Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

IF there is a plan and we aren't doing what was planned THEN god is not omniscient. Since his plan was obviously flawed.
If there is a plan Why do you think it involves us?

If we can go (have gone) against god's plans then how "godly" is he?
Godly enough not to care.
He's certainly not omniscient (as shown above) and he's also not omnipotent (since he can't stop/ hasn't stopped us).
Got it... He doesn't have a statistical balance of all your possible moves because he doesn't set your undies out for you after the shower and update your calendar everyday.

God is everything. Assuming that there is more potential than everything holds is insanity. Why you don't immediately accept omnipotence exists and assert it to something more physical is beyond me...

You say hasn't stopped us... Last I checked we die and the universe keeps turning.
If there is a plan Why do you think it involves us?
Try reading the topic. The plan, in this case, is about us.

Godly enough not to care.
Ah, yet another attribute you're disputing. But that still doesn't answer the dilemma.

Got it... He doesn't have a statistical balance of all your possible moves because he doesn't set your undies out for you after the shower and update your calendar everyday.
Oops, failure to grasp what is being talked about.

God is everything. Assuming that there is more potential than everything holds is insanity. Why you don't immediately accept omnipotence exists and assert it to something more physical is beyond me...
Word salad.

You say hasn't stopped us... Last I checked we die and the universe keeps turning.
I wonder, do you ever address the point under discussion, or do you have disease that makes you wander off-topic?
#NietzcheHimself --

If there is a plan Why do you think it involves us?

We exist, therefore we must be at least a part of the plan for the universe, albeit a very small part.

Godly enough not to care.

Citation needed

Got it... He doesn't have a statistical balance of all your possible moves because he doesn't set your undies out for you after the shower and update your calendar everyday.

Actually this is exactly right. If he doesn't know exactly what I'm going to do at every second of my life regardless of any complications then he isn't omniscient by definition. If he doesn't know these things then christians, regardless of creed, can't attribute god with omniscience. End of story.

God is everything.

Merely assertion, nothing more. Until you provide evidence supporting this claim, it will remain nothing but pure assertion.

Last I checked we die and the universe keeps turning.

The most parsimonious way to interpret this is that our lives have no meaning outside of what we give them. Of course, if you'd rather give credence to your personal beliefs and ignore all of the evidence, then be my guest to formulate whatever belief you want.
IF there is a plan and we aren't doing what was planned THEN god is not omniscient. Since his plan was obviously flawed.
<still makes your point without the 'fail' comment..>
lots of IFs...
as you would is supposition as to any Plan..

so.. IF there is no plan,THEN God is omniscient?

If we can go (have gone) against god's plans then how "godly" is he? He's certainly not omniscient (as shown above) and he's also not omnipotent (since he can't stop/ hasn't stopped us).
'can't' is way different than 'hasn't'
one speaks of inability and the other speaks of choice.
Actually this is exactly right. If he doesn't know exactly what I'm going to do at every second of my life regardless of any complications then he isn't omniscient by definition. If he doesn't know these things then christians, regardless of creed, can't attribute god with omniscience. End of story.

Why do you assume god has a conscious?

Merely assertion, nothing more. Until you provide evidence supporting this claim, it will remain nothing but pure assertion.
Sure let me go gather all matter in the universe, then I'll let you name it instead of some ancient apes. That will solve whatever underlying delimma humans have with with the basic understanding of eachother.

What beliefs?
so.. IF there is no plan,THEN God is omniscient?
Different question altogether. :D
If there's no plan then god could be omniscient, but it's not a necessity.

'can't' is way different than 'hasn't'
one speaks of inability and the other speaks of choice.
If we're not going according to plan and his plan was (by definition, since it's god's plan) perfect (up until we wrecked it) then why wouldn't he fix it?
We are going against his plan, making god wrong, shouldn't he stop us?

To get round this you'd have to introduce some reason god allows his plans to be messed with, some reason he allows evil (that he hasn't planned) and all the other things that are wrong (and unplanned). I.e. this isn't an argument that god allows evil because it's part of the plan (which, again, is a different question).
@NM --

<still makes your point without the 'fail' comment..>
lots of IFs...
as you would is supposition as to any Plan..

Actually only one "if"? If god has a plan then the rest follows as a logical consequence of the premise.

so.. IF there is no plan,THEN God is omniscient?

Not quite. If God has a a plan and God is omnipotent then there is no free will. It's really not that hard to figure out.
Because that's the one that was selected by the theist thread starter. Because that's the one with the claimed attributes under discussion. :rolleyes:

Are they the only ones you persicute?
Persecute? Maybe you need a dictionary. Correction, there's no "maybe" about it: at the very least it'd help you to spell correctly. And then you could look up the definition.
Because that's the one that was selected by the theist thread starter.
Do you honestly believe the ignorance of the thread starter for not throwing in a Torah quote excuses your own ignorance and misconceptions about god? Specifically how you formulate your assertions that there is no God? Or how you take criticisms...

Persecute? Maybe you need a dictionary.

Why? Did I use it incorrectly or just spell it wrong?
No, sorry. The plan is about good and evil
Really? And your evidence for this is...?

Blah blah blah. Complete debauchery on your part. You don't know what were talking about.
Please, either get a dictionary or stop using words with more than three letters in them. Debauchery? :rolleyes:
And get someone to read posts out to you and explain them. Otherwise you'll keep making mistakes like this.
Omniscience has nothing to do with god doing things for me (or anyone else).

Still waiting, by the way:
Please point out where I have twisted your words or retract the accusation.
Unless you consider lying to be acceptable, of course.
He says God doesn't exist because he isn't there, but I assure you not only is he there but he is everywhere.
Do you honestly believe the ignorance of the thread starter for not throwing in a Torah quote excuses your own ignorance and misconceptions about god?
Do you honestly believe that makes any difference? The god under discussion is the Christian god of the bible. End of story. If the Op (or anyone else) wanted discuss a different god then they're free to do so.
Please, highlight my "ignorance and misconceptions about god". I'm all ears.
Go ahead. (But keep it on-topic and stick to the Christian god of the bible).

Specifically how you formulate your assertions that there is no God?
Please find a post of mine where I assert this.

Or how you take criticisms...

Why? Did I use it incorrectly or just spell it wrong?
Both. One of which, at least, should have been evident from the fact I spelt it a different way.
Do you honestly believe that makes any difference. The god under discussion is the Christian god of the bible. End of story. If the Op (or anyone else) wanted discuss a different god then they're free to do so.
Please, highlight my "ignorance and misconceptions about god". I'm all ears.
Go ahead. (But keep it on-topic and stick to the Christian god of the bible).

Please find a post of mine where I assert this.


Both. One of which, at least, should have been evident from the fact I spelt it a different way.

Why are we disgusting a Christian god? There is no such thing.
Another lie.

Followed by two suppositions. Neither of which have evidence.

The evidence you seek... You can not handle it. What do I see in you? A very smart man who thinks he has all the answers.. Maybe you do, but you must understand neither you nor I can prove God, or disprove him. I can assure you that if you find faith you would be a welcomed addition to the Kingdom of Heaven, if you can not then... well...

If God wanted to be proved, he would prove himself.