
I hope you enjoy your life down here in this vale of tears, Cris. Because for you, sadly, it doesn't get any better. Whether you're right... or wrong. A pretty uplifting thought, hey?

No, it doesn't. Life hurts, and one has to be strong to survive it and flourish.

Vale of tears? No fucking shit, Mike. This universe looks to be the creation of a manic-depressive. There is so much incredible beauty here, and so much suffering.

So what does one do?

One stays strong. One accepts that, no, it does not get any fucking better than this and strives to overcome.

"My mother... believed in god..." - Xev

Misses the substance of my post. I said I was not raised theistic.

"[The seeds that fell] on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away."
--- Luke 8:13
But it was I who did the testing and xtianity failed every test. It is nothing but a fantasy so there is nothing in which to take root. Delude yourself all you like but you have nothing of substance to offer me. Those who stay are the weak minded and the dreamers.

I hope you enjoy your life down here in this vale of tears, Cris. Because for you, sadly, it doesn't get any better. Whether you're right... or wrong. A pretty uplifting thought, hey?
I have absolutely no illusions about what the universe offers. It offers nothing but a challenge for us to survive. There is no promise that it will be easy or painless. But the universe is also an incredibly beautiful place and life is a precious prize that is worth every effort to preserve and to savor.

Everything I have that has value has come through effort, and often pain and definitely hard work. The xtian way is to give up everything, make no effort, and trust everything to a fantasy. And evangelists like you deliberately spread this corrupting influence and encourage others to give up their lives and to stop striving for survival. This is the evil that is religion. And xtianity is perhaps the greatest evil of them all.

As others here have indicated, xtianity teaches that man is corrupt, and has no hope, and that life has no value, in short xtianity teaches ultimate negativity.

Perhaps one of the greatest irritations I have experienced throughout my study of xtianity is the continual condescending and arrogant nature of xtians, as you have demonstrated once again in your post.

Hmm, all this talk of beauty and tears may inspire me to write a new poem. Speaking of which, some of you may enjoy my site, it's in my profile, only the poetry section is up right now though.
Originally posted by Joeman
Buhddism considers other religions as "legit". Unlike Islam or Christianity, it doesn't say it's way is the right way or the only way.

Joeman, do you know that when the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had all the idols in the mosques destroyed, he specifically instructed that a picture of Mary holding baby Jesus, to remain.

Just thought i'd share that with you.


Jan Ardena.
ha haa- I was first

Where were you that night
under the moonlit sky,
I wanted to love and dance with your tears,
but you were not near.

What was I to think to find you away;
were you a shadow or a dream of my passion,
do you love or hate or simply forget -
hurricane in my mind.

If it was a day and I knew your name,
I'd probably look to see you again,
till I find my end or forget your smile
and traces in my heart.

But all is dark and stars are there-
their light is filling up my soul;
you are not here to recall your name,
I love the stars and forget your tears.

I'll look at your page in a moment:)
Xev wrote:
Life hurts, and one has to be strong to survive it and flourish.

I agree Xev.

Xev wrote:
Vale of tears? No fucking shit, Mike. This universe looks to be the creation of a manic-depressive. There is so much incredible beauty here, and so much suffering.

The question of evil has bothered mankind forever.

Xev wrote:
So what does one do?

Of course each of us have our methods. Mine would be to take refuge in God. Yours would be... paganism, Cthulhu, ice cream... ;)

Xev wrote:
One stays strong. One accepts that, no, it does not get any fucking better than this and strives to overcome.

But Xev, the Christian has something that atheists don't seem to. Namely "hope". I don't see how an atheist can have hope for a bright tomorrow, given the fact that the world is often such a horrid place. For every beautiful thing, there is a horrible thing. Even if religion is all hogwash, at LEAST the Christian (or really any religious person) has some HOPE of a better place in the future.

That by itself almost justifies theism.

Xev wrote:
[Saying that my mother believes in God] misses the substance of my post. I said I was not raised theistic.

I realize this. So maybe I should have slipped you into the other category. The ones who were NOT raised in a religious environment. Either way, my point is made.

As adults, we often adhere to what we are exposed to as children, but NO ONE will adhere to a belief he knows for a fact, deep down, is baloney.

I didn't mean to offend you!!! If I did, I appologize.

Take care...

Cris wrote:
But it was I who did the testing and xtianity failed every test.

Christianity failed your test? Tell me something, do your students test YOU to find out what THEY know?

Geez and you call me arrogant.

Cris wrote:
It is nothing but a fantasy so there is nothing in which to take root. Delude yourself all you like but you have nothing of substance to offer me. Those who stay are the weak minded and the dreamers.

Suit yourself.

Cris wrote:
I have absolutely no illusions about what the universe offers. It offers nothing but a challenge for us to survive. There is no promise that it will be easy or painless. But the universe is also an incredibly beautiful place and life is a precious prize that is worth every effort to preserve and to savor.

See my reply to Avatar.

Niagra Falls = beauty
A crack whore single mother with 3 kids blowing her landlord for the rent = horrible.

Cris wrote:
Everything I have that has value has come through effort, and often pain and definitely hard work.

Do I have anything against that? Nooo. You think living a righteous life is easy? Heck, it was too hard for you wasn't it?

Cris wrote:
The xtian way is to give up everything, make no effort, and trust everything to a fantasy.

How painfully wrong you are. The above statement proves you know nothing about what the Bible teaches:

Read James 1:21-27. It's all about the need to have faith which produces good "works".

"Faith that does not result in good deeds is useless." -- James 2:20

If you think it is easy to live a holy life in an unholy world then you are misguided at best.

Cris wrote:
And evangelists like you deliberately spread this corrupting influence and encourage others to give up their lives and to stop striving for survival. This is the evil that is religion. And xtianity is perhaps the greatest evil of them all.

I think you may need professional help if you think Christianity is "the greatest evil of them all". Maybe you need to visit a cancer ward in a local children's hospital, or maybe an inner city morgue.

Cris wrote:
As others here have indicated, xtianity teaches that man is corrupt, and has no hope, and that life has no value, in short xtianity teaches ultimate negativity.

Really studied those scriptures eh? That is a grossly inaccurate statement. Your theology is weak, sir.

Cris wrote:
Perhaps one of the greatest irritations I have experienced throughout my study of xtianity is the continual condescending and arrogant nature of xtians, as you have demonstrated once again in your post.

Think about your job as a teacher for a moment.

Isn't it difficult NOT to sound condescending when one of your students lectures you (without respecting your experience) in regards to a subject you know more about than he does?

Well, it's similar here. You portray yourself as some kind of Biblical anti-theologian or something. Yet even the most shallow theology is misunderstood by you. Yet you're going to tell me what I believe.

It seems your unbelief is not because you know everything about Christianity, and chose to reject it, but because you choose to know NOTHING about it to begin with.

Since to you, Christians are the scourge of the planet, here's something for you to mull over... what would you do if one of your children became a Christian?

overdoze wrote:
we atheists have the minimalist and the sanest of all positions: we reject any and all religious belief.

So, those who agree with you are sane and those who don't are therefore insane. Well, at least your humble.

overdoze wrote:
That's the same thing as not having been socially conditioned at all -- having been born with no religious predisposition (as is the case universally) and having grown up with no religion being forced down our throats (which is rather a rare exception to the rule.) At least those of us to whom it applies.

If you were socially conditioned to reject the notion of God, then you were predispositioned to be atheist/agnostic. As you grew up, you sought answers. The answers to the questions that you asked determined your belief. If you had unacceptable answers from religious people, you stayed with atheism. If on the other hand, your atheist friends botched it and you found answers in God, then you would becaome a theist.

But claiming that I made no such search merely because I believe something you do not, is the height of arrogance.

I believe you atheists have made a legitimate search and most of you are convinced in your mind that you are right. That is fine. I have said this before. It is your choice. I am not castigating you for not reasoning, or not using logic, or being "crazy". NO! You are convinced. And having been convinced... so be it.

Strange isn't it? I, a Christian, just made the most polite, level-headed defense of atheism on this board I've ever seen.

Let's see if any of you have the cahones to do the same thing for for my beliefs (you open-minded people you).

overdoze wrote:
The ones that came from religious backgrounds had it tougher, of course. They had to de-condition themselves.

Or else "un-truth-ify" themselves ;) !


Christianity failed your test? Tell me something, do your students test YOU to find out what THEY know?
To any intelligent student it does not take long to tell whether a teacher is teaching anything. If a teacher cannot answer direct questions and is evasive then the teacher soon loses respect and students.

You think living a righteous life is easy? Heck, it was too hard for you wasn't it?
It is easier than dealing with reality, since you have an outlet – God will guide me, God will not let me down, etc. etc. Phrases I have heard so many times from xtians. When the going gets tough you will pray for help and hope it arrives. I.e. a dependence on a fantasy rather than working harder to solve your own problems.

Cris wrote:
The xtian way is to give up everything, make no effort, and trust everything to a fantasy.

How painfully wrong you are. The above statement proves you know nothing about what the Bible teaches:
I’m talking about the struggle for human survival not about following a set of rules to please an imaginary god.

If you think it is easy to live a holy life in an unholy world then you are misguided at best.
It is easy to believe in a fantasy than to search for reality. Your perceived struggle is a constant trial trying to resolve ancient contradictory mythology with the real world. In the end your desire is to die and be with your god – that is in essence giving up everything. The real effort is the struggle to survive when times are hard.

I think you may need professional help if you think Christianity is "the greatest evil of them all". Maybe you need to visit a cancer ward in a local children's hospital, or maybe an inner city morgue.
And xtianity provides what solutions? It doesn’t. It teaches that those dying will find a better life in heaven. It is science that solves problems, it is science that cures diseases, and it is science that helps prevent diseases. Xtians merely pray and hope, i.e. things of no practical value.

The evil is the teaching that life is temporary and that real life begins after death. The effect is to cheapen life and to give hope that the struggle in this life will soon be over and that paradise is waiting. Instead, if people were taught that death is the end then IMHO they would make a greater effort to preserve life and the thought of risking one’s life in a war would be unthinkable.

All significant religions teach an afterlife, all such religions give such false hopes. Xtianity is the worst offender because it deliberately and very actively attempts to convert others to its unfounded ideas, and present them to the gullible as truth.

Cris wrote:
As others here have indicated, xtianity teaches that man is corrupt, and has no hope, and that life has no value, in short xtianity teaches ultimate negativity.

Really studied those scriptures eh? That is a grossly inaccurate statement. Your theology is weak, sir.
Do you deny that xtianity portrays every man as sinful and that he must die? This is the primary teaching of xtianity: The entire reason why he must be saved and the entire reason for the need of a savior.

The fundamental essence of xtianity is the teaching that man is bad and must be saved. The entire conversion process rests on convincing others that they are inherently bad and corrupt and hence they need to be saved.

It looks more like you have missed the entire point of xtianity.

As a humanist I see man as inherently good and capable of solving his own problems through knowledge and understanding of the universe. I.e. I encourage and look for the positive.

Xtianity says you are bad so repent you sinner or suffer eternal torture. Very positive huh?

Isn't it difficult NOT to sound condescending when one of your students lectures you (without respecting your experience) in regards to a subject you know more about than he does?
No never. What I teach can be shown through objective proofs independent of any experience I might have. I never have a need to sound condescending. You on the other hand have no objective proofs to offer. You have no choice but to resort to condescension.

Well, it's similar here. You portray yourself as some kind of Biblical anti-theologian or something. Yet even the most shallow theology is misunderstood by you. Yet you're going to tell me what I believe.
Show me an objective proof for the existence of your god then you can rightly say you are not believing in fantasy. Until you can do that there is no way to distinguish your beliefs from fantasies and dreams.

It seems your unbelief is not because you know everything about Christianity, and chose to reject it, but because you choose to know NOTHING about it to begin with.
When a fantasy can be easily recognized there seems little point examining further details when one is looking for reality. Any scrap of evidence for the basic claims that xtianity had any substance would have ensured my continued interest.

Since to you, Christians are the scourge of the planet, here's something for you to mull over... what would you do if one of your children became a Christian?
Since my time as a xtian was most valuable I’d encourage them to enjoy the experience. If they are as rational as I suspect then I would leave it up to them to reach their own conclusions. I have not taught them to be atheists.

But you paint yourself in far too high esteem. Two thirds of the world is not xtian, and many who claim to be xtian hold those beliefs only out of tradition or upbringing. Truly devout xtians are definitely in a minority in the world.

Scourge? No, just irrelevant.

Last edited:

So, those who agree with you are sane and those who don't are therefore insane. Well, at least your humble.
Read again. He said sanest. It is a matter of degree, whereas insane is an opposite. Unless of course you consider yourself insane.

I believe you atheists have made a legitimate search and most of you are convinced in your mind that you are right. That is fine. I have said this before. It is your choice. I am not castigating you for not reasoning, or not using logic, or being "crazy". NO! You are convinced. And having been convinced... so be it.

Strange isn't it? I, a Christian, just made the most polite, level-headed defense of atheism on this board I've ever seen.
I suggest you read that again. Do you realize how utterly arrogant that sounded? And your point is agonizingly condescending.

You’ve also missed the essence of atheism again. Most atheists don’t know the answers, they don’t know they are right, and most are still searching. All we are saying is that you have not made a believable case for theism so until you do we aren’t about to believe you.

"A crack whore single mother with 3 kids blowing her landlord for the rent = horrible."

I'd have to disagree with that. I personally find that to be pretty funny.

Anyway, my parents are non-religious roman catholics who never really tried pushing religion onto me, or bothered taking me to church. I remember when I was around 4 or 5 a cousin of mine asking me if I beleived god, to which I replied "no".

However, my parents somehow deemed it necessary to send me to a catholic school. I thank them graciously for it, for nearly 12 years of closely studying christianity has shown me just how retarded religion truly is.
Let's see if any of you have the cahones to do the same thing for for my beliefs (you open-minded people you).

[bad southern accent] Ah accept, I say, Ah accept your challenge sah! [/bad southern accent]

First of all, whay do atheists write "xtianity". Are you too immature to write "Christ"?

Anywho, here goes. Ekimlaw, I have nothing against you for your religious beliefs. You have obviously looked at the information available and made your decision. Just like you say to us, "That is fine. ... It is your choice." I recognize that you must have a great deal of faith to come, as it were, to "enemy territory" and hold you own against the arguments put up against your choice.
I know some other christians online who do the same thing and get into discussions like these and i have nothing but respect. In truth, i'm surprised you even spend time in discussions like this, but i guess it's to share your beliefs with us and keep us from getting too full of hot air by reassuring ourselves all the time. ;)

how was that?:)
The question of evil has bothered mankind forever.

It is solved when one realizes that the universe is senseless because it IS senseless. Any attempt to make it sensible, to explain the suffering, is simply a human attempt to explain and control the uncontrollable.

Of course each of us have our methods. Mine would be to take refuge in God. Yours would be... paganism, Cthulhu, ice cream...

Nah, not much Paganism. Too close to Goth, and I am Industrial. *Turns nose up at angst-ridden black-lipsticked teens*

And chocolate. And booze. And Nietzsche.

Xev wrote:
One stays strong. One accepts that, no, it does not get any fucking better than this and strives to overcome.
But Xev, the Christian has something that atheists don't seem to. Namely "hope". I don't see how an atheist can have hope for a bright tomorrow, given the fact that the world is often such a horrid place. For every beautiful thing, there is a horrible thing. Even if religion is all hogwash, at LEAST the Christian (or really any religious person) has some HOPE of a better place in the future.

That by itself almost justifies theism.

I have no such hope in other worlds. I have my hope in the earth, and I have my hope in the stars. I have hope in my own power, in what I can create with my own two hands and my brain.

I accept. I learned early on that the world is not what I want it to be. Retreating into my fantasy life saved me, but I knew that I could not stay there.

No offense intended! I don't mean that you're living in a fantasy world! If it is real to you, more power to you.

But for me, it would be. I think it is this way for most athiests, and this is why your explanation does not really justify theism for everyone.

As adults, we often adhere to what we are exposed to as children, but NO ONE will adhere to a belief he knows for a fact, deep down, is baloney.

I didn't mean to offend you!!! If I did, I appologize.

Not offended at all, and didn't mean to sound that way.

As for "cojones", yes Mike, you have them. I have nothing but respect for you defending your beliefs against a majority of a minority. You are not trolling in the sense I once actually have something to say and you say it well.
Originally posted by Cris
You’ve also missed the essence of atheism again. Most atheists don’t know the answers, they don’t know they are right, and most are still searching. All we are saying is that you have not made a believable case for theism so until you do we aren’t about to believe you.


Cris, you might as well call yourself an agnostic.

Atheists gain bad publicity, since you live in a mostly religious world.
Good thread....

From a question of how atheists became atheists, to the defence of atheism.

My parents dragged my ass to church since I was a child, been brought up in a hispanic community the denomination was catholicism, as a young teen I rarely went to church, I became a christian in my late teens, but soon became a babtist in my early twenties. I quess I was searching, for answers I couldn't find.

Why did I like drugs?. What was so wrong with fornication? Why is onanism a sin?. Things of that nature. And other religious questions such as, "Why are there colored people, different races, if we only come from Adam & Eve?, Where did Able's wife come from? shit like that.

I had a nervous break down, needless to say a little too much fun with drugs, when I got out of the looney ward, I became a babtist, and went throught the babtism and accepting Jesus again in my life, no sooner that I moved from one city to another I started again with drugs, I was weak.

In my early twenties, which was twenty years ago, my life was in chaos, then I found a little Russian lady who changed my life, Ayn Rand, from a noble to another noble, to all the philosophical writings of her. I became a different person. I owe my life to Objectivism. It saved me.

Cris, you might as well call yourself an agnostic.

Atheists gain bad publicity, since you live in a mostly religious world.
We can an end up in a discussion on terminology again, which is becoming tiresome. But the common root of all atheists is disbelief. So my statement is accurate. The fact that some atheists also believe in non-existence is just a more rare occurrence.

The subject of agnosticism is far less well-defined than it appears. Weak atheism appears very much like a form of agnosticism, and I guess you are seeing agnosticism in that respect.

I think though we could just dispense with the labels. I really don’t care what I am called and I think I would prefer no label since each label comes with pre-conceptions that as I have said earlier are often incorrect.

But I’ll repeat: Common to all atheists is a disbelief in the claims made for the existence of a god or gods. This is not the same as believing that a god or gods do not exist. The difference is important and significant.

As for a mostly religious world: Perhaps. But I have observed that for the vast majority of people religion is not a significant component in their lives. In Islamic countries the story tends to be different. In the western world many believe because it is a tradition while the appearance of something more is just a perception created by a few very vocal fundamentalists. If the fundamentalists were discredited then I suspect it would not be long before religion would fade into meaninglessness.

Originally posted by Nova1021
Anywho, here goes. Ekimlaw, I have nothing against you for your religious beliefs. You have obviously looked at the information available and made your decision. Just like you say to us, "That is fine. ... It is your choice." I recognize that you must have a great deal of faith to come, as it were, to "enemy territory" and hold you own against the arguments put up against your choice.
I know some other christians online who do the same thing and get into discussions like these and i have nothing but respect. In truth, i'm surprised you even spend time in discussions like this, but i guess it's to share your beliefs with us and keep us from getting too full of hot air by reassuring ourselves all the time. ;)
how was that?:) [/B]

Hey Nova1021,

Please let me say that I really appreciate those kind and very open-minded words. You have proven with this post how polite and level-headed you are. You are able to firmly believe your views while respecting my right to believe mine (without saying that I represent "the greatest evil of all"). You must be cool.

Thank you! I enjoy debating with the friends I have here (Xev, GB Gil-Trans Global, James R) and yes, at times it is frustrating when I am told I have no capacity fort reason or logic. Anyway, as the saying goes "iron sharpens iron"!

Thanks again Nova...

Re: Good thread....

Hey Godless... sounds like you searched tenaciously for a way. I have read Rand's work. Politically speaking, I find her to be a tad on the selfish side (I am being tactful). As for her religious side (or anti-religious as the case may be) I must confess a total ignorance. I know nothing of her stance on God although I had heard that she is an atheist, which wouldn't surprise me considering the Russian view of orthodoxy.

It seems like you have lived a full life. Here's to hoping you find happiness and fulfillment, and if you already have, then I am glad for you.

