Atlantis, Proof Both Ways

Nobody seems to be objecting to the concept of impacts with earth by comets or astroids. It has happened in the past and will likely happen in the future. I don't, however, know of any scientists who are suggesting that the frequency is rising. Indeed, most who study the subject agree that the frequency was much greater in the distant geologic past.

I also don't understand what your links to the popular media reports of Homo floresienses is supposed to support.

What was objected to here was the suggestion that near earth collision or actual collisions have had or can affect the earth's magnetosphere. A routine solar maximum has a far more noticeable and detrimental affect. I also object to any serious consideration of the Atlantis myth that was started by two dialogs of Plato. There is nothing beyond Plato that supports it, nor is there any reason to believe that it wasn't simply a device of Plato's to make a point. He did that frequently.
This is from the official NASA site. It doesn't talk about comets influencing it, just that the magnetism has shifted, and it will happen again.

And also, under F on this website (this is the one that I meant to post)

Interestingly enough the solar maximum is another theory. By the way I think that the curiosity of Atlantis comes from the fact that Plato was good at what he did. Plain and simple. And now that we know more (or think that we do) about the world around us, more and more things point to previously thought fiction to perhaps be truthful. i don't necessarily think that Atlantis existed in the way the Plato dolls it up. I am just open to the fact that a prehistoric culture could have existed before we normally suggest human evolution to have occured. And there are sources (such as the thin necked pottery and granite casket for lack of better terms) that suggest that Egyptians were alot more sophisticated than we believed only fifty years ago. As we learn more, more possibilities become evident.

You are a very intelligent person, SkinWalker, and it a pleasure arguing with you (doesn't really fit, but, hey, it's the truth)
The magnatism of the earth will indeed shift again. Geologic history provides us with the evidence of it. What isn't shown is that there is any deleterious effect because of it. Perhaps if we experienced a solar maximum during the point precisely between to the reversals when the the magnetosphere is at its smallest, we might find some increased incidences of skin cancers and the like.

But there's nothing in the paleontological record that indicates a threat that should be worried about. Certainly nothing on the scale of global cataclysm.

Keep reading, though. And if you run into a reference to a journal article that you don't have access to, just ask in a forum like this. Many of us have access through our universities and research facilities to pdf files of them.

Magnetic reversal is certainly a fascinating subject, but it is one that is easily subjected to much conjecture and speculation that is more often than not unwarranted (case in point: DL Rabon). I like those 'ask NASA' pages and the second link you gave is interesting as well. It provides links to news articles and forum posts (the first link I tested was to a post of my friend NileQueen -whom I haven't chatted with in some time... hope she's doing well). I'll have to peruse this one at length later.
Thank you for the kind words, and I will indeed heed them. Magnetic reversal is a very captivating subject and one that interests me greatly. i guess that we will just have to wait and see.

Have you heard of this Wingmakers thing? It is a very interesting topic and I am going to start a thread about it in the very near future, just a heads up.

I must sleep now. Recharge.
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Skin walker what really makes you think that the last magnetic pole reversal was some 700,000 years ago or even some million years ago, there is absoultly no evidence that supports that assumption.

You truly are undereducated, eh? There is a vast body of evidence to support it. Indeed, the citations I listed contain it within. Its called the geologic record. Combine the curie point of molten rock with the current magnetic state of the planet and you get your evidence. Go read a book, Rabon.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
but just to give you a assement like i have before, carbon dating only gives the condtion of the earth a time frame of 8,000 years, bases on a condtions that are not subject to erosions of the earth which undoublty cloud the entire assement of the magnetic pole reversal,

What does 'carbon dating' have to do with the discussion? And 'erosions of the earth' happen. No kidding. But there is still a very complete geologic record, mostly involving the sea floor. Go read a book, Rabon.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
A advanced society of people such as the legend of Atlantis is quite possible,

No, Rabon. Such a society is quite improbable. There's no evidence archeologically and there's a preponderance of evidence to suggest that they didn't exist -namely the very clear rise of complexity in man that *is* present in the archaeological record.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
simply because a magnetic pole reversal is silent up untill the last momments,

Again, had you actually bothered to get an education, or even read the citations I provided for you, you would see that this isn't he case. The magnetic reversal takes many years as the poles "wander" the planet and the dynamo winds down then starts back up. Its all in the geologic record.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
any society could have been caught off guard by the event.

Any society would have totally ignored the event if they didn't have compass technology.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
look at the way you and others deni it as a occurance, they laughed at Noah in the biblical story when the entire earth was destroyed,

The appeals to the ancients characteristic. A hallmark of pseudoscience.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
maybe just may be dwayne d.l.rabon is quite a lot smarter than you on the issue.

One cannot tell from this thread. It would appear that dwayne d.l.rabon is undereducated and, perhaps, undermedicated.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
I am still think about how you said the magnetic feild has no effect on life.I know that it does i wounder where you could even get the idea that a magnetic field has no effect on the growth of life forms on our planet.

Perhaps from surviving an MRI? What evidence to you have to support your claim? I also cite the lack of species extermination during the last event (780,000 years ago).

Rabon, you're a crackpot. You have no idea what you're talking about. You haven't even bothered to educate yourself on the subject since the last time I pointed it out. Instead, you deleted your post in shame last year. The geologic record is quite clear and immutable: the last pole shift occured 780,000 years ago and is often referred to as the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary.
Look Rabon, if an 'advanced' society existed on Atlantis, how come they weren't advanced enough to have any earth quake detection systems, like we have now?

Also, this 'advanced' civilisation, didn't even develop boats, let alone planes, and never went on holiday ever? See, if the United Kingdom suddenly sank beneath the waves in an instant, right now, I would die, but Brits abroad on holiday would survive. So how come NO Atlanteans survived, regrouped, and rebuilt a new advanced civilisation?

You are totally getting your ass pounded by Skinwalker on the Geology front btw, and only a few species could potentially give a rats ass about a pole reversal, migrating birds. But as it doesn't happen that fast, they wouldn't notice in their short lifespan.

Here's a relevant link;

and another;
Yay Nova link reuse from the other thread!

We have shown him all this how many times now? I've almost given up on all those generals who are overseeing his education. They are obviously not doing a good job.
Squeak22 said:
Yay Nova link reuse from the other thread!

We have shown him all this how many times now? I've almost given up on all those generals who are overseeing his education. They are obviously not doing a good job.
:D There are no generals. He's just a little kid who has developed a warped concept of everything.

I once asked him if he had been diagonsed with Asperger's because he displays many of the classic symptoms. He refused to answer. I'm convinved that's his main problem.

He has a fascination with numbers, has never once mentioned any friends, apparently doesn't go out into the world much, has home-schooling ( a firm requirement for that condition) an a very distorted view of reality. He attributes results to impossible causes, refuses to learn and will not give up his imagined doomsday predictions. Those are ALL classic indicators of someone with Asperger's Syndrome. I really DO feel sorry for him because he actually is an idiot, in layman's terms.
Hey, Dwayne, I'm planning on going to Angkor Wat soon myself. But you know, the only odd thing about the place are the mathematical ratios used to build it, and various theories abound about those, but none of them so far, have mentioned magnetic pole reversal or breeding grounds.

I think you may have taken AvP too seriously dude.

Oh, by the way, Angkor is only about a thousand years old, and as the first recorded use of lodestone as a compass was in the 4th century, and we have NO record of these lodestone compasses having recorded a pole reversal since, you are barking up the wrong tree. Well, you're barking mad, actually.
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
WOOT! A wiblle wobble dribble wobble pole Reversal a chuck puuka cakka sbuffle atlantis kerererererererereer werneerrrerevererrr aviviuvas ankor wat wibt nmmmm phhht

At least, that as much sense as it makes.
It's not confusing Dwayne, it's nonsensical. There is a difference. Confusing would be some facts I couldn't grasp. Of course, for that to happen, you'd need to present some facts.

So far all you have is 'weefle snert a loplpa bloobla pole reversal'. IE, complete bullshit with some terms chucked in. Not good enough.
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Well, frist of all i account that a magnetic pole reversal was about 8,000 years ago,


DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
and that after the last magnetic pole reversal humans needed a place where the could reproduce.


DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
You see being directly on land after a magnetic pole reversal causes a large number of mutations,


DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
for instance the human genome,or genes of humans in my calculations has been only created in the last 8,550 years.

Care to show your "calculations?" Evidence?

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
meaning that the human genetic code was rewritten starting 8,000 years ago


DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
because of the forces that cause these genetic mutations are more stronger on land than in water, life forms that immeaditaly started to travel land probally whent exstinct as there eggs and offspring would not hatch or where born still born,


DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
those that gave birth in water would have had a better chance at surivial,


DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
or those that buried there eggs in dirt had a better chance of survial.


DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
those that where born to land travelers after the magnetic reversal either had large amounts of genetic mutations or where born still born/dead.


DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
I assume that our ancestors must have lived in water and gave birth on land in mud domes.


DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Even so after a magnetic pole reversal it will not be good for humans to just walk around the land of the earth,


Rabon, you're a crack pot. You haven't demonstrated anything that even suggests that you have actually studied the subject. Indeed, it is becoming quite apparent that your nonsense is so off the hook that you cannot actually be serious. I think it is far more likely that you are a sock puppet of another member, perhaps one of the skeptics, who is simply trying to provoke arguments for his own enjoyment. Therefore, I'm simply going to ignore your silliness from here on out. I don't like sock puppets.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
WOOT! A wiblle wobble dribble wobble pole Reversal a chuck puuka cakka sbuffle atlantis kerererererererereer werneerrrerevererrr aviviuvas ankor wat wibt nmmmm phhht

i looked for this in rabon's posts but could not find it. please provide link