in the mind of the performer of "spells." It is ONLY in the mind. Believing makes it so, but first, do no harm.

What spells are you talking about?
So then M*W what makes Islam so much better than Christianity?

M*W: Christianity is a complete lie. All religions are man-made, and they're all mythical.

Additionally, what if all the Christian converted to Islam?
M*W: That will never happen, but if it did, I would live or die an atheist.