
Re: Doctor Theodore Schultz jr. wrote:

Originally posted by Gravage in reference to Theodore Schick, Jr.
Parmenides realized over 2,500 years ago that anything that involves a logical contradiction cannot exist. We know that there are no married bachelors, no square circles, and no largest number because these notions are self-contradictory. They violate the most fundamental law of logic-the law of noncontradiction-which says that nothing can both have a property and lack it at the same time. So one way to prove a universal negative is to show that the notion of a thing is inconsistent.
I agree that it can be logically proven that God does not exist. However, logical proof is not equal to empirical proof. For example, light acts both as a wave and a particle (the double slit experiment proves this). This would appear to be a logical contradiction. However, where logic and empiricism conflict, empiricism wins.

The difference between God and light is that there is empirical evidence that shows light is both a wave and a particle even though this seems logically impossible, whereas there is no empirical evidence to indicate that an illogical being such as God exists.

What environment were you raised in?

A Jewish environment.

Did you accept God blindly as a child, if yes when did you begin to question His existance.

Yes and I started questioning around 6th grade. I came to the
conclusion that 'God' was a fairly tale by eigth grade. I let my
parents believe that I was still a 'believer' until shortly after I
turned 18. Now it is very well known that I am the 'atheist' of
the family. That's why I married a protestant. lol.