Atheists turn back to God?

M*W: Atheists don't turn their backs to god. They turned around because he wasn't there anyway.
atheist with the claim of direct perception of god's non-existence???

...... interesting

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Sorry, but weren't you one claiming direct perception of gods existence?

How is that not crazy?
Sorry, but weren't you one claiming direct perception of gods existence?

How is that not crazy?

for a start its not a negative absolute

positive claims of god's non-existence requires that one has perfect knowledge of all things (omniscience) and all times (omnipresence).

Do I have to go further with the explanation?

You didn't explain it, you evaded it.

I guess it requires further explanation then ...

positive claims of god's non-existence requires that one has perfect knowledge of all things (omniscience) and all times (omnipresence).

Given the nature of human frailties, persons claiming such direct perception of god's non-existence (or make statements that rely on the same foundation) can immediately be regarded as loony.

I guess it requires further explanation then ...

positive claims of god's non-existence requires that one has perfect knowledge of all things (omniscience) and all times (omnipresence).

Given the nature of human frailties, persons claiming such direct perception of god's non-existence (or make statements that rely on the same foundation) can immediately be regarded as loony.



positive claims of god's existence requires that one has perfect knowledge of all things (omniscience) and all times (omnipresence).

Given the nature of human frailties, persons claiming such direct perception of god's existence (or make statements that rely on the same foundation) can immediately be regarded as loony.

Given the nature of human frailties, persons claiming such direct perception of god's non-existence (or make statements that rely on the same foundation) can immediately be regarded as loony.


Almost, I need to make one minor change for it make sense:

"Given the nature of human frailties, persons claiming such direct perception of god's existence (or make statements that rely on the same foundation) can immediately be regarded as loony."

Perfect. Thanks.

positive claims of god's existence requires that one has perfect knowledge of all things (omniscience) and all times (omnipresence).
no it doesn't

BG 18.55: One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of Me by such devotion, he can enter into the kingdom of God.

BG 18.56: Though engaged in all kinds of activities, My pure devotee, under My protection, reaches the eternal and imperishable abode by My grace.
Almost, I need to make one minor change for it make sense:

"Given the nature of human frailties, persons claiming such direct perception of god's existence (or make statements that rely on the same foundation) can immediately be regarded as loony."

Perfect. Thanks.

something is preventing god from revealing himself to a living entity?

no it doesn't

BG 18.55: One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of Me by such devotion, he can enter into the kingdom of God.

BG 18.56: Though engaged in all kinds of activities, My pure devotee, under My protection, reaches the eternal and imperishable abode by My grace.

There you go with your bible quotations... you really have a mind of your own do you ? :rolleyes:
Yes, its called non-existence..

so god doesn't exist because god doesn't exist.

how cute

There you go with your bible quotations... you really have a mind of your own do you ? :rolleyes:
sure I have a mind of my own
I don't however call upon it to whimsically redefine existing definitions in theism anymore then I call upon it to whimsically redefine existing definitions in science

how about you?
so god doesn't exist because god doesn't exist.

how cute

sure I have a mind of my own
I don't however call upon it to whimsically redefine existing definitions in theism anymore then I call upon it to whimsically redefine existing definitions in science

how about you?

So God exists because he exists.. how cute :bugeye:

So you let the bible think for you, you have no opinions of your own ?
So God exists because he exists.. how cute :bugeye:
no, but its a common argument put forward by atheists as the basis for god's existence

I guess it makes them feel happy with their opinions

So you let the bible think for you, you have no opinions of your own ?
meaning that I should exhibit my exclusive right of individuality by agreeing with your opinions?

no, but its a common argument put forward by atheists as the basis for god's existence

I guess it makes them feel happy with their opinions

meaning that I should exhibit my exclusive right of individuality by agreeing with your opinions?


:bugeye: I was using you style of argumentation there.

No meaning you should use you exclusive right of individuality to agree or disagree with my opinions, considering you have no evidence.