Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God,
holds other people in contempt.

People put themselves into contempt.

Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God,
there is in that man no spirit of compromise.

If God tells you something you have no need to compromise.

He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature;
he has the arrogance of theological certainty and the tyranny born of ignorant assurance.

Wrong, and wrong.

Believing himself to be the slave of God,
he imitates his master,
and of all tyrants,
the worst is a slave in power."

What, huh, who, what?

--Robert Ingersoll

Who is this Ingersoll guy? He sounds like he has no idea what he's talking about.
Man is meant to stand beside man. Not in front or behind another. We are all brothers under the skin and should recognize that fact.

Shit is the way it is because MAN made it this way. God does nothing to change the course of our existence. We are who we are, and we end up were we will.

Note instead how man learns and is more of a natural sheeple than other animals.

God did not make us into sheeple, for Gods sake he gave us free will.
So it's not part of the plan.

Make your mind up.

You have no idea what the outcome is, I do, it is all part of the plan. You live in the present. I live in the past present and future. I am were I am, and I am were I am going. Listen for the trumpet at my funeral, but burry me not, no grave will hold my soul. Leave me in the street so man can see what he has done. Pay witness as God takes his faith from the world. You can hope for a better tomorrow, but hope is a lady, and with me she stays for all eternity. Good will prevail over evil, let that evil be brought into the light. I am the epitome, by the will of God my word is gold, trust me not, ask God, hear it for yourself.
You have no idea what the outcome is, I do
No you don't.

it is all part of the plan
Really? So why did you say:
Originally Posted by Knowledge91
He didn't intend for it to be this way

I live in the past present and future
No you don't.

I am were I am, and I am were I am going. Listen for the trumpet at my funeral, but burry me not, no grave will hold my soul. Leave me in the street so man can see what he has done. Pay witness as God takes his faith from the world. You can hope for a better tomorrow, but hope is a lady, and with me she stays for all eternity. Good will prevail over evil, let that evil be brought into the light. I am the epitome, by the will of God my word is gold, trust me not, ask God, hear it for yourself.
Just a little heads-up for you. Inane, meaningless drivel doesn't do anything to help your case.
So you can't actually answer this and have to resort to obfuscation?
I expected as much, given that you can't follow simple logic.
What. Are. You. Talking. About?
It's quite simple, but apparently over your head:
You made a claim.
I queried it.
You made a different (and opposite) claim.
I queried that.
You avoided providing an answer and resorted to nonsensical claims (I'm in over my head).

Either our condition is part of the plan (in which case it's exactly what god intended) or it's not part of the plan and god isn't the smart-alec he's claimed to be.
But aren't you doing the same thing, implying you are "a favorite with God"?
Where did I imply or say such a thing?
Doesn't sound like something I would say.

You did say:

My concern and why I am here is to further moral thinking and correct those I think need it.

This suggests that you consider yourself to be moral and correct, and that you have the ability and right to judge who isn't and to correct them.

I think this is quite a bold claim to make about oneself - basically declaring oneself to be God's agent.
We are closer perhaps in that way.
Calling myself a Gnostic Christian naturalist basically means that I belong, if I can use that term, to a church and religion consisting of one member.
I urge others to do the same.

Man is meant to stand beside man. Not in front or behind another. We are all brothers under the skin and should recognize that fact.
The only reason some will elevate some other is just the recognition of how man learns. We learn from each other and just elevate each other as a sign of respect. Unfortunately, this form of instinctual mimicry has been recognized by religions forever and they have used it against us instead of for us.

As long as we use language, such as for talking or reading, we are bound to other people.

I don't think that a solitary religiousness is realistic or viable, and I don't think it is the solution to the problems we encounter in gregarious religiousness.

Not so much about religions. In a way, they are just acting naturally.
Note instead how man learns and is more of a natural sheeple than other animals.

It is quite hard I think for us to think out of the box.

I agree, in many ways, animals seem a lot more self-sufficient than humans.

There may be cultural differences too, though.
I wonder about the results of that test if it was performed with human children from indigenous tribes, from the Roma or low-caste Hindus, for example.
You believers just don't get Knowledge91.

He has his own agenda.
Just seeing him tells you what that is.

