Atheists turn back to God?

No, really, where? :shrug:

BG 9.4 By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.

BG 9.5 And yet everything that is created does not rest in Me. Behold My mystic opulence! Although I am the maintainer of all living entities and although I am everywhere, I am not a part of this cosmic manifestation, for My Self is the very source of creation.

etc etc
Look, if I wanted to read scriptures, I could have done that myself.

The question was posed at YOU. Are you unable to answer?
pick up a scripture to answer some question you have about god?

..... I doubt it

I did that originally but for some reason you thought I was making it up or something

Your problem is that you hold your scriptures as unquestionable truths that can serve as proof on your behalve. :bugeye:
Your problem is that you hold your scriptures as unquestionable truths that can serve as proof on your behalve. :bugeye:

Q asked where god is
I told him

If he had asked how does one perceive god, I would have directed him to normative descriptions in scripture
Q asked where god is
I told him

If he had asked how does one perceive god, I would have directed him to normative descriptions in scripture

No, you didnt tell him. You only refered him to some chewed-out passage from the bible, which only theists hold for true. How is this any proof for an atheist ? :crazy:

Have you found your evidence yet ? Keep trying...
Geeser made a good point (directed at LG) in another thread:
what your doing is a logical fallacy, called a generic fallacy you cant use the same source to verify itself, what extra-sources do you have to verify your beliefs.
I know the answer is none, so do go away and get an education you've been on these boards, for some time now unfortunately, but you've learnt nothing.

Q asked where god is
I told him

No, you lied, you said he was everywhere. If he was, I would have found him.
electrons are also quite easy to come across - if you have the proper qualifications for perceiving them that is .....

If he had asked how does one perceive god, I would have directed him to normative descriptions in scripture

Yet, another source devoid of answers.
so in other words if god exists there is no qualification for perceiving him (despite the contrary being established in scripture)?

Q asked where god is
I told him

If he had asked how does one perceive god, I would have directed him to normative descriptions in scripture

No, you didnt tell him. You only refered him to some chewed-out passage from the bible, which only theists hold for true. How is this any proof for an atheist
once again
Q did not ask for proof

Have you found your evidence yet ? Keep trying...
Have you found out how knowledge can be ascertained by one bereft of qualification? Keep trying ....
Have you found out how knowledge can be ascertained by one bereft of qualification? Keep trying ....

I dont have to, and im not planning to. You go believe your fantasy, see if i care... :shrug:
It almost like you need confirmation for your believe... why else would you be pushing the kind of questions you are..:rolleyes:
Q asked where god is
I told him

If he had asked how does one perceive god, I would have directed him to normative descriptions in scripture
do you really understand english LG, is english your first language.
only you dont seem to understand what normative actually means.
shall I rewrite you statement, so you can understand how it errs.
"If he had asked how does one perceive god, I would have directed him to assumptive descriptions in scripture."do you understand where you err now.
so you could not have possibilly helped Q, with that kind of statement could you.
you need to think first and write after, LG.
I dont have to, and im not planning to. You go believe your fantasy, see if i care... :shrug:
It almost like you need confirmation for your believe... why else would you be pushing the kind of questions you are..:rolleyes:
whatever, but if there are claims of something and also claims of how to perceive it, its not clear why you reject both the process without having come in contact with either (only in terms of religious knowledge of course)
do you really understand english LG, is english your first language.
only you dont seem to understand what normative actually means.
shall I rewrite you statement, so you can understand how it errs.
"If he had asked how does one perceive god, I would have directed him to assumptive descriptions in scripture."do you understand where you err now.
so you could not have possibilly helped Q, with that kind of statement could you.
you need to think first and write after, LG.
thats why we have dictionaries

nor·ma·tive / Ñ 'nO;mJtIv; NAmE Ñ 'nO;rm-/ adjective(formal) describing or setting standards or rules of behaviour:
a normative approach
