B.C. or B.C.E.?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but B.C. and B.C.E. end at exactly the same time. How can one be less defined than the other? You also haven't revealed who taught you this. You must also be one of the conspirators.

They're merely my assumptions. I've been aware of AD and BC for as long as I can remember as well CE and BCE for just as long. Both were used by students in college and teachers in high school.

One is simiple religious significance and the other is used by nations like China who do not use a calendar based off the Christ's ambigous date of birth.

P.S. I prefer BCE and CE as a matter of rule.
It's 2007 A.D. or C.E. There's no ambiguity. I can understand a non-Christian country like China using C.E. Is China the main conspirator?
I think there is.
CE clarifies mutual commonality recongnizing the vagueness of establishing just when Jesus was born.
So, doesn't that just mean C.E. takes into account that a lot of people don't recognize Jesus? Isn't this a conspiracy to take Jesus out of the calendar?
Well, I guess we should also change the name of our language from "English" to "Commonish"? Let's not offend all those non-Brits speaking English.
The existence of Jesus Christ is subject to debate. Therefore, there can be argument about "before Christ" or BC. But far worse is AD, Anno Domini, literally "Year of the Lord", which implies an acceptance of Christianity.

The solution is BCE and CE. They accept the reality of a dating system that has been in use for centuries (with the odd adjustment or two), while at the same time not requiring people to accept a particular religious view.

It's one more bit of PC crap that pisses me off.

Should we change the names of days of the week next to remove the one's which make reference to some god? Should we change the names of the planets since they are named for gods?

I guess those are OK since they are all named for pagan gods. It's just Christianity that must be erased.
M*W: In other words, to follow Jesus is to follow the Sun (not son). The sun gives us daylight and the moon lights up the darkness of night. That, in itself, is a calendar. In fact, the entire NT is an astrological calendar. Other than being a charicature for the solar center of our universe, Jesus didn't exist as a person. BC and BCE (which more correctly replaces AD) are only for our chronological record. I don't know who came up with the BCE, but it means 'before the common era' and NOT 'before the christian era.' The only calendar that needs a reference to Jesus (the sun) is the astro-theological calendar or the NT.
You are wrong, we are told to NOT worship the sun!!! Whatever reasons come afterwards is just imagination! The door is opened for people of every religion to convert into Christianity, so the similiarity (if there are any) may be a way to make them feel comfortable in the religion.
I really don't know what see was getting with that statement, either.
Some people purposely misunderstood understood ideology merely for the "sandpaper effect" of rubbing you the wrong way.

I would trust only what you read in the bible. Philosophy is the teaching of man and if we had all the answers there would no need for the News or News Papers.