Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

So we can choose to do things that god didn't plan? To wreck the plan? To make choices god didn't know about beforehand?

Then stay out of thread since the discussion isn't about what will be.

You don't even know about the plan, how can you judge it? If I make it about what will be, it will be about what will be.
Ah, if only you were smart enough to understand how smart I actually am.
Like you have an eidetic memory...

Either there's a plan by god or there isn't a plan.
If there IS a plan then either we're doing what god intended or we aren't.
If we aren't then god isn't all-powerful and crap at planning to boot (i.e. not omniscient either), therefore he's not god.

Assumption. God might get bored of planning after a couple billion years. Regardless not following his plan does not make a direct leap to God's nonexistence.
I'm not judging it.
And you aren't answering questions.
Why is that?, I wonder.

Ah, so you're trying to derail the thread?

Ah so your still twisting my words, and still trying to discredit me as a last resort. You were never in this fight my friend. You know not what you are talking about, anyone who listens to your word is lost. This is my stance. If you have questions go ahead and list them here, and now. I will answer anything.
Ah so your still twisting my words, and still trying to discredit me as a last resort.
Please point out where I have twisted your words or retract the accusation.

You were never in this fight my friend. You know not what you are talking about, anyone who listens to your word is lost. This is my stance.
A false one.

If you have questions go ahead and list them here, and now. I will answer anything.
Okay, question 1: why haven't you answered my previous questions?
For example, these -
So we can choose to do things that god didn't plan? To wreck the plan? To make choices god didn't know about beforehand?
Please point out where I have twisted your words or retract the accusation.

A false one.

Okay, question 1: why haven't you answered my previous questions?
For example, these -
So we can choose to do things that god didn't plan? To wreck the plan? To make choices god didn't know about beforehand?

I have answered your questions, the answers are above your head.
Either support your argument or shut up.
Your word alone is worth nothing.

maybe if you ignore him, he will go away?

he needs to grow up, before he can contribute intelligent arguments..all he is doing is parroting others(pry his parents) it sounds like he has given no thought to what he has been taught, he needs to grow up a bit before he can intelligently scrutinize his own beliefs.

it should speak to something as i usually defend theists..
but his posts are so random..that i cannot find anything to defend..
@ Knowldege91:

Still waiting:
Please point out where I have twisted your words or retract the accusation.

Or are you just going to let this lie stand?
well if you missed it I guess it isn't true.
Who said it was? :shrug:
Edit: your conclusion doesn't follow from the premise.

No plan doesn't mean no God. I don't see why you attempted to make the assumption.
Please quote the post where you think I made (or attempted to make) that assumption. Maybe you should continue your reading lessons before posting again.
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Either there's a plan by god or there isn't a plan.
If there IS a plan then either we're doing what god intended or we aren't.
If we aren't then god isn't all-powerful and crap at planning to boot (i.e. not omniscient either), therefore he's not god.

Here you equate omniscience with planning, and say our choice negates his godlyhood.
@NietzcheHimself --

No plan doesn't mean no God. I don't see why you attempted to make the assumption.

No plan means no observable or detectable intervention which necessarily means that god is irrelevant. So no plans means that while there may be a god it doesn't really matter whether there is or isn't, do you really want to go down that path?
Here you equate omniscience with planning
Yes, as I thought. Back to school for you. Fail.
IF there is a plan and we aren't doing what was planned THEN god is not omniscient. Since his plan was obviously flawed.

and say our choice negates his godlyhood.
If we can go (have gone) against god's plans then how "godly" is he? He's certainly not omniscient (as shown above) and he's also not omnipotent (since he can't stop/ hasn't stopped us).

Define "godlyness" for me if it doesn't include one or the other (or both) of the above, please.