Atlantis, Proof Both Ways

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Why does a person like you want to know, and your the one with all the insults. your the one who started with the name calling, i already told you i do not find it intreseting at all, infact the prsence of your lude comments are irritaing simple because its stupid, but from time to time thats jsut the way it is, i rather you not even talk to me just simply because i know thats how you communicate with insults, a soliciation with a negative, its like feeding a dog.

in fact i am just about done with this interente conversation bussiness, as the conversation have been rather poor on any issue period. understand.

No, I don't understand.

It's just a simple question, why don't you answer it? What type of work do you do?
SkinWalker said:
Does it have to be just one?

How about this one: that anything you claim to "know" is true?


... that it will result in genetic mutation (undemonstrated)

... that it will cause tectonic events (evidence suggests otherwise)

... that it will cause flooding (no evidence)

... that it has occurred between now and the last 700,000 years

Show us the stochiometry, Rabon. Give us citations to real sources (not just the ones that occupy your deluded mind). Go get a real education if you are able to cope in normal society.

Ya'll might want to go a little easier on Dwayne. Although I don't agree with
all his views, there is some support in science for events similar to what Dwayne says. I am surprised none of you are familiar with them, even though they are controversal. I will give a cut & paste and a link. Try to debunk the
story of the wooly mammoth for example, as it is well known, or at least I
thought it was well known. Seems many are not educated about many controversal discoveries in science, or try to avoid them at least.

"In 1958 Charles Hapgood suggested that the Earth's crust had undergone repeated displacements and that the geological concepts of continental drift and sea-floor spreading owed their secondary livelihoods to the primary nature of crustal shift. According to Hapgood, crustal shift was made possible by a layer of liquid rock situated about 100 miles beneath the surface of the planet. A pole shift would thus displace the Earth's crust in around the inner mantle, resulting in crustal rock's being exposed to magnetic fields of a different direction."

"An earth crust displacement, as the words suggest, is a movement of the ENTIRE outer shell of the earth over its inner layers. If you remove the peel from an orange and then reattach it to the fruit you can visualize the possibility of the peel moving over the inner layers. The earth's crust, according to Charles Hapgood, can similarly change its position over the inner layers. When it does the globe experiences climatic change. The climatic zones (polar, temperate and tropical) remain the same because the sun still shines on the earth from the same angle in the sky. From the perspective of people on the earth at the time, it appears as the sky is falling. In reality it is the earth's crust shifting to another location. Some land moves towards the tropics. Others shift, with the same movement, towards the poles. Yet others may escape such great changes in latitude.

The consequence of such a movement of the entire outer shell of the earth is catastrophic. Throughout the world massive earthquakes shake the land and enormous tidal waves crash into and over the continental shelf. As the old ice caps leave the polar zones they melt, raising the ocean level higher and higher. Everywhere, and by whatever means, people seek higher ground to avoid an ocean in upheaval."


"Dead animals cannot speak. Nonetheless, sometimes they tell a story. Of all the ones that do there is one mammoth, which tells the most remarkable of all. It is not the mammoth's size, which makes this story so impressive. It is the story's uniqueness. There are other animals involved in the same kind of story telling, but none of them tells the story so crystal clear. The story itself is quite simple:

the mammoth died a sudden death. Its body was deep-frozen instantly. When the mammoth was found in the Siberian permafrost region thousands of years later, its body tissue was so well preserved that the sledge dogs very eagerly fed on it. In fact, the mammoth's body had not decomposed at all as it was subjected to freezing conditions in it's solitary grave.

There are many stories of mammoths roaming the glacial planes of Europe and Siberia. I always wandered where these huge animals found enough food to live on in a cold climate where but little vegetation could exist. The Siberian mammoth finally gave an answer to this baffling question that made sense: those planes were not glacial, they were subtropical and in other more distant locations there was steppe vegetation as proven by the most recent findings.

This mammoth had plants in its stomach and even in its mouth undigested and very well preserved by the subzero temperatures. All these were plants as found in a subtropical climate. - The plants made this mammoth a scientific sensation. For if the mammoth lived in a subtropical climate, how come it was deep-frozen so quickly as not to decompose even a little?"
I will be suprised if SkinWalker has not heard of Hapgood. At the time Hapgood proposed his theory it attracted interest from no less a personage than Albert Einstein. But lest we forget Einstein did not make his name in any field closely linked with geology.
Much of the evidence that Hapgood used to support his theory has since been more accurately dealt with by plate tectonics. Other advances in geophysics, in our understanding of the physical properties of the various global layers, have rendered it improbable, almost to the point of impossibility, that such crustal movements would be possible.

The difficulties with Dwayne's approach are multiple:
a) He refuses to cite any references for his claims.
b) He cites relationships between chemistry and location that have no discernible meaning, and that he refuses to explain.
c) Associated with these are bizarre numerical 'relationships', again offered without explanation or justification.
d) He denigrates all conventional explanations for phenomena.
e) He seems unaware of many standard (and well established) explanations for many phenomena.
Most of these objections would be eliminated if Dwayne were willing to communicate rather than pontificate.
Well Hapgood's theory upsets me greatly. The lithosphere is not at all like the loose skin of an orange. What about the deep keels of the cratonic shield areas, and the cold, rigid portions undergoing subduction? These could not possibly slide around the aesthenosphere without disruption. The conflicting palaeomagnetic evidence is equally difficult to reconcile with whole crustal displacement.
Rabon, I must commend you. You did the only honorable thing.

And quite expected, I might add.
your a idot skinwalker right along with light, ophiliote is no better.
you still have not exsplained why the matter of earth is not magnatized, you have not come up wwith it yet, your dum enoguh to think that the magnetic feild strips on the sea floor give a date oof magnetic pole reversals, you though the magnetic feild was some how weaker than it is,meaning that you did not know that is was stronger at the core, and outter ends of it, i bett you think that the magnetic feild is about 50,000 miles from the earths surface or something. whats worse is you actually thought there was some error to carbon dating of carbon14, which is only produced by cosmic particles, a very exstennsive work done at that. even in a scenerio of a failure of the magnetic feild and the interaction of the solar wind with earths atmosphere was more than you could understand.

Look the conversation with you on the issue got to be clear that you did not have the ability to see the issues, in other words you did not have the mind to concieve or even to put the pieces togeather, and since you write to illustrate that you are the person of intelllect, very much simular to light, and ophiloite that your mind set is the grandure of others from what i have read of your disscussion, i had to come to the conclusion where you could com-plain about my spelling you had a thinking problem, in other words you don't put things to geather very well in the mind.
so i took the time to try to have a little conversation, within the aspects of AtLANTIS you could not hold that conversation, even the simplest demonstrable fact of a magnetic was not mentally entertainable by you.

here we are many post latter and still you have nothing to say about Atlantis, in staed you want to solict from me with your neagtive commments, clearly you need to do this becasuse you lack a education.

lastly your talking to a geneius, its clear you dont know what that is, at one in 600,000 in the world, you have had a opprotunity to talk to some one that can put a awnser to your silly confusion. you know what i mean, you stop for a miunte and think what is that.

It would seem to me that a place like Atlantis, one that had advanced technology could exist on a island or a area surrounded by a built moat type design. The story of noah suggest in many aspects as does the first bookes of the bible that there was some advanced society that was destroyed by earth wide event, many of the cities or structures that are being found underwater and above that are ruins suggest that such a society that had knowledge at least of stars was prevailant, most technology of the world seems to come from asia, weather it is paper, silk, a compass, drilling rig's ect....come from asia when the rest of the world was still in low populations and with out invention other than simple tools, this is enough to suggest that after such destruction by a world event that the orgins of human development after such a event was in asia, assumablly south asia. this is assertable just from the population count. clearly from record the rest of the world did not rise untill after asia and appearnltly a good time after asia.
I assume that atlantis probally was some time after a great flood of water, most likly after a magnetic pole reversal, when it is likly that the world would flood to the 2,400 ft level. it may be the reason for the exstinction of the dinosaurs, some of them surviving giveing rise to the legends of dragons ect... certainly the dinosaur egg nest found on the earth to day place these nest sights above or around the 2,400 ft level which is in aggreance with a mass flood, humasn must have had a place as well where they gave birth i think that might be in south asia, the place of ATLANTIS. this event of dinosaur egg nest may have other condtions that do not warrant certain sites as pssobly from that after the flood as there are motions of land mass in a magnetic pole reversal that may cover these areas with stone, which defines them as most likly not after the magnetic pole reversal but from before of during the magnetic pole reversal. even so those in chins have appearntly been found in farm land, tillable soil and not stone structure. the event of a magnetic pole reversal produces certain events at least as i see it, one of those is a nitrogen blanket, this nitrogen blanket of the earth cools and heats up rather quickly, the continued cooling by this blanket causes the formation of ice, ice becaimes more difficult to melt by sunlight as it forms as ice absorbes a consibderable amount of energy, eventually this nitrogen blanket causes a ice age, over much of the earth. to go with this fact is the dinosaurs that where frozen in place, it seems that what ever killed the dinosaurs also froze them in place almost instantly, nitrogen it just the element for doing this. theses dinosaurs of china are actaully frozen in place, caught in acts such as fighting and eating ect... so it seems that dinosaurs have something to add to the story of ATLANTIS and how it came to be.

As for the Magntic Pole Reversal,its the Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning you sit around trying to smile but the air is so heavy and dry, strange voices are saying , what did they say, Dwayne says strange things that you just can understand, it to close for comfort this heat has got right out of hand , its cruel, cruel, cruel summer, leaving you there all on your own, its a cruel, cruel summer, now Dwayne is gone. The city is crowded and you friends have all left and now Dwayne is gone, now your on your own its to hot to handle and you got to get up and go but these no place to go, its a cruel cruel summer leaveing you there on your own now Dwayne is gone, your not the only one left on there own in the cruel summer.
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DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
your a idot skinwalker right along with light, ophiliote is no better.

I'm not sure what an idot is, but I do appreciate the company you placed me in.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
you still have not exsplained why the matter of earth is not magnatized,

Uhh.. because it isn't of magnetic character? Because it doesn't have a strong magnetic force applied to it?

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
your dum enoguh to think that the magnetic feild strips on the sea floor give a date oof magnetic pole reversals,

Perhaps I'm intelligent enough to understand the literature that I'm educated enough to have read. Sea floor spreading is a fact. It really happens. It has been observed. The curie point of the molten rock captured a moment in time the orientation of the planet's poles in the orientation of the magnetically influenced minerals like magnetite. It is a well established fact. To establish otherwise, you would be the one that needs to do the demonstrating and show why this isn't the case. I think if you have access to scholarly works (which doesn't appear to be the case), you should read Harrison (C G A, 1987), who gives a good overview of the magnetic striations on the sea-floor that exist on either side of the mid-oceanic ridges. He also gives some problems that the data are presenting, but nothing that suggests that magnetic striations of the sea-floor are anything but confirmations of both plate tectonics and geomagnetic reversals in the geologic record.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
you though the magnetic feild was some how weaker than it is,meaning that you did not know that is was stronger at the core, and outter ends of it, i bett you think that the magnetic feild is about 50,000 miles from the earths surface or something.

I'm well aware of the earth's magnetic field and quite well educated on the subject. The field's strength is, at best, 0.68 gauss at the poles and at its weakest along the field's equator, around 0.31 gauss (Bagenal, 1992). This isn't just the "field at the earth's surface," but the field itself, regardless of altitude. You're making an assumption that it is stronger at higher altitude and that I'm referring to the field strength at the earth's surface. I am, with regard to the poles -this is where it is at its strongest- but, in general, I'm talking about the magnetosphere itself. If you have data that suggests otherwise, please.... cite it.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
whats worse is you actually thought there was some error to carbon dating of carbon14, which is only produced by cosmic particles, a very exstennsive work done at that.

I have no idea what you are referring to. You keep coming back to radiometric dating, specifically C-14, which you claim is useful in some way to showing pole reversal. I merely said that radiocarbon dating was not useful since the limitations are in its ability to be accurate past 60,000 years -depending upon the laboratory. The last pole reversal was at around 780,000 years ago, so clearly radiocarbon (C-14) dating is not of use (Stuvier & Palach, 1977)

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
even in a scenerio of a failure of the magnetic feild and the interaction of the solar wind with earths atmosphere was more than you could understand.

Doubtless, there is still much I've left to understand about planetary magnetospheres and their dynamics, but I've yet to see evidence that the magnetic field "disappears" during a dipole reversal. Indeed, recent models have indicated that virtual geomagnetic poles -VGPs- (Glatzmaier et al, 1998) simply wander from their positions to new ones, leaving the magnetic field intact. Certainly, this would be consistent with the lack of mass extinctions correlated directly with geomagnetic dipole reversal. I've yet, however, to see that you demonstrate an understanding of these principles.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
look the conversation with yoiu on the issue got to be clear that you did not have the ability to see the issues, in other words you did not have the mind to concieve or even to put the pieces togeather, [...] in other words you don't put things to geather very well in the mind.
so i took the time to try to have a little conversation, within the aspects of AtLANTIS you could not hold that conversation, even the simplest demonstrable fact of a magnetic was not mentally entertainable by you.

Yes my feeble mind. That I'm even able to follow the syntax and diction of an admitted genius who has his own apparent rules of both is a miracle unto itself.

But from my limited perspective, it would appear that you made some very WILD and NONSENSICAL claims, which have yet to be quantified or qualified with any data. Where are the data? Where is the stoichiometry I requested? The sources for the information you claim as fact? How do you qualify the causal relationships that are, in some cases, not even casually significant?

Face it, Rabon. You're a crackpot and you've failed to address this with any response other than, "I'm a genius therfore I must be right and you are all stupid because you can't see what I do."

Wow. We're impressed.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
here we are many post latter and still you have nothing to say about Atlantis, in staed you want to solict from me with your neagtive commments, clearly you need to do this becasuse you lack a education.

My education is self-apparent. As is yours. Beyond that, there really is nothing to factually say about Atlantis. Nothing more than can be factually said of Tatooine. Both exist only in human fiction, neither have been shown to be actual places that exist anywhere beyond the human imagination. You changed the thread topic to this nonsense about "Pole Reversal Doomsday."

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
lastly your talking to a geneius, its clear you dont know what that is, at one in 600,000 in the world, you have had a opprotunity to talk to some one that can put a awnser to your silly confusion. you know what i mean, you stop for a miunte and think what is that.

Right. All bow.

Such self-aggrandizing and status-seeking behavior is an indicator not of "genius" but a mental condition, perhaps mild and treatable with modern medicine. You've yet to demonstrate any intelligence that goes beyond average. Regardless of your so-called "IQ," your education is apparently deficit. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when you enter a science board and begin making WILD, SPECULATIVE CLAIMS that have no apparent basis in science and you FAIL TO SUPPORT THOSE CLAIMS with data, then your education is self-apparent.

The interesting thing is, my novice diagnosis of your mental state is supported by my ability to manipulate you back into the conversation even after you deleted all the posts. I KNEW my taunt above would provoke you back into an attempted riposte, and that it would thus demonstrate my hypothesis regarding your mental state is probably correct.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
WOOT! A wiblle wobble dribble wobble pole Reversal a chuck puuka cakka sbuffle atlantis kerererererererereer werneerrrerevererrr aviviuvas ankor wat wibt nmmmm phhht

Phlog's parody was more than appropriate for the remainder of the post, as it offered nothing of substantive value, even for an alleged "genius."


Bagenal, Fran, (1992) Magnetospheres of the giant planets. Annual Review of Earth & Planetary Science, 20, 289-328

Glatzmaier, Gary A., Coe, R., Hongre, L., and Roberts, P. (1998) The role of the Earth's mantle controlling the frequency of geomagnetic reversals, Nature, 401, 885-90

Harrison, C G A (1987) Marine Magnetic Anomalies--The Origin of the Stripes. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 15, 505-543

Stuvier, M & Polach, H (1977) Discussion: Reporting of 14C Data. Radiocarbon 19(3), 355-363
Hello, Skinwalker,

I've been saying for quite some time now that Rabon has a mental condition known as Asperger's Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome.

It makes him into a little punk kid that has great "visions" of himself and his abilities. He's never mentioned once that he has any friends nor has he talked about any social activities, NOR will he tell us what his "job" is.

Those are all typical symptoms - cannot go to school because he's inattentive and disruptive (and must have home schooling, which he's admitted); his social inabilities make it impossible for him to hold any job, beyond, perhaps, a floor sweeper. His fascination with numbers and mathematics is yet another classical symptom.

Since he cannot go out into the real world because he is unable to interact with people, he stays inside just about all the time and sits and dreams up these crazy, insane "scientific" ideas.

I'm extremely familiar with his condition, how he reacts and fails to react. His parents have undoubtedly told him he is very smart (a genius) and the 60,000 number he continuously quotes has some reality in fact. It's really the estimated number of people who suffer from Asperger's and that's probably the way his folks presented it him.

It truly makes him "dumb" by any normal standards, just as you and many others have noted. He's much like what we used to call an idiot-savant, but the savant part is VERY limited and usually - except for math - isn't present at all. That only leaves the idiot part in charge of his mind.
Wow. Now I'm feeling guilty for picking on him. Sorry, Rabon. I'll leave you alone now.
Ok skinwalker, i have been told to not call you dum or stupid ect.... as you are read in published matterials. and so is the genearl school of thought.
The reason that the sea floor stripes are not accurate in there assement is that the magnetic poles travel around the earth, this causes a magnetization of the sea floor with each revoltion of the poles. for instance with the atlantic sea floor if there are 10 stripes of north polarity and ten stripes of south polarity the magnetic pole of the north has traveled around the earth ten times, as for the south.
said a different way, when the north pole is at 180 degrees, the south pole is at 0 degrees, each polarizes it hemisphere according to its polarity, as the north magnetic pole travel around the world it eventually gets to 0 degrees and the south pole reaches the 180 degrees mark, and again they polarize there respective hemispheres according to there polarity. This continual pattern of the pole traveling around the world cause the magnetic sea floor stirpes, with each pass of the atlantic a new stripe is formed.
In the procces of the magnetic poles traveling around the world they sprial to the geographical pole, wherein as they go around the world they increase in latitude.
It is because of this motion of the poles that people think of a wandering pole, and find various angles of arch of polarity recorded in stone, magma ect...
In addition to the motion causing confusion, there is also the varied strength of the magnetic pole at give times during the poles motion, wherein the pole increases in strength untill it reaches the 45 degree and from that point it begins to decrease as it is inducted by the axis of the earth.
So the magnetic seafloor stripes are acutally a record of the the number of times the magnetic poles have circumvented/ traveled around the earth. it provides a possible record of the time of each poles travel around the world(estimate of time).
it is more than likley that with each near completeion of the pole travel around the world to the atlantic the pole has raised the plates and as it moves it cause friction and therefore magama pores as it approaches, as it passes it lifts the other plate and the former is lowered causing more magama untill the pole in out of the vicinity that effects that plate.
So in the proccess the magnetic pole as it travels around the world gets stronger as it increases in latitude in its travels it lifts the plates of the earth more and more as it gets stronger, eventually it reaches the 45 latitude where it begins to decrease in strenght lifting the plates less, and less with more decrease as it starts its half cycle torward the axis of earth.

As for carbon 14 the analsye of carbon 14 is due its presence alone in distribution, this sets it appart from the in errors you mentioned. testing included remains, vegitation, soil, and sea water at various depths, this is calculated against the prodcution of carbon 14.

Lastly it is your failure to recongize the effects of a magentic pole reversal against the condtions of the earth that exist, if you did you would know that many of the theory or question marks about events are clearly awnsered, such as the events of ice ages and the various layers such as those in Greenland which are the event of much study.
Where the assement of such data are vaulable and essentail to understanding events the general theroy about there occurance is wrong, but many ideas could have produced a match for such records produced by ice cores in green land. even so they remain with out merit to absoult solution, the condtions surrounding a magnetic pole reversal defines with clearity the proccess of how such ice and its layers are produced, namely by the remaining nitrogen blanket of atmosphere after the oxygen has been converted to sea water, rasing the sea level to the 2,400 ft mark, here we see that the nitrogen freezes the water in progression causing the ice age and lowering the sea level. just as the magnetic stripes on the sea floor, the layers of ice in the ice cores of green land can give a time frame of how the nitrogen cooled the earth, and the rate at which the sea level lowers.

How the seafloor stripes and ice core layers are best looked at to devise a time frame and the effects is probally best suited for the scientist in the feild working with them. but I would suppose that they do not currently look at the sample in such a manner of thought.

I think that Atlantis is a very good issue, because it raises issues as to human orgins and the possiblity that we may have had intellgent ancestors that at one time survived a magnetic pole reversal that sheds even more light on the events of the magnetic pole reversal, such as the story of noah for example said it rained 40 days and 40 nights, well to me thats belivable although I have not completed my calculations it sounds just about right on the dot. not mention walking on land after a magnetic pole reversal is just hazardous to your health and human reproduction, so it leaves the question was humans smart enough to maintain a water enviroment, with housing to the shore, and built with stone or mud there seems to be the remaints of it as a practice because humans chose to build out of stone many structures which should have been not nessacay given the resources supposed at the time frames.
Personally i have to look back a say with a stronger magnetic feild they are likly to have been smarter than present humans.

Any you give your self some time to be skeptic about, you remember what i said to you about being a skeptic. you got know when to accept it.

well light like i said its a big book, i really do not see why your so intrested in my daily life, it would seem to me that your might be a child stalker or child molester, the way you talk. next thing you will want to meet me or something.

Are you a child molester Light.
Rabon, I'm not going to pick on you any more. It doesn't seem fair. I'll conclude with this final question: where are the data?
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
well light like i said its a big book, i really do not see why your so intrested in my daily life, it would seem to me that your might be a child stalker or child molester, the way you talk. next thing you will want to meet me or something.

Are you a child molester Light.

Rabon, I hate child molesters! They disgust me and so do stalkers.

And no, I have absolutey NO desire to meet you and hope you live FAR from me. The only "interest" I have in you or your life is that you are like many other sad cases I've seen and read about. Nothing more except trying to get you to admit the truth.

Also, even thought you don't realize it, you've come very close to admitting that you are just child as I have always suspected.
Wingmaker Seeker said:
I have read all of you comments and I fully agree. However, the theory that I am referring to with the "intruders" is that a large mass (about the size of 2x Earth) travelled relatively close to Earth, it did not come in contact with Earth (because then we'd be toast) but it did come close enough to influence Earths magnetic field enough to cause massive floods and earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt. This is alll expaliend much better than I ever could in Herbie Brennan's Atlantis Enigma. If you read it you will understand what i am talking about.

Take a mass that is 1/1000 that of the moon. Bring that mass within 250 miles of Earth. Its gravitational effect will be 1000 times the moon's gravitational effect at the closest point on Earth, and several hundred times to a fair distance. Something like this might cause huge damage, huge tidal waves, and never even touch atmosphere. Planet X might be one or several small bodies, not one huge one.
Well after looking at the issue a little closer it appears that the ice age is not a immediate event after a magnetic pole reversal, but it is a event of nightly freezeing and daily warming, to exstremes of tempiture. where during the day it is boiling, and in the night it is freezeing, probabally about 100 degrees below freezing? the effects of the ice age will not begin untill after the return of the magnetic feild. so the ice cores well have to represnt a development of the climate from that period after the magnetic feild has returned. after reading the report on ice cores it was given several estimates of time, but 110,000 years to 160,000 years ect... given the time frame of 8,000 years from reversal to reversal i have to wounder how that count of ice rings fits into the 8,000 years.
Any way this would establishe that the people of atlantis must have lived in stone buildings, where the stones absorbed the heat of the day and stayed warm during the night preventing them from freezing to death, appearently the water was very hot, releaseing steam probably a very hot tropical climate, hiigher latitudes from the equator might give a few degrees less warmer tempiture in the day, but would be colder during the night. so it was probably good to be in the water during the morning befor it got hot and late after noon before in cooled down to freezing. The mist of the garden as in the bible was keeping them cool from the hot tempitures during the day
that reminds me of the eygptian story about the sun rising from the snakes or mist?
Even so it seems that the freeze of the nigth nitrogen would rush down on them and freeze them to death, instantly. so i think that the mist was good during the day but bad at night.
sleeping in stone solar houses and living in water by day, seems the shore line activity is where it is at for survial for atlantis.

I was just thinking that most people have to pay money to enter Disneyland. And you have to travel to get there. Perhaps there are benefits to an untrammelled imagination. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
Yes indeed it was very difficult for the people of atlantis, as the boiling waters evaporated the oceans nearly completely, but it must have eventually become a humid tropical place as the evaporated water soon filled the earths atmosphere, making it possible for them to walk accorss the ocean floor of the earths, but yet it seems a livable enviroment. As the atmosphere was full of mist, the solar wind eventually seperated the oxygen from water returning it to the atmosphere, or it actually set on top of the misty vapors, eventually forming peroxides at high altitudes, but out of reach of the common person of atlantis. as the magnetic feild returned, this vapor water started to freeze, starting the icea age, this resulted in nearly the entire oceans which were vapor becoming ice, the ice formation started at the poles and contiuned all the way to the 40 latitude, both north and south. this freezing of the oceans caused the earth to change its tilt to zero, as the ice melted the earths tilt as been continueing to gain, having its current 23.5 degrees tilt.
The event of the sea floor being exsposed to human access during this time defines that a lot of structures could be under water, such as the pryamids of japan. the sea floor exsposed to humans during or from the ice age has been continually shrinking.

So i guess ice cores do play a interesting role in looking at earth history, and probally a very accurate record at that.
This type of ice age exsplains a lot when we look at american geology, such as the formation of the grand canyon, and the coulmbian basin. which show a very god record of the exstent of ice during the ice age.

It seems that people from atlantis may have at one time had to extract water drinking water from the atmopshere, that seems to exsplain the hugh structures built in south america on the tops of mountains, and the rerason for intereseting design. so it seems that the people from atlantis had to move around abit.

I think this is where Atlantis (or some other name) was...the green area below Italy

Helena Blavatsky felt that a mid-Atlantic ridge that "horseshoed" toward India was the location of the lost continent of Atlantis that disappeared 12000 years ago.
Satalite imaging has indicated that the ridge does follow her predicted path. Science has documented that the ridge was above water as late as 12000 years ago.