B.C. or B.C.E.?

M*W. Jesus wasn't a real person? Tell that to the historian, Josephus, who refers to Jesus in his first century history.
M*W: No, Jesus wasn't a real person. He was a fictional character. However, the origination of Jesus or The Word (logos) came from astro-theology in that the sun was god and the center of the universe. Jesus was the son of the sun. Jesus was also god, the sun.

It's long been proven that the mention of Jesus in Josephus's works was inserted later by christians. In other words, falsified.
Take away literal references.
They found the tomb of Jesus dated of the First Century with proven carbon analysis, even for the scriptions on the names.
It had the tombs of:
- Mary
- Joseph
- Yeshua, son of Joseph
- James, brother of Yeshua
- Mary Magdalene (bone DNA proves no relationship with family).
- Yudah, son of Yeshua

In the tomb, there were thousands of Coptic texts (very bad state); they were not retrieved because the Israel Government prohibited further investigations. But there were pictures and a documentary showing them.

The mathematics concluded that these set of names, even if they were common, the coincidence of the whole family named the same as the family of Jesus is at worst 1 in 600.

I personally think this is obvious, but I will let you have your own conclusions.

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I forgot to mention, only 20% of the first century tombs have the names. Most corpses remained anonymous by then.
Honestly, I forget. What do we call the thirty-three years between BC and AD?
M*W. Read Wikipedia, Josephus on Jesus, Reference to Jesus as brother of James.

M*W: Wikipedia is a good online dictionary, but it is not an unbiased reference regarding relgious myth. The writings of Josephus have already been discussed at depth on this forum. There are other scholarly texts [Atwill J. and Carotta F.] that give Josephus the credit for writing quite a bit about Jesus, as it were, like the entire NT. I am more inclined to believe this is true and that nothing written in the NT was authored by who it indicates. None of it was written during Jesus's time, because Jesus didn't exist. I am also inclined to believe the NT was commissioned by the Roman Emperors to bring its citizens under control by fear. In fact, there is quite a bit of documentation indicating that the NT was written as a parody of the HRE.
Wisdom Seeker,

Take away literal references.
They found the tomb of Jesus dated of the First Century with proven carbon analysis, even for the scriptions on the names.
It had the tombs of:
- Mary
- Joseph
- Yeshua, son of Joseph
- James, brother of Yeshua
- Mary Magdalene (bone DNA proves no relationship with family).
- Yudah, son of Yeshua

In the tomb, there were thousands of Coptic texts (very bad state); they were not retrieved because the Israel Government prohibited further investigations. But there were pictures and a documentary showing them.

The mathematics concluded that these set of names, even if they were common, the coincidence of the whole family named the same as the family of Jesus is at worst 1 in 600.

I personally think this is obvious, but I will let you have your own conclusions.

Ahh - religious fiction sells very well. Made for the gullible and bought by the gullible.

Do a quick google search and you'll find all the analysis that tears this nonsense to pieces.

Jesus is a mythical character. There is nothing yet found that links the myth with any real person.
M*W At the time the gospels were written, Christians were being killed by the Roman Emperors. There is no reason to believe the Emporers would commission the NT, when such a book would violate their own edicts. The 33 year period of Jesus' life was in A.D., which begins with Jesus' birth. What's so funny about the fact that St. Peter spoke to Jesus and wrote about it? You're so convinced Jesus is fictional, you are not open to any evidence otherwise. I seriously doubt even most atheists would claim Jesus was not a historical figure. You would have to enter the realm of paranoid conspiracy to believe the seemingly objective evidence that Jesus was a historical figure was contrived.
I seriously doubt even most atheists would claim Jesus was not a historical figure. You would have to enter the realm of paranoid conspiracy to believe the seemingly objective evidence that Jesus was a historical figure was contrived.

Wait.. Are you saying that jesus - the pale white hippy son of god that walked on water, died and rose from the dead etc etc existed or are you saying that once upon a time some guy might have existed that was called jesus?

There is nothing pertinent to suggest that 'jesus' existed.
By historical Jesus, I mean that there was at one time a guy who existed called Jesus who inspired the Gospels, regardless of whether you believe the Gospels.
By historical Jesus, I mean that there was at one time a guy who existed called Jesus who inspired the Gospels

Might I ask what you mean exactly by 'inspired'? To what degree are we talking here?

Once you've done that kindly then go on to explain what "objective evidence" you have to support the notion.
I'm trying to distinguish the historical Jesus who we all know and love, from the thousands of other Jews also named Jesus who lived in First Century Palestine. Objective evidence for the existence of a historical Jesus is the writings of Josephus, the fact that the Gospels and their followers were far more likely inspired by a true human being than a myth, the consistency of Jesus' death by cruxifiction with historical fact regarding the Romans, and let's not forget the extreme likelihood that earlier Christian marytr would not have gone to their deaths over the belief in a make believe man.