Atheists turn back to God?

no, but if I had an opinion that einstein was a doofus it would probably indicate I was more into discussing football results than physics

Right, different - not greater. Glad we agree. Next time choose your words more carefully.
Right, different - not greater. Glad we agree. Next time choose your words more carefully.

yes, there's an untapped mine in football commentary just waiting to take the lime light of philosophical discourse

hence deism represents quite a paradigm change for your average atheist

Not really, why should it? Deists start from the same conclusion you do; god exists.

For example, here's another conclusion; the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists.

Now, I go round looking for something to support my claim, anything.

The FSM exists, but you wouldn't understand that as you are but a high-school drop-out compared to my professorship in Flying Spaghetti Monster scriptures.

It's just that easy. :D
yes, there's an untapped mine in football commentary just waiting to take the lime light of philosophical discourse

I'm sorry, was there a specific argument there? Were you disagreeing with something specifically? Are you telling me that those that like football are not as great as those that like to talk philosophy?

Well lg? Any chance sometime this decade you could move beyond your absolute cowardice? It's really starting to annoy.
Not really, why should it? Deists start from the same conclusion you do; god exists.

just like an atheist, right?

For example, here's another conclusion; the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists.

Now, I go round looking for something to support my claim, anything.

The FSM exists, but you wouldn't understand that as you are but a high-school drop-out compared to my professorship in Flying Spaghetti Monster scriptures.

It's just that easy. :D
so you have a claim
now you just have to work on the process you advocate to arrive at the claim, while avoiding the classification as an atheist working from the foundation of rhetoric - good luck
I'm sorry, was there a specific argument there? Were you disagreeing with something specifically? Are you telling me that those that like football are not as great as those that like to talk philosophy?
from the POV of philosophers,yes (if its any concession, plato was a crappy fullback)

Well lg? Any chance sometime this decade you could move beyond your absolute cowardice? It's really starting to annoy.
hey, I'm just following your lead!!

When you see death approaching it is enough to make you shit your pants.
Shit your pants? Yeah.
Have a complete psychological meltdown? No.

Meh. The guy had a near-death experience. In other words, a delusional dream sequence. Everyone interprets such things in various ways. He interpreted it as reality rather than what a truly was: a dream. Probably the result of losing sufficient oxygen to the brain.
do you think a society that understood football (in its current social context) to be the summit of philosophical presentations would be "great"?
Since when does "interest in" equate to "understanding it to be the summit of philosophical presentations"!
do you think a society that understood football (in its current social context) to be the summit of philosophical presentations would be "great"?
Depends. You talking about European Football/Soccer or American Football?
When an imbecile coincides disbelief in the absurd with rampant materialism, so as to equate his unsubstantiated, dependence on a phantasm, with nobility or spiritual superiority, it's a sure sign that this retard is suffering from an existential complex having to do with his fear of death and the unknown.

In short::shrug: he's a moron.
since you didn't read how the topic was arrived at
I did.
So I'll repeat what I said:
Since when does "interest in" equate to "understanding it to be the summit of philosophical presentations"?

Now maybe you'll deign to answer the question in a manner more befitting a sensible conversation?
When an imbecile coincides disbelief in the absurd with rampant materialism, so as to equate his unsubstantiated, dependence on a phantasm, with nobility or spiritual superiority, it's a sure sign that this retard is suffering from an existential complex having to do with his fear of death and the unknown.

In short::shrug: he's a moron.

more delights from the king of tentative arguments

Great in what respect?
try wearing Argentinian colors amongst of Chilean supporters and get back to us with the details

I did.
So I'll repeat what I said:
Since when does "interest in" equate to "understanding it to be the summit of philosophical presentations"?

Now maybe you'll deign to answer the question in a manner more befitting a sensible conversation?
I have no idea what you are talking about